First real hurdle

Hey everyone,

I'm down 20 something pounds since 8/22. I've done great. However, today? The first time since 8/22 that I want to eat. I have some white cheddar popcorn in my cabinet and I just want some. Ugh. I was hoping that I conquered all these cravings. I guess I'll go to bed early. I don't want to unravel my efforts, but I'm afraid that I'm going to say to heck with it if I never let myself relax!!

I'm on 1200 calories a day. Which is SO HARD lately. What are you doing? Do you ever let yourself have a break? The only problem with all of this is, is my lack of flexibility.

Please help!

- Heather


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I eat enough calories to run my body in the long term, which is more than 1200. Do you eat back your exercise calories?

    Eating closer to what you need for the day will help you find balance, rather than facing such an ardent struggle.

    There is nothing wrong with white cheddar popcorn. It has fiber, for example. I wouldn't suggest it be a staple of your diet, but there is no reason not to have some once in awhile.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited October 2015
    I don't take breaks. Once a year, I visit someone who doesn't need to know why I have flipped my diet, so I eat some junk that week. That's it.

    However, what I do isn't necessarily right for you. Maybe you can overeat today and undereat tomorrow? Or just overeat today and then get back on the horse tomorrow? Give it some thought. You'll make the right choice! :)
  • HeatherElizabethWarren
    I try to keep it UNDER 1200 calories no matter what. Exercise or not. My workout days are Monday, Wednesday, and Weekends. So I *might* maybe go 1250 a 1300, but not often. Just trying to find balance.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I try to keep it UNDER 1200 calories no matter what.

    Then you are definitely undereating. I am a little surprised that it took you two months to hit a wall.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Keeping it under 1200 is not healthy in the long term, especially if you are not eating your exercise calories back. If you are logging your exercise through MFP start eating 50-75% back ( MFP tends to exaggerate burns).

    Going over one day to have popcorn will not hurt your weight loss long term. You may just lose a tiny fraction of a pound less this week. It would take 3500 cal of popcorn to put on a pound.
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    Sounds like you are making it way harder than it has to be. If you can still lose a reasonable amount of weight each week AND eat a little more/indulge occasionally/fuel your workoutd better, why would you deprive yourself?
  • HeatherElizabethWarren
    I went back and looked at my diary. In the past month, I've gone over 1300 only once. Over 1200 7 times. The most I've eaten in a day was 1500, and it was at a wedding, I kind of doubt I even ate that, I just couldn't weigh or measure, so I over estimated. I am just so happy with my progress I don't want to screw it up, but I want to learn how to live this way, and not go back to binging.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    edited October 2015
    I try to keep it UNDER 1200 calories no matter what. Exercise or not. My workout days are Monday, Wednesday, and Weekends. So I *might* maybe go 1250 a 1300, but not often. Just trying to find balance.

    Why are you holding yourself to such a low number? You're probably not even eating at your BMR which is flat out not good for your health, weight loss aside.

    If you want some popcorn then have it. Out of all the snacks you could crave that isn't a bad one! What's the worse that will happen? Maybe you'll have a slight water gain from the salt (that will fall back off).
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited October 2015
    I went back and looked at my diary. In the past month, I've gone over 1300 only once. Over 1200 7 times. The most I've eaten in a day was 1500, and it was at a wedding, I kind of doubt I even ate that, I just couldn't weigh or measure, so I over estimated. I am just so happy with my progress I don't want to screw it up, but I want to learn how to live this way, and not go back to binging.

    Hate to break it to you, but this isn't a sustainable diet long term by the sounds of it. Not so much in regard to your current intake, which may or may not be bordering into unhealthy (assuming your calorie count is correct and food is being weighed), but your hang up on "messing up" by eating popcorn is not good. This is a lifestyle change, not a "diet." So to deprive yourself of food you want from time to time is most likely going to end in a binge. Not saying it will, but this complaint is not a new one around here, and that's typically what people admit to doing after depriving themselves for too long. Life is short. Enjoy your popcorn, even if it means measuring out a serving and closing the bag immediately (exactly what I do).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    1200 is your base and you earn more through exercise. MFP is designed with the deficit built in. If you want to learn sustainability, don't over restrict yourself.
  • HeatherElizabethWarren
    Thanks everyone. Maybe ill got measure out a cup and a half of that popcorn and try to allow myself some breathing room. I really am trying to make this a lifestyle change, and not an exercise in torture. I've just failed so many times, I feel like allowing myself a treat is allowing the animal out of the zoo. Does this make sense? I just want to get this off of me for good! Be healthy and happy!
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Thanks everyone. Maybe ill got measure out a cup and a half of that popcorn and try to allow myself some breathing room. I really am trying to make this a lifestyle change, and not an exercise in torture. I've just failed so many times, I feel like allowing myself a treat is allowing the animal out of the zoo. Does this make sense? I just want to get this off of me for good! Be healthy and happy!

