30 Day crunch!

chloe2020 Posts: 10
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Morning all!

I just wanted to put a post up to see if anyone else will be starting the 30 Day Crunch any time soon? I have just received mine and will be starting on Monday (This gives me time to get some weights and a tape measure for measurement as well as weight records)

If anyone else is starting it soon maybe we can compare losses at the end?

I watched the DVD through yesterday, even though part 1 looks pretty simple I have no doubt it will kill me until I'm use to it. But I am looking forward to been able to feel the difference!



  • i have two more days and i will have completed it, but im gonna do it again right after i finish, and just increase the weights that i use this next time....part 2 is the toughest cardio wise, and part 3 is the toughest muscle strain wise , if that makes any sense
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    What is this 30 day crunch? Never heard of it! Can you tell me some more info :) Thanks
  • chloe2020
    chloe2020 Posts: 10
    i have two more days and i will have completed it, but im gonna do it again right after i finish, and just increase the weights that i use this next time....part 2 is the toughest cardio wise, and part 3 is the toughest muscle strain wise , if that makes any sense

    That does make sense :)

    How did you find it, have you seen a difference? I'm hoping if I work my socks off I will see a difference the first time I do it. I'm like you I think, I'm going to do it twice too. May have a little break in between though.

  • chloe2020
    chloe2020 Posts: 10
    What is this 30 day crunch? Never heard of it! Can you tell me some more info :) Thanks

    this is the 30 day shred http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/11755166/Jillian-Michaels-30-Day-Shred/Product.html?searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&searchstring=30+day+crunch&urlrefer=search

    I have seen a lot of people on here have fab results so I'm hoping if I keep to this and doing my other exercises too I will start to see and feel a difference! :)
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Oh I see, I have 30 days shred, got bored with it after maybe a week :) too much cardio, I hate to jump around same thing happend to me with Ripped in 30. I am doing KettleWorx right now. Unfortunately I am a person who can't stick with one workout for long as I get bored fast therefore I am doing always different things( Brazil butt lift, P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, slim in 6 , Walking off the pounds Leslie Sansone, Kettleworx, JM's No more trouble zone, 30 days shred, ripped in 30, Shred it with weights, Yoga meltdown) some pilates workout .As you see I am a crazy dvd collector :P I believe that the main thing is to workout daily at least 30 min and move different muscles that should work, but who knows for different people different things works :). Good luck on your 30 days shred!
  • I found it online and downloaded it because i dont have money to buy it even though i know its like 10-15 bucks or something...also you can find it on youtube, and they have it broken down into 3 seperate videos...i finished the 30 day shred yesterday and i feel so gREAT!! i feel much stronger and my cardio is through the roof....i definitely recommend doing this =)
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