Low carb diet - metformin interfernce (im not diabetic)

Hi I have started a low carb, high fat diet. Taking metformin 1000mg everyday for treating PCOS. Not diabetic. 27 years old. Please let me know will metformin rule out weight loss from low carbs


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Talk to your dr. If your dr prescribed a low carb diet, follow the plan. If this is something you decided on your own, discuss with your dr if meds might need adjustment.
  • rizateena
    rizateena Posts: 12 Member
    Doc prescribed Metformin. But I have planned to start Low carb diet as I see many success stories
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You need to talk to your dr again then, you might need to adjust how much metfmormin you take. Metformin is not supposed to cause hypoglycemia, but still the right dosage also depends on your diet plan.
  • rizateena
    rizateena Posts: 12 Member
    Will check! Thanks for the quick reply
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Here is a link to the main low carb (keto) group in MFP. I suggest you re-post your question there as there are lots of knowledgeable members some of whom may have experienced the same issues / worries you are.
