25lb loss, 1/3rd of my goal! Mom of 4, 5'11"

My journey started in January, when I started making small changes to my diet, cutting out the sugary drinks, but it really started in May when I began doing crossfit and getting serious about being healthy. I track my macros now, don't drink any pop or coffee loaded up with sugar, I do crossfit 3 times a week and walk or run or do something outside with my kids atleast 2 days a week.
When I started my youngest was about 6 months old and I was 242lbs, my highest weight ever. I usually seemed to plateu in the past, never able to get down past 225, my next goal is 199! I've lost over 30", 8" off my stomach alone! My husband joined crossfit with me in July and it's been so great for our marriage to have this new healthy hobby together! I see a lot of posts saying 'you have to be an experienced athlete to walk into crossfit', not true at all! When I started I could barely run, when I tried to squat my knees shook. A couple weeks ago I ran a 5k, I'd never run more then 1/2 mile before!
Pictures in comments because it won't let me add them on my original post


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