hey moms...

are there any mamas out there who have had that post pregnancy flab (tummy area) but have got it flattened out (even if its not perfect)? Can I see before and after pics?

and no offence but I don't mean those who just popped out a kid and started working out.
i had my daughter 4 years ago, and my son 1.5 years ago, and im just feeling depressed that my post preggo flab will always be there because even though im only 21, i let myself go and havent been really TRYING to get my pre baby body back. i dont want to hate my body forever. And i cant afford any surgery.


  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Same situation for me my oldest will be 4 in 17 days and my youngest is 2. 11 pounds from my goal weight but the belly is my problem too!!
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    bump! i wanna know too. i have a 9yo and my baby will be 3 in August and the belly just wont go away :(
  • thumper14p
    Hey I am new to this site. But I feel your pain. I have a 6 yr old who I recovered from very well as I was 19. I still had the belly and could never get rid of it. I had twins 9 months ago and I am sure I will never get rid of that. I cannot even get 5 hrs of straight sleep never mind trying to loose it. I hope to get mine going now that the weather is better and I can actually go out and walk with my kids. I was told doing a lot of cardio will tighten it up and if you look online there is a fruit that can tighten it too apprently. I wish you the best in your weight loss adventures.
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61
    There are plenty of mommies out there who have gotten a flat tummy back, but there's no guarantee that you will. What we end up with depends on our age, our weight gain/loss history, how much weight was gained during pregnancy, and skin elasticity. My plan, which I think it both realistic and reasonable, is to get down to my goal weight and take a set of pictures, then maintain my weight for a year and do a comparison. If things are still looking like a deflated balloon and I haven't seen adequate improvement, I'll get myself a plastics consult. I guess what I'm saying here is before/afters might give you some sense of hope and inspiration, but don't let it get into your head that you've done something wrong if yours doesn't work out the same way.
  • AllisonWBaker
    My youngest is 4 1/2 and after having three kids, 2 by c-section, and keeping 15 extra pounds from each, I had a bit of a belly - especially the little pooch right above my c-section scar. I had a flat stomach before the kids and I was dying to get it back! I've only been at this for a short time and have only lost 26 lbs so far (of a 55 lb goal), but my stomach is almost flat already! I attribute it mainly to the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. I love it and have seen major changes in my body in only 2 weeks - and it's only 27 minutes a day (which I supplement with an additional 30-60 minutes of cardio). Good luck!!!
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    My youngest is 4 1/2 and after having three kids, 2 by c-section, and keeping 15 extra pounds from each, I had a bit of a belly - especially the little pooch right above my c-section scar. I had a flat stomach before the kids and I was dying to get it back! I've only been at this for a short time and have only lost 26 lbs so far (of a 55 lb goal), but my stomach is almost flat already! I attribute it mainly to the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. I love it and have seen major changes in my body in only 2 weeks - and it's only 27 minutes a day (which I supplement with an additional 30-60 minutes of cardio). Good luck!!!
    MAN! I have to get this DVD back out! I have it, I've just been too lazy because its HARD! But I know losing the belly wont be easy. I have to just suck it up and do it!
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    I had two kids via c-section... I am just starting out so I have a full on flabby belly still. But my partner and I started the 30 day shred 8 days ago. I just finished level 1 day 8 about 1/2 an hour ago... it is tough... but my partner pushes me to do it everyday! I want to see results so I know that I need to do it. I just watched level 2 to get a feel for it... OH MAN! That is gonna suck!!!! But I bet it will help me lose some of this weight!! I think the trick is to just combine strength with cardio... and do it frequiently.
  • kellygamage2011
    kellygamage2011 Posts: 9 Member
    Sometimes it is not about your weight or the amount of exercise you do. Apparently, 1/3 of women who have given birth have seperation of the abdominal muscles that can only be solved by surgery to rejoin them. Something to check with your doc?
  • ryandylan
    ryandylan Posts: 62
    I have a 4 year old & a 2 year old....my 2 year old was 10lbs 6oz when he was born, so my stomach is SHOT!!!! i'm trying to talk my hubby into letting me get a tummy tuck if I lose 30 pounds ;)
  • AllisonWBaker
    I have a 4 year old & a 2 year old....my 2 year old was 10lbs 6oz when he was born, so my stomach is SHOT!!!! i'm trying to talk my hubby into letting me get a tummy tuck if I lose 30 pounds ;)

    My two youngest were both 10 lbs - big babies are awesome but kill your body!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member

    These are my before and after, my youngest was 6months old in the first pic. My kids are about 18months apart so there was zero work in between the two of the. Its not perfect but Im pretty happy with the difference
  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    I with ya', sister. I had my daughter almost 8 years ago, naturally at 18, and bounced right back. I had stretch marks, but my tummy went back to being mostly flat. I had my son 3 years ago, via c-section and NOTHING came back. It's like this weird poochy flap thing. If you find the answer to this question, TELL ME. I'd love a tummy tuck, but that's just not in the finances, ya' know? I'm hoping if I can just lose the weight, I can tie the lose skin into a fashionable bow or something.
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    I had a c section with my first, then surgery immediately after that resulted in another scar from tummy button to c section scar - then - had another little girl and another c section but this scar is 1 cm below the original - so my stomach is not pretty!

    Now that I'm losing the weight, the c section apron (lovely! - although better than "old mans *kitten* sack" which is how I read it being described recently - lmao!) has gotton more noticable - but the sagging is gross (sorry if this is TMI!)

    I'm trying out Nip + Fab Tummy Fix - not for the inch loss it claims to give (think that might be rubbish) but have read claims that it improves the crepe look and texture of the skin making it firmer - so why not! I have taken a before picture and am 3 days into it - they reckon it takes 6 weeks to see the results (about one tube - so thats alright!)

    If anyone is interested, I shall keep you all updated on the latest miracle cream ;)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I went from 155lb to 215lb during pregnancy. I only got the belly to go away completely when i got down to 135lbs. It took a year and a half to get there. Stretch marks faded but dont disappear. i dont have pics of the belly from that time i was hiding behind moo-moos and sweaters.
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