Confused about the exercise cal/minutes counting on this sit

How do they measure weeks? It looks like my 'weekly goal' number never changes even if I add exercises?


  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    your weekly exercise goal and calories go off what you originally put when you made your profile. Like when I signed up I put that I wanted to workout 5 days/week for 45 mins/day, so unless you change your profile goals it'll stay the same as what you have listed for your workouts. =) hope that helps some.. I'm not always good at explaining things lol.
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Your weekly goal will not change. The weekly goal is what the system says you should do based on your goals. What is changing is the weekly total, that is what you have actually done. I haven't figured out yet what how the weeks run on here. Not sure if it is Sun-Sat or Mon-Sun. I forget to check to see when it actually restarts.
  • alishathiel
    your accumulated burned calories and minutes of exercise are to the left of the hash mark your goals are to the right. I've never noticed which day it resets but my guess is Monday.