Blog question

memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
I just recently noticed the blog section but I have a question. What ar the votes for? Who votes and why. Is there a winner or something?


  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I just recently noticed the blog section but I have a question. What ar the votes for? Who votes and why. Is there a winner or something?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have voted to show I read a blog I thought was interesting and others would enjoy or should read. The votes move it to a 'most popular blogs' kinda section, so you can check out those most highly rated. No contest or winner, more of a 'most recommended' thing.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Thanks for clearing that up. I was feeling pretty dumb!