Slim Fast? Any success stories

I'm 4 days into slim fast and loving it! Not weighed in yet! Any success stories? Please share your stories and photos below please xx


  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    You might want to find a slim fast board and join there. Not many MFP people believe in "diet shakes" of any branding. I personally do not as I find them unsatisfying and a waste of money. I'm not going to lecture you as if you are liking it and it is helping you reach your goals, that's great. Just remember it's not the shakes making you lose weight, eating less food than you burn is.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    why not save yourself a ton of money and drink regular protein shakes that have way more protein, way less sugar, are way more satisfying and a lot cheaper!

    (or just eat food you love at a calorie deficit for the same result!)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I'll echo what KateTii said ^^

    If this is your chosen method and you are enjoying it - then well done! Having said that, regardless of how enjoyable you find the shakes, I fail to see how drinking liquids for meals is something you are going to be able to keep up For.The.Rest.Of.Your.Life. The majority of the people I know that have successfully lost weight with Slim Fast have almost always gained the weight back. Educating yourself about food and understanding the process about "Calories In, Calories out" is absolutely vital in maintaining weight loss, in my opinion. The Slim Fast shake plan simply offers you this: "Drink these instead of meals and you'll lose weight". Of course this is true - but you are learning absolutely nothing about the process, about WHY you are losing and what your body is doing.

    Your body doesn't care if it is getting it's calories from shakes or solid food. A calorie is a calorie and if there is a deficit, you'll lose weight. But personally - (and I've tried shake diets) - I ONLY succeeded and maintained my losses when I knew exactly what I was doing, exactly how much my body required calorie-wise and exactly what science was involved. Slim Fast is very 'quick fixy' to me and weight loss is genuinely only successful in the long term when it is stuck to as a lifestyle.

  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    I have lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks using them. Really 3 weeks of using them correctly (2 shakes, 3 snacks, 1 dinner) but I was 220 lbs so I have a lot to lose. I plan on using them like this for another month then phasing out 1 of the shakes.

    Like the pp said it's not the shakes but the calorie deficit that's causing the loss. I'm just using them because it's easier and more convenient for me right now.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    If your life is so busy you have not budgeted time to actually consume life sustataing food then your issues are well beyond the scope of Internet forums. Just out of curiousity, do you set aside time to use a toilet or have you found a time saving method of dealing with that as well ?
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    I'm still surprised at how unnecessarily rude people are on these forums sometimes.

    I hope you got your answer OP. It's a quick fix and high in sugar BUT it can be a good jumpstart to a more sustainable healthy lifestyle.

    If you like the convenience of a shake, buy some good tasting protein powder and a blender bottle. Just as quick and easy so you can still follow the Slim Fast plan (2 shakes, 3 snacks and a dinner), just without their shakes. :)
  • lc355
    lc355 Posts: 91 Member
    I used them a few years ago for a few weeks. I lost weight and found their forum quite helpful too, might be worth checking them out via their website. I slowly swapped the shakes for meals and then lost motivation. Didn't regain it all suddenly either.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    I lost a few pounds just eating the bars in place of one meal before but ultimately I found the diet too restricting and just gained the weight back when I got off.

    I think you should look into non-Slim Fast protein bars for more of a variety that tends to have less sugar. I also tend to just use the bars/shakes when I'm in a hurry, and that way I can have a slightly bigger meal when I have time to sit down and eat.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    edited October 2015
    I have bought the shakes from the grocery store in the past and find them not very tasty but really overpriced for what they are. I haven't ever joined SF though.

    I do protein shakes, but I buy my own protein and add my own stuff to make them filling and it's tastier and cheaper. I don't think I could exist on two small SF shakes during the day though. They're tiny! My shake I make is 32 oz and only about 300-ish calories and it lasts me all afternoon. (And by last, i mean, it keeps me satisfied and not hungry.)

    I remember drinking the SF shakes for lunch and then being ravished within about an hour.
  • victoria1009413
    victoria1009413 Posts: 4 Member
    I used a similar shake diet to kick start my weight loss and found it great because it was structured and I didn't have to plan 2 of my meals each day. It's not a long term solution but can be a great way to get started.

