Does anyone else not tell people that you're trying to lose weight?



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited October 2015
    I've told my husband and child what I am doing but no one else. It has been almost a year now and I am about halfway to my goal weight.
    I think I really didn't tell anyone initially because I've been trying to lose weight for 15 years. I've talked about it before. I wasn't confident and didn't feel like other people would believe I could do this either. I didn't want to publically fail again. Since I haven't made big dietary changes and don't spend hours exercising there isn't much for anyone to notice and comment on anyway.
    I've found I don't need support or input from family or friends. I get what I need from the message board or MFP friends.
  • GeckoSupervisor
    GeckoSupervisor Posts: 12 Member
    I haven't made any big news about it. My mom, husband, best friend, and in-laws know about it because I am an open book with all of them. But I am not going to announce it or talk about it on facebook, or otherwise make it public because I am scared of scrutiny - I don't really want people looking at me and expecting changes, or looking at what I eat. Actually I am still scared enough of scrutiny that I even keep my journal on here private still (I'll open up when I feel more confident - still working on that).
    Pretty much the "worst" comments I have received are people telling me "You don't need to lose weight, don't worry about it." And I guess this is true - I am still within a healthy BMI range, so we're not talking about an urgent health need just yet. I can't deny that I am definitely doing this for cosmetic reasons, but the bigger reason is that I think my metabolism is starting to slow down. That is, I noticed that now that I am in my late 20's, I gain weight when I eat like I did when I was 16. After gaining around 15 lbs that way over the last few years, I decided it was time for a lifestyle change before things got way out of control. Because I have very real reasons for wanting to make this lifestyle change, though, it bothers me when people tell me not to do it, even though I realize they are trying to be reassuring.
  • bearondiet
    bearondiet Posts: 53 Member
    Yeah, it can be a bother. I've told everyone though.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think I understand where you're coming from quite a bit. I'm also the type to wanna do just the opposite when people tell me what I *should* do. Even when I was clearly 100+ lb overweight, I would only tell friends I was trying to be more active, eat more veggies, etc. I refused to engage in things like workplace "Biggest Loser" and even now, having lost a very large amount of weight and gotten within my goal range, I cringe at the idea of posting before/after shots and so on. I've done it a few times. But it kind of bugs me. I am proud of my progress but there's a big part of me that finds those things embarrassing or unseemly.
  • lvhuse
    lvhuse Posts: 18 Member
    This is such an interesting thread. I'd actually never thought about it. But this time around (you know how that goes), I really haven't said much of anything to anyone. My husband and I have discussed that we need to get healthier and I have mentioned that I need to get my health back on track following three years of grad school. But otherwise, the word "diet" has not been uttered. I'm usually the first one to blab this sort of thing on FB, because social support is *supposed* to be so important. But I'm finding that I just need it to be part of life and not a big production for everyone to watch. I guess we'll see, but I feel pretty positive about this just being my thing.
  • ohmyllama
    ohmyllama Posts: 161 Member
    My parents, s/o, and grandparents know. That's because I feel like if I tell them, then I'll stick to it. But... it can be annoying at the same time. My s/o in particular. He means so well, but I end up feeling like a little kid who's being told what and what not to eat.

    But... anyone else? Nope. The way I see it, it's nobodies business.
  • SpecialKH
    SpecialKH Posts: 70 Member
    edited October 2015
    I ventured on my weight loss journey when my BP was high for the first time and I really felt bad about how I looked and uncomfortable bending, moving, etc. I did tell everyone - friends, family and coworkers - but I must say all of these people were supportive type and not nosy. Some of these stories have me aghast!

    Now, on FB, I have only posted updates on my C25K workouts but I'm sure people are getting tired of them! But all of those are about accountability. I don't want anyone see me post the first 4 weeks and then nothing so it pushes me to complete each week. Same with lifestyle - coworkers see me grab my gym bag and change at work at the end of the day so they know I'm working out. It's more convenient (and private!) but it's also my way of staying accountable.

    The downside? They never ask me to lunch anymore! I always have my lunch pre-planned and packed and seldom venture out so I can avoid temptation.
  • tayloralanj
    tayloralanj Posts: 137 Member
    It's more fun when their comments are unsolicited, like, "are you losing weight?", "have you lost weight?", or my favorite, "what did you do with the rest of you?"
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Yah the last time around I kept it to myself but my reason for this was because I had previously lost and gained it all back many times. People were very skeptical of my weight loss attempts and it was embarrassing to admit I was doing it again especially when I wasn't confident that this time would be any different than every other time. That was 3 years and 100lbs ago; I finally kept it off!
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Once before when I was attempting to lose weight I talked about it with coworkers BIG mistake. Every time I would eat something that wasn't a "diet" food I would get a look or be asked is that apart of your diet? Needless to say weight loss was unsuccessful for me. This time I am working on this in silence I've briefly mentioned it to one coworker, only once but no one else and I don't discuss it. I'll let my work show for itself this time around.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I think people kind of know that I'm trying to lose weight, but I'm not really talking about it and I'm not being "very obvious" about it. And if someone asks me, I actually lie and say no. (I drink protein powder at work, but since I'm a vegetarian I use that as an excuse, and some people do know that I'm lifting for rehab.)

