Cushings, pcos, hypothyroidism

Anyone have these? I have all 3. Making weight loss hard.


  • jaewow
    jaewow Posts: 18 Member
    I have PCOS and I can't imagine how hard it is to loss weight with all 3 of those. Just do your best to be healthy and if the scale doesn't move know that your taking care of yourself.
  • amynicole83
    amynicole83 Posts: 19 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and when I got on meds I lost fast and was so excited to not be sleeping in any spare time! I am about 10+ years older now and just have a hard time keeping it off. I am determined now to do it. I apologize I am not sure about the other but we can do this!
  • ALMOSTkickedpcos
    ALMOSTkickedpcos Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all! I recently found mfp and it is totally amazing :blush:
    I myself, suffers from PCOS but has overcome it now. It does require a lot extra push to lose. This one here, I wrote, it might be helpful :)
  • knichole288
    knichole288 Posts: 6 Member
    I have hypothyroidism which bounces between an overactive thyroid as well. The first step with weight loss and these conditions is controlling your condition with medication. Until your levels are at a stable number for YOU, and not some "one size fits all" TSH, you will have a difficult time. So that is step one. It may also shock you to know that even with our disease, it usually only accounts for a small amount of weight gain- no more than 15 pounds or so can be passed to your thyroid. However, very thing else that comes along with it, such as being overly exhausted, moody, depressed, anxious, joint pain can make our lives and motivation very different. I have found that I am very carb sensitive and consuming to many equals more of a weight gain for me or hinders my efforts. Please add me if you want to talk- there is hope regardless and when you want something bad enough it will happen. It may take us 10 times more effort than someone with a normally functioning thyroid, but it can be done!
  • agreigjs
    agreigjs Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to the community side of things, lol.
    I have a pituitary macroadenoma, PCOS low thyroid & being tested on monday for cushings.
    I've been going to the gym 5x a week & eating a vegetarian diet and have put on weight. I currently weight 128.8kg.
    I saw a new endocrinologist yesterday and he sent me for tests as well as giving me a super strict special diet to follow so I guess I'll see how it all goes.