    I'm three months in and have lost 36 pounds (I'm off the shakes now but the first 18 pounds or so were lost having the shakes).

    Good luck! :)
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I'm an ex slim fast user yes i lost weight but gained it all back. It can help to make your appetite shrink but I found when I fully went back to food I was greedy gained so much weight. Whatever works for you id great but its not a long term solution.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I used it in the past with good success but the weight crept back on because I had no idea how to exercise portion control with regular food.
  • Mapooh68
    Mapooh68 Posts: 32 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm doing meal replacement shakes...2x daily, but I'm using Naturade Total Soy brand. They have less sugar 8g/serving, more protein 13g/serving, and only 130 calories (mixed with water). They also use Non-GMO soy and are much cheaper!!! Oh, and its lactose and gluten free, too! I got a big bag (47 servings) for only 19.97 each at Sam's club; one vanilla one chocolate. (I highly recommend vanilla over the chocolate.) Walmart also carries a smaller container (15 servings) for 9.97. I'm only on day 3 but I am loving it. I highly recommend vanilla over the chocolate. I like to mix mine in the am with 8 oz. brewed cold coffee and some ice. The second one I mix with 8 oz. unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I'm premenopausal so I'm hoping the soy will help with my hot flashes and sleep issues, too. I would not use it if they didn't use Non-GMO soy, though. I am only on day 3 but so far I haven't had any issues being overly hungry. Being a big-big girl that is saying a lot. I know I have already lost some weight, but I decided to only weigh in once a week so I don't get obsessed with the numbers. Weigh-in-Wednesdays! Yay! I don't plan to do this indefinitely, just until I can get closer to my goal. Then I will drop back to one shake a day and two real-meals a day, and become accustom to that and still see if I still stay on track, then switch to homemade smoothies or juicing for breakfast plus two real-meals. I think the big mistake is coming off of shakes and thinking you can go back to your old habits. It needs to be gradual, one or two changes at a time max, so you can see if the changes are good or bad. Anyway, This is all theory for me right now of course, but its what I have been researching and it's my plan. I hope this helps. --PS. I'm looking for some classy friends!
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    edited October 2015
    It worked for my grandfather... he was told to diet by his doctor who didn't teach him how. He decided that slim fast was the way to go and better than eating. He replaced all of his meals with shakes. He eventually died of malnourishment when he didn't believe his family when we told him that it was harming him. His doctor didn't help (and is no longer allowed to practice) because "the weight coming off was the important part".

    Sorry for the extreme story. My point is mostly, be educated about what you do, lose weight intelligently, and don't restrict something you don't plan on restricting forever. It's not sustainable in the long run.

    *edited for clarity.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Sorry to say that this is not a success story...

    I found that the Slim Fast shakes gave me embarrassing gastrointestinal distress, which far outweighed any benefit. I do much better eating 'real' food.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Honestly, I used them years ago....before MFP.....and they never worked.....I would use them as a "snack" per se.....typically, and still eat.....and that's likely why they didn't work...nowadays I stick to real food, and use whey/soy protein powders...once daily.
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    I've also tried using them back in the day but they didn't really do it for me. They didn't keep me full for longer or anything, and as a few others mentioned, the amount of sugar in them bothered me :/
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    To add to my post above - I have to admit, they taste VERY good! ;)
  • emmahayes1244
    emmahayes1244 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank for the support guys and the rude people, jog on. My weight has creapt up to 220lbs due to food allergies and my body can't handle food. So thanks rude people for making me feel even shitter about what I can't eat.

    I can only consume - rice , chicken, lettuce, cucumber, oranges, apples, rum!

    If I eat anything else I end up with my stomach swelling, not being able to work and sometimes put in hospital. By trying these shakes Iv been fine and not I'll once which is really making me feel happy!

    I know it's not a lifelong thing, I'm going on holiday and quick weight loss. But telling me I'm not on a proper diet, with my allergies I never will be.