Need help with weight? Intermediate fasting is the answer!!!

amiel621 Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2015 in Health and Weight Loss


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    It's an answer, not the answer. It works great for some people but others would hate it.

    Congrats on finding something that works for you, though!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    No not really. Maybe for some people. Not for everyone.
    Judging from your profile, you do not even know if it is the answer to you yet. Hope it helps you :)
  • suzwriter
    suzwriter Posts: 8 Member
    I assume you mean intermittent fasting. Agree that it is 'an' answer not 'the' answer - works for some, not for others. If it works for you, then that's great.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Is intermediate fasting slightly more complicated than simple fasting, but not quite at the level of professional fasting?
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Is intermediate fasting slightly more complicated than simple fasting, but not quite at the level of professional fasting?

    Yes. I'm hoping to find some sponsors soon so I can go pro. I made this sick demo vid. of me not eating. I'm just sitting there, totally not consuming food. So awesome.

    Also made a Powerpoint illustrating my time windows of eating and not-eating binary states, which rotate through a cycle of five different patterns. Gonna audition for a TEDx talk. Gonna go for a Kickstarter and a Patreon. Totally pro. Watch out.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating
    No it isn't. You're eating the same amount of calories each week as you would if you were doing a daily deficit, you're just choosing how you allocate those calories differently. I do 5:2, so I eat at maintenance (not binging) 5 days a week. Because I'm still losing, I eat at a deficit (500 calories) 2 days a week. My weekly deficit is still the same as when I ate 7 days a week below maintenance. You don't know what you're talking about.
    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    Five days a week, I am eating normally, managing my calories, and exercising. Maybe actually read up about intermittent fasting before spouting off nonsense about it. No, it isn't for everyone. No, it isn't "the" answer. But yes, it's another way of being in a caloric deficit and it works for a lot of people.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I like Intermittent Fast because if fits with what I do anyway. My first meal of the day is at 6:00 P.M. Then I have a smaller meal before I go to bed.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Love it when someone sings the praises of something and calls it by the wrong name.

    While I love Intermittent Fasting, it isn't for everyone. There is no "THE" answer that encompasses all people when it comes to this.

    Also to the person that called IF a binge disorder, you should do some research first. You would have looked less uneducated had u too called it by the wrong name.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Is intermediate fasting slightly more complicated than simple fasting, but not quite at the level of professional fasting?

    Yes. I'm hoping to find some sponsors soon so I can go pro. I made this sick demo vid. of me not eating. I'm just sitting there, totally not consuming food. So awesome.

    Also made a Powerpoint illustrating my time windows of eating and not-eating binary states, which rotate through a cycle of five different patterns. Gonna audition for a TEDx talk. Gonna go for a Kickstarter and a Patreon. Totally pro. Watch out.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.
  • cclayton171
    cclayton171 Posts: 3 Member
    Woops totally put that in the wrong spot. LOOK UP THE BOOK "Eat Stop Eat" by Brad Pilon . Quick read that will answer your questions on if it's for you.

    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.

  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.

    -According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-Text Revision), disordered eating is defined as "a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that do not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder."-

    Rigid food restriction to certain days or windows eg X hrs, which is what intermittent fasting is, IS in fact considered one of the many signs or habits of disordered eating patterns even though it doesn't rise to the level or severity of a clinical eating disorder. The fact that it's generally accepted, popular and 'works', doesn't change this fact.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.

    -According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-Text Revision), disordered eating is defined as "a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that do not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder."-

    Rigid food restriction to certain days or windows eg X hrs, which is what intermittent fasting is, IS in fact considered one of the many signs or habits of disordered eating patterns even though it doesn't rise to the level or severity of a clinical eating disorder. The fact that it's generally accepted, popular and 'works', doesn't change this fact.

    Are you going by the signs in that article?

    - Chronic yo-yo dieting
    - Frequent weight fluctuations
    - Extremely rigid and unhealthy food and exercise regime
    - Feelings of guilt and shame when unable to maintain food and exercise habits
    - Pre-occupation with food, body and exercise that causes distress and has a negative impact on quality of life
    - Compulsive or emotionally-driven eating
    - Use of compensatory measures, such as exercise, food restriction, fasting and even purging or laxative use to "make up for" food consumed

    Which one of those are you saying it falls into? Or were you referring to a different part of the article? I mean, if you're going to say it's disordered because it's an 'irregular eating behavior', then plenty of people say that calorie counting and weighing foods is pretty irregular...
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.

    -According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-Text Revision), disordered eating is defined as "a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that do not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder."-

    Rigid food restriction to certain days or windows eg X hrs, which is what intermittent fasting is, IS in fact considered one of the many signs or habits of disordered eating patterns even though it doesn't rise to the level or severity of a clinical eating disorder. The fact that it's generally accepted, popular and 'works', doesn't change this fact.

    IF is not an eating disorder. Can it lead to one? Yes. But so can counting calories.

    Also, just because an abnormal eating window (for you, not for others) can be a sign of disordered habits, doesn't mean it's actually disordered. I could say my toe is numb in the middle of summer and say I have frostbite because numbing of the toe is a sign of frostbite. Doesn't mean I actually have frostbite though.

    I also take issue with "a wide range of irregular eating behaviors". Not everyone eats at the same times. What may be irregular for you may not be irregular for someone else. Perhaps you do everything during the day, but another works nightshifts and sleeps through the day. It would be considered irregular for you to eat at say, midnight, but for them, that's lunch time. The perception of irregular is therefor skewed.

    I don't personally practice IF. But to call it an ED or disordered is flat out wrong.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?

  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member

    rybo wrote: »
    Love it when someone sings the praises of something and calls it by the wrong name.

    While I love Intermittent Fasting, it isn't for everyone. There is no "THE" answer that encompasses all people when it comes to this.

    Also to the person that called IF a binge disorder, you should do some research first. You would have looked less uneducated had u too called it by the wrong name.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Intermittent fasting=Starve/Binge cycle=Disordered eating

    How about just eating normally, managing calories and getting off one's butt and exercising?
    IF does not qualify as Disordered.

    No matter what someone does, someone else will say it is "disordered." People seem to think this word is like "clean" or "moderation" where everyone gets to make up their own definitions. It's not.

    IF doesn't exclude exercise, either. Like anything else, one can choose to exercise or not.

    -According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-Text Revision), disordered eating is defined as "a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that do not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder."-

    Rigid food restriction to certain days or windows eg X hrs, which is what intermittent fasting is, IS in fact considered one of the many signs or habits of disordered eating patterns even though it doesn't rise to the level or severity of a clinical eating disorder. The fact that it's generally accepted, popular and 'works', doesn't change this fact.

    I restrict my eating to hours that I'm awake. By that definition, I have an ED.

    IOW: Derp, with quite a bit of Herp.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member