How did you get your job?



  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Current manager was my manager at Company A
    Company A laid off my manager
    Manager gets a new job at Company B
    Company B then recuits most of my managers original staff away from Company A
    Company A is left without a qualified engineering staff
    Company A files for Chapter 11
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I got desperate after being unemployed in my field for months and got turned down for a job I was perfect for and told I already had been selected for in favor of the uneducated or experienced cousin of the organizations vice president, that I went to suway and filled out an application ommiting my high school, associates and bachelors degree, and all previous work experience, and got called the same day.
    And now I am paying for it by being punished by the teen age managers for bringing it to the owners attention that my paycheck was less than the amount of hours I worked, and questioning the legality of several other practices, silly me. But it is very hard to find a job in a town with an unemplyment rate over 50%
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    It's easy to get hired by the Marines. They WANT you. After my service my experience in the military got me my current job when I used a recruiting firm.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    I graduated from College April 2010.
    I studied Media Production Communications in college and landed a media logging position/highlight clipping (entry level position) a few months right out of college. My fiance grew up in the town we live in, I started him a FB page and the facebook page linked him to old friends. One of the old friends was currently in Duplication for THE PGA TOUR! He saw that I was interested in media production and I called the right people, and nagged them until I got an interview.
    I have played golf competitively my whole life so this is my dream job/company!!!

    I called the President/manager of the company scored an interview and got the job within a few weeks. As you can see I am a vry stubborn/motivated person!! Just recently in May 2011, I got a promotion to Assistant Director and Production assistant for the International team at the PGA TOUR entertainment (production company for the tour)!! I now created teasers/recaps/features for our international clients AND I work the EIF (enhanced international feed) show for our international clients!!

    I LOVE MY JOB!! its wonderful so fulfilling and fast paced!! I AM SOOOOO BLESSED.
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    Told my hubby after I quit my job last year that I was done working for the man and my new job was to work on me and take care of the house...He's is always clean and theres always food on the table..Love my "new" job.. :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I worked for a competitor who was losing a contract to my eventual new company (who I previously worked for four years earlier). I told my eventual boss that they would be stupid for not bringing me on with the new contract, showed them what I could do, gave them impeccable references, and then held them hostage for a $10K bump in pay and a car allowance.

    I am one negotiating muthafu**a...

    Been here six years and am getting ready to start a new service line for Honda of America (one of my company's biggest customers) is good, the hours are lousy, and I live in a hotel...but I kick *kitten* at it!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Told my hubby after I quit my job last year that I was done working for the man and my new job was to work on me and take care of the house...He's is always clean and theres always food on the table..Love my "new" job.. :)

    I want your job. LOL
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Worked for a pharmaceutical manufacturer because I knew someone in the facilities department who got me an interview. I had the requisite experience because I was a maintenance guy for a gym for several years, a job that I got from a family member hookup.

    Pharma manufacturer had a vendor who i worked with daily for 2 years. eventually figured out the vendor was a better fit both personally and professionally. Had impressed said vendor enough over the 2 years that I was hired on the spot with no interview. that was nearly 3 years ago, and I love working for one of the largest engineering firms in the world. My old employer is still one of our biggest customers, and i'm responsible for much of that account. I am happy because i get to do stuff that I'm good regardless of the fact that I don't have a degree, and am paid well. =)
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    I had spent about a year looking for a job, applying places and never getting the interview. I finally decided I was destined to stay in my job that I didn't enjoy. About this time my husband finally told me I had put off going to the eye doctor long enough, so he made an appointment for me. I showed up, saw a job posting at the receptionist's desk. I asked about it. I went home and applied online right away. I didn't get a call about it until a month later because I guess they had been too swamped to start interviews. I went in for an interview after my shift one day, and left with an appointment to get drug tested. I was hired a week later. Now I'm the technician giving those prelim eye tests ;) Sometimes it really does all come together when you stop looking for it.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Got mine by blood, sweat, and tears. Since I don't play well with others I started my own company. Best decision EVAH!

    I consult with other business and non-profits about increasing their business through the use of social media and a well crafted website. I also create websites and kick *kitten* with SEO. When my husband's company closed down and laid everyone off he came on board full time. With him I was able to add in copyediting & copywriting.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I read in the newspaper that they were building and opening a new store in my area. Decided I was going to go ahead and apply.

    Went to the hiring place, filled out my application and they interviewed me that day. Went back the next day and was offered the job. Been with them for 5 yrs. There's a lot of bad stuff floating around about this company (it's a HUGE retailer). I can tell you that as far as retail goes - in this area - it's the best.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Told my hubby after I quit my job last year that I was done working for the man and my new job was to work on me and take care of the house...He's is always clean and theres always food on the table..Love my "new" job.. :)

    I did this job for 10 yrs when my kids were little. :)
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    well, i'd like to say "long story, short", but it's not. i won't, however, bore you with the long details of how i knew my boss previous to him becoming it. anyway, i was on "maternity leave" with my last baby and i reeeeeaaaallly hated my job. my friend, who used to work for my boss, texted me saying, "too bad you're not a dental assistant because ours just walked out on us." i replied with, "i'm a quick learner." she said, "he said to get your scrubs on and get your a** over here." i was like, "you're kidding, right?" she answered, "um, no. he's serious. he's stuck and needs someone." the rest is history. i threw on a pair of scrubs (i worked in the medical field for several years so i had a closet full) and drove over there. mind you, i had NOT ONE TINY BIT OF EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER in the dental field. i totally winged it. sucked out that saliva like a pro (well, a pro who accidentally 50 times nearly sucked down someone's tongue & tonsils). i went back one more day and decided i liked it. i pretty much told him to hire me so i could quit my stupid job - and he did. i got on-the-job training with him, and got my radiology certification. i thought it would be weird working for someone i knew, but it's just the opposite. and i really love the other two girls who work there - NO drama like there was at my previous job working with 24 other females. YUCK!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I was young and I needed the money...
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    oh, and i also sell avon, so if anyone needs a new rep, i'd love to be it:)
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Told my hubby after I quit my job last year that I was done working for the man and my new job was to work on me and take care of the house...He's is always clean and theres always food on the table..Love my "new" job.. :)

    You have the best job in the world as far as I'm concerned. I wish I had kept that job many years ago. At the time, "housewives" were looked down on and considered lazy leaches. I caved to societies pressure and joined the work force as soon as I got the kids in school. I wish now I had kept taking care of my family and home.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I was laid off from a job I hated. Right before my unemployment ran out, my boyfriend's buddy called and needed someone to do the books for his company. I was perfect fit. I've been there two years and I love it.
  • blynnarnold
    blynnarnold Posts: 31 Member
    I moved back to Baltimore after living in Richmond for 2 years. I applied to every ad I found. Eventually, my current job called me (Full Charge Bookkeeper). I went in for the interview, then a second interview, took an aptitude test and beat out about 6 other people. I later learned that I the other applicants had much more experience that I did but I guess he saw something in me that he liked. I wouldn't say it's the job of my dreams but its up there. Its a small company - only 5 of us - so it's very "family" like. I make the best salary I've ever had and the job comes with many perks. My insurance is paid for 100%, a free membership to both Costco and BJ's, he buys us lunch all the time, and has even given us $100 each a few times to go to the casino with "just cause". I've been there for close to 2 years now and am so blessed to have gotten this job.
  • flgirlsteph
    flgirlsteph Posts: 125 Member
    Got pregnant lol im a stay at home mom
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I started my job as an architectural intern while still in college. Been working there ever since.