Looking for friends to motivate me on my journey!

JamieJam33 Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Jamie and I'm changing my whole lifestyle and becoming healthy and it would be awesome if I could have some inspiring followers/friends to cheer me on this journey I am about to begin! :)


  • Hi jamie it's good to hear that your changing your whole lifestyle in becoming healthy I just want you to know that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE that YOU HAVE GREATNESS WITHIN YOU don't ever forget that....☺☺☺you'll do just fine... JUST BELIEVE...
  • Hi. Would love to be friends. Been working out and eating better for about 3 months now. 20 pounds down!
  • ShannonMKB
    ShannonMKB Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Congrats on starting your journey! Feel free to add me -- I'm trying to lose and then maintain weight through healthy lifestyle changes, nutrition, and fitness. 3lbs down!