    I don't want anyone to know, pretty much for the same reasons as you -- I don't want the comments or questions when I eat something they think I shouldn't ("because it's bad for you! lots of sugar! you shouldn't have chocolate!!!") or being far more aware of how quickly/slowly I'm losing the weight. This is mainly people at work, but I also have friends I've not been "open" about it with, because I don't want that in my life right now.

    Even the people I live with who see me using the food scale a lot don't actually know that I'm weighing everything to log it; they usually only see me using it when I make my smoothies and then I use the excuse of needing to make sure I get the right balance of ingredients, because whenever I measure by eye I end up with too much spinach.

    Maybe I will be more open about it when I've lost more and you can really tell.
  • MakingMyDreamsComeTrue2015
    I tell very few people (my fiancé, my mom and my accountability gym partner)
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    When I started using MFP to lose weight, I only told a very few people who were very close to me. When other people started noticing my loss, there were a lot of comments (and some speculation about how I was doing it, especially from co-workers) but I never confirmed or denied anything. The only thing I say is that I have worked my *kitten* off (literally) and I have changed my lifestyle. There are no pills or quick fixes. My co-workers see me bring my breakfast lunch and healthy snacks everyday and they see me walk during my lunch hour. They see on my social media how I have started participating in 5k's. They hear about how I had to buy smaller size pants because the ones I have been wearing are falling off me. But they still don't "get it" and I don't feel any obligation to explain myself further. I watch some of them eat fast food every single day (sometimes for breakfast and lunch) and they complain about how they need to "do something". So far, I've lost 77 pounds. I am 8 pounds from my halfway point and I feel fabulous. I have so much more energy and I am enjoying life for the first time!!
  • redperphexion
    redperphexion Posts: 193 Member
    Yep, I've only told my husband, and mentioned it to my sister. I also have an accountability buddy on MFP. This takes the fear of failure out of the equation. I feel more confident without the judgmental input, staring at what I'm eating, comments, etc., and I'm doing great. Much better than other times when I've publicly announced my goal and had the "help" of others.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I've been at this for a little over 2 years now and am pretty close to maintaining. I told a few people and then just waited for others to notice............I do talk about the gym though, because I love it. I don't act like I'm dieting because I still eat mostly what I want, just a little less.

    Most people have been pretty supportive overall once they realized I was shrinking. I am starting to get the "you've lost enough" comments now though which are also annoying...........sheesh.

    Last year at Christmas my sister didn't send me any of her Christmas cookies and told me it was because I couldn't eat them anymore...........LOL
  • tanyamclattenburg
    tanyamclattenburg Posts: 51 Member
    All my co-workers know and do comment on the loss. But when I have something from the canteen, no comments are made. I think it's a little different for me because 75% of my co-workers are personal trainers since I work in a fitness facility.

    I get more comments like "you walking outside today or going upstairs to the gym" or "need a hand, come see me". That sort of thing.
  • LegalMom0928
    LegalMom0928 Posts: 46 Member
    I haven't really told anyone, with the exception of my husband. For me it is really a psychological thing. I am a lifelong habitual yo-yo dieter. And if I tell people, then when I fall off the wagon, I have this awful guilt/shame thing I go through. Its so unhealthy! So, this time around, I've decided to take baby steps, keep my ultimate goal in mind, and keep my trap shut. I know that I will struggle and some days will be better than others. I'm learning to accept that.

    Thankfully, my husband is extremely supportive and gives me all the encouragement I need. He helps me stay motivated and focused, but in a healthy, non-self-fat-shaming kind of way. But, I think it would be much more difficult to go it alone. Its good to have support, even if its just one person or your MFP "friends."

    I did happen to mention it to a co-worker today, in the course of another conversation, and they mentioned that they could see a difference. Which felt great! Except that they also said I was "... getting a little...(wide eyed, puffy cheek, fat face here) before..." which stung. But I know its true. That's why I'm here! So, I'll take it as a healthy dose of motivation, accept the well intended, albeit poorly stated compliment, and be proud of what I've accomplished so far!
  • Remilia_Scarlet
    Remilia_Scarlet Posts: 55 Member
    I'm much smaller than the rest of my friends, so I generally don't mention trying to lose weight. They already poke me and say that I'm too skinny. I'm not, really; but I'm so much shorter than them that I guess they don't realize what a difference a few pounds can make.
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    I mean I dont go around advertising it. Kind of like I dont go around telling people i like the same sex or what my religeon is.
    Its really no ones buisness and i feel like people knowing does more harm than none.
    If someone asks ill tell then but i usually keep ot to myself