Low carb high fat diet help

Anyone following LCHF Diet
I have hypothyroidism and take 50 mg thyronorm
Any success stories on this diet or is this not healthy :neutral:


  • capybara101
    capybara101 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been doing "keto" for two months and I've lost 15lbs, my skin is super smooth, my hair has grown and has shine to it, I'm full of energy and get to eat bacon, cheese, cream and yummy green veggies every day, along with "keto friendly" desserts. Do it. It'll change your life. You'll lose those 50lbs very quickly. Yes, it is a very healthy diet, full of real foods (unprocessed) with no sugar causing blood spikes. Head over to the r/keto Reddit (Google Keto Reddit) and read the success stories. It'll be tough at first but you'll get used to it. I eat 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% fat, but sometimes rock this up a bit by eating more fat, which leads to more weight loss. Friend me if you need support!
  • rizateena
    rizateena Posts: 12 Member
    thanks for ur reply, what are the fats u eat. I feel skeptical about eating fats though
  • capybara101
    capybara101 Posts: 12 Member
    I did, too, after so many years believing low fat was good for you. Taking the plunge was hard... Less so when I lost a pound of water weight over night and that loss just kept going. I eat cheese, bacon, nuts, coconut oil, butter, cream, meat, green veggies, salad, mayonnaise, etc. Try it for two weeks. What's the harm? You won't go back!

    Fat does not make you fat. Too much sugar, which is found in processed foods and carbohydrates (the body converts carbs to glucose) cannot be metabolised by the body quickly enough and shuffles it off to be used later, I.e stored as fat. Low fat products are made to taste good because the fat is replaced by sugar.

    I was so scared to try this diet. I'd been low calorie for a long time, eating porridge with low fat yoghurt, lots of fruit and veg, rice - anything with a low calorie profile. I lost some weight. But then it stopped and I reduced my calories even lower. I found I could only maintain my weight on 500 calories/day. I thought I had a thyroid imbalance and was about to go to the doctor, but decided to try keto for a week. Within a week I was eating 1,500 calories a day and losing weight.

    I'd recommend watching the Fed Up documentary, googling keto and jumping in. The "obesity epidemic" has only been apparent since low fat foods reached the shelves. Before then, we were eating meat, butter, cheese, unprocessed foods and very few people were overweight.

    Your body, after a few days, will realise there's no more glucose coming in. No carbs = no sugar = no glucose. It has a back-up plan, which is to start breaking down your fat stores. Your body will adapt to see fat as fuel. After a week or so, you'll find you'll feel full after a coffee with cream or coconut oil in it. It's weird and sounds implausible, but it works.

    You'll see a large weight loss in the first few days because your liver will run out of glucose and your body will start chucking out water. You'll pee a lot! You'll lose maybe 5lbs in the first few days. You'll also feel *kitten*. You'll be craving carbs and you'll think I'm an idiot ;) it's called "keto flu" and lasts around three days. Avoid it by eating lots of salt and taking magnesium/potassium supplements. Chicken broth with cream helps too. After that, you'll feel a surge of energy and your appetite will significantly decrease. You'll just naturally eat less.

    Try it. Try it! I can't stress enough how much healthier it is for you and how much better you'll feel. Also, do your research - don't just believe me, go and read up on it. Find out what you can and can't eat. Join the keto Reddit community and post questions/read posts. You can do it and you won't look back.
  • rizateena
    rizateena Posts: 12 Member
    wow thanks, u are a life saver! :smiley: I just needed that now
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Here's a link to the main low carb (keto) group in MFP. I know there are some in the group like yourself who have hypothyroidism. Hope to see you on the boards soon:
