New old chubby mom

I'm a new mom (for the second time. other one is 6). I'm 35 (hence the 'old' part). Chubby would be because I've GAINED weight since having her. WTH?! Not fair. I am not an excellent eater or exerciser but I am not terrible! I know what the terms veggies and cardio mean. I walk at least 3 times a week. my home office is downstairs so I'm up and down stairs all day. I garden. etc... you get the point. but still. I gained. I'm sad. I need fitnesspal friends who are in similar situations to read and motivate me.


  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi! I also have a 6 yr old (girl) and 6 month old baby girl!! I am 33 yr old SAH momma. I gained 45lbs with 1st one and almost 40lbs with 2nd.....did I mention 35lbs the 1st yr of wedded bliss also? LOL!! So I let myself go but this site is awesome and so far has helped me immensly!! Please add me and we can motivate each other!!
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Not in the same situation but I am a mom again at 46, my son was just adopted this year, and he is 4 now. He is the reason I feel the desire to lose this weight. I am determined to lose this weight and if you want a friend that is on here daily and can help motivate you can add me.
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    Be sure to have your thryoid checked. Very very common to develop thryroid issues post partum. Something like 1 in 10 women do.
  • akofender
    akofender Posts: 6 Member
    I know how you feel. I am 37 and after my second child the weight did not come off. With my first child it came off in a few months with no exercise at all. Unfortunately and unfairly the older we get the harder it is to get the pounds off. Don't be discouraged. Try increasing your cardio, I have found that a mix of cardio (getting my heart rate up at intervals) and strength training has made a big difference for me. What I tried before just wasn't doing it any more.

    You can do it!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member

    You are Not old!!:drinker:
  • acrathbun
    acrathbun Posts: 5
    I couldn't imagine having an infant again (I'm 37) but I CAN remember how exhausted I was when my kids were tiny. And I was pretty darn skinny then!

    I'm new here & would love to make some friends - maybe we can motivate each other :)

    (And ditto on the thyroid thing.)
  • wannabe7
    wannabe7 Posts: 3
    Ya, I hear you on the 'can't imagine having an infant' thing... :) Love her dearly, but 3:00 a.m.??? No. Not since I saw my 20's and it involved beer. I actually had my thyroid (and electrolytes, and hgb, and sugar) tested TODAY! Mainly why I thought to log back on. Doctor said I probably eat more than I think I do and "you are getting older and need to watch it more" or something like that...grrr... Thank YOU for requesting me! I'll do my best not to annoy. haha.