when does one plateau?

So, I am totally scared of this concept and don't know when it will hit me in my journey of weight loss. How do you know when it happens and what does one need to do to change it? Please teach me as simple as abc... I know there are posts in reference to it, but I need some extra understanding of this concept.


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    So, I am totally scared of this concept and don't know when it will hit me in my journey of weight loss. How do you know when it happens and what does one need to do to change it? Please teach me as simple as abc... I know there are posts in reference to it, but I need some extra understanding of this concept.
  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member
    I don't really believe in plateaus..they are totally avoidable, if you do the same exercises and eat the same way day after day, your body becomes accustomed, therefore you see little to no progress in weight loss, as long as you keep shocking your body...which is stirring things up, your body kicks vack into high gear, they are completely avoidable and definitely something you can change, so don't be scared just make sure you are always changing things, if you usually do the elliptical machine at the gym, switch to a step class, or combat class, and in some weight work, maybe run on the treadmill instead of walk..you will trick your body into working hard again, and continue to lose weight or maintain with avoiding the plateaus....just my two cents :tongue:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    All of us will have weeks where we don't lose anything. We know though to stick with what we're doing, (watching our numbers, logging everything, getting some exercise, and drinking lots of water) and eventually, the scale WILL start moving downward again! Slow and steady wins the race! :smile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Here is an excerpt of a thread on the Dreaded Plateau, via Mr. Banks, who is no longer on our forum.

    I am currently at a plateau because my work schedule is hairy and very soon, I'll be back on track. Sometimes your body needs a few weeks to just sit at the current weight and assimilate.


    BANKS plateau advice
    1. Wrong goals - Did you set your expectations too high? 2 lbs/week may not be right for you, you could be starving yourself without even realizing. Maybe your weight has changed and you haven't redone your goals in a while and you are still using old numbers.

    2. Diet stagnation - we aren't dogs, we need variety in our foods, mix up your meals.

    3. Large meals - Are you having 2 or 3 large calorie meals? Remember, the body doesn't work on a 24 hour clock, if you stuff yourself, even if you stay under your daily caloiric intake, you could be adding fat to your frame!

    4. Bad nutritional value - Calorie count is good, but food quality is just as important, 500 calories worth of Hoho's or ding dongs won't help your daily intake.

    5. Stress in your life - Are you stressing about something? Stress can play a huge roll in your metabolism.

    6. Health concerns - sometimes it's beyond our control, if all else fails, go see a doctor!

    These are just some of the reasons people plateau, there are others, but these are a good starting point.

    things you can do (besides adressing the issues above) to help break a plateau.

    1. Give yourself a break - Have one meal that you really shouldn't, go over your calories once every couple of weeks, have that burger and yes, the fries too. It's called shocking your system, and it can actually break the body out of a routine and force it to re-examine itself. It's a legitemate practice endorsed by many trainers and it does work sometimes (It works for me), as long as you don't do it TOO often.

    2. Change up your routine, if you work out every day at 6 am, switch it up, for 1 or 2 days a week, work out at night, or change what you are doing, force your body to use different muscles.

    3. Tweak your nutritional break down, 60% carbs not working for you very well any more? Try 50% and upping your fat and protein intake, add some more fiber, or less fiber if you already have a lot.

    4. Lower your goal settings, 1.5 lbs a week not working, maybe your metabolism is higher then the average and this site is under reporting, over a few weeks, gradually up your calories every few days (say 50 cals more every 2 days) and after a few weeks see if there is any difference. T

    5. Change HOW you eat. Sometimes we need to change our habits, do you usually eat at 7am 12:30pm and 6:30pm? Well, try halving your meals and eat at 7, 10, 12:30, 3 and 6. Or vice versa if that's what you are doing.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    First off calm down a plateau only occures when your body gets used to doing the same thing again and again.
    It happens at different times for different people.
    Most people know right away when they hit that and just up their workouts.
    Some people notice that they are not gaining more muscle or lossing anymore weight them they were and THAT is a plateau.
    The ONLY way to ge OVER the "Plateau" is to work out harder. IE more weights, or walk farther, or run more.
    Then there will come a time that you are at the weight that you want to be and do not need to lose anymore and still be healthy in THIS case you are ALSO plateauing because you remain in the same area.