    Then make this a test for yourself. Eat the popcorn to show yourself that you can do it and it won't hurt you. I'm having to do that with myself to be honest. I have a little ice cream every night, and in a's just to prove to myself that I CAN have it and still reach my goals. I used to restrict a lot too, and I know it never ends well so I'm working on it daily.
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited October 2015
    This isn't a treat or binge because on average, you aren't consuming enough. You claim that you want to be healthy but under eating isn't healthy. When you under eat, your then cannibalizing muscle; including your heart. This will lead to heart failure, a failing heart; isn't a healthy heart!
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    Just a few days ago I was moaning about The SAME THING. The hunger came on hard and fast, which made me fear that I would eat a ton of food and throw in the towel. I've been doing this for long enough that I should've recognized the pattern (for myself).

    It was hormonal, and I gave myself permission to eat but promised myself I'd return to "normal" the next day. And eat I did! I hit 2000 calories for the first time in 8 months. I eat 1200 and exercise religiously - and stupidly try to eat none back. Well, I ate 2000 and gained 2.8 lbs overnight. Next day I felt AWESOME, worked out with energy I haven't had in MONTHS, resumed normal eating with no problem - and two days later (today) I'm back to just about where I was. Based on my weight tonight, by the AM I will be below where I was - a new low weight.

    My body NEEDED food. This tool is powerful, but I have to exercise caution to not go completely OCD and eat too little. My advice: listen to your body. You may be in need of food.

    I'm in this for the long haul, which means I'm going to have some full eating days. I'm already planning for turkey day. I have been for months!!!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    1200 calories is hard to do long term. That is why I tell people the hardest month is actually the second month. The first month you're all excited, you're dropping weight quickly but then by the second month eating so few calories starts to catch up to you. Extreme restriction is not a sustainable weight loss plan. You've got to be feeling that by now. Maybe up the calories a little bit so you can have some of the foods you enjoy. I do 5 days a week of 1200-1300 and two days a week of 2000. That allows me to have Popcorn, Pizza, the foods that I enjoy and I can do that every week. I've lost 63 pounds since April and it's been painless. Your diet shouldn't be a form of torture. It needs to be something you can do for the long haul.
  • ddavenport63
    ddavenport63 Posts: 74 Member
    i also agree that 1200 is just too low to sustain. i am on 1440 a day plus any extra i accumalate from excersize but i try not to eat the extra, in general im finding it fairly easy to stick to ,however it is good to know that if u have a bad day then its not the end of the world ! i have lost 9 kilos (im in australia ) in 4 months and im happy with that as i still have another 30 or more to lose !!! you have to have a treat sometimes otherwise you will feel totally deprived and that will cause you to give in altogether. good luck
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Jmgkamp wrote: »
    Just a few days ago I was moaning about The SAME THING. The hunger came on hard and fast, which made me fear that I would eat a ton of food and throw in the towel. I've been doing this for long enough that I should've recognized the pattern (for myself).

    It was hormonal, and I gave myself permission to eat but promised myself I'd return to "normal" the next day. And eat I did! I hit 2000 calories for the first time in 8 months. I eat 1200 and exercise religiously - and stupidly try to eat none back. Well, I ate 2000 and gained 2.8 lbs overnight. Next day I felt AWESOME, worked out with energy I haven't had in MONTHS, resumed normal eating with no problem - and two days later (today) I'm back to just about where I was. Based on my weight tonight, by the AM I will be below where I was - a new low weight.

    My body NEEDED food. This tool is powerful, but I have to exercise caution to not go completely OCD and eat too little. My advice: listen to your body. You may be in need of food.

    I'm in this for the long haul, which means I'm going to have some full eating days. I'm already planning for turkey day. I have been for months!!!

    Well done!!
  • trenikamccoy1
    trenikamccoy1 Posts: 12 Member
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    1200 calories is hard to do long term. That is why I tell people the hardest month is actually the second month. The first month you're all excited, you're dropping weight quickly but then by the second month eating so few calories starts to catch up to you. Extreme restriction is not a sustainable weight loss plan. You've got to be feeling that by now. Maybe up the calories a little bit so you can have some of the foods you enjoy. I do 5 days a week of 1200-1300 and two days a week of 2000. That allows me to have Popcorn, Pizza, the foods that I enjoy and I can do that every week. I've lost 63 pounds since April and it's been painless. Your diet shouldn't be a form of torture. It needs to be something you can do for the long haul.

    love the idea of not eating the same amount of calories each day