Chubby beginner runner



  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    Just finished
    lavrn03 wrote: »
    I just did my first 5K last week!! I was nervous before too. I knew I could run it but just didn't know what to expect.
    Expect support, excitement and a feeling of success when u are done!!!
    I'm doing another one next weekend and not nervous anymore just excited.
    Oh and I was surprised that I ran FASTER too, I usually run it in 39-40mins. I ran it in 31 mins! What! Running with 100s of people keeps you going.

    That is awesome! Congrats. Im excited to see how it goes for me. Good luck next weekend, have fun!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    You are going to find that you are going to do way better than you think you can because you have did a great job in your training. You have two friends to help support you and help you get through it. I ran my first official 5k in June at 235 pounds in form fitting capris and tank top, mainly to prevent chafing and partially because I had lost a bunch of weight and wanted to wear something that I liked!

    As others have stated, the running community is super supportive and welcoming. One guy finished first for his age group and one of the top performers in that race and he came back through the course from finish to start to encourage others. I was struggling up the last big hill of the race when he came through and told me that I was doing great and I was almost to the finish line. That meant the world to me because I was struggling to get up that stupid hill and wanted to quit, but his encouragement helped me to get through. I could hear him encouraging others behind me and thought this was a community I wanted to be a part of. Even though I am still a turtle running through peanut butter, I am still lapping all of those sitting on the couch doing nothing, and I am still improving with each run.

    A few days ago we had the high school cross country regionals and one of my runners was the last kid. I was worried for her because the school that was hosting the event had let all of their students out to watch the finish of the race. How would they react to her being the last runner? My runner doesn't have the greatest confidence in herself, but she has a strong desire to finish. When she came around the last corner to the chute, they announced her name, her school, and the fact that she was the last runner. All of the students started screaming and clapping for her! She started sprinting down the chute faster than I have seen her run in practice or for any other race because she could hear them cheering for her to finish. Several people even complimented her on finishing the race and telling her that she did a good job. To see her smile from ear to ear and to have that feeling of accomplishment to finish a tough, hilly race was awesome to see. This is just another example of the support that you will get from the running community at any race that you do.

    Again, you are going to do an amazing job! I bet after the support from the first race you will be hooked to do more races and extend your distance.

    Feel free to add me as a friend on here. I am excited to hear about your experience after the race is over.
  • MtnGirl38
    MtnGirl38 Posts: 37 Member
    lbt1004 wrote: »
    Just finished my 25 minute run with my form fitting tank top on and my head held high. Thanks for all the encouragement guys. :*

    Good for you! I'm chunky and carry most of my weight in my butt and thighs.....I LOVE the compression/spandex clothing because I hate feeling "jiggly" when I'm jogging. Plus the sweat wicking abilities of these clothes make for a much more comfy run.

    You're going to do great! You've got this!!
  • jrevis001
    jrevis001 Posts: 505 Member
    Yes! I'm a fellow chubby girl runner. Very new to running but it's always been a dream of mine! Anyone can add me. I would love the advice and encouragement of other runners. Hope your 5k went well!
  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    Well...I finished I had not trained on hills at all, so I walked up the inclines and took advantage of the downhills and flat areas. I felt like my legs never got any stronger, just screamed at me to stop all the time. So my time was 53:39...pretty dang slow, but proud of myself for doing what I set out to do
  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    lbt1004 wrote: »
    Well...I finished I had not trained on hills at all, so I walked up the inclines and took advantage of the downhills and flat areas. I felt like my legs never got any stronger, just screamed at me to stop all the time. So my time was 53:39...pretty dang slow, but proud of myself for doing what I set out to do

    Heh, you wouldn't be the slowest person in our running group, so you're doing GREAT!

    When I run, there's only two people I'm trying to beat. The person who stayed at home and sat on the couch, and the person I was a month ago. Beat those people, and you've won the race, as far as I'm concerned.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    You can absolutely run, doesn't have to be fast, just go at your pace. Do a walk/run split and eventually you will run more than walk and go further. You can do it.
  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you. I hv been very slack this past month. Getting focused again tho. Not sure if Im going to continue running or not. Feeling pretty discouraged at this point, but hopefully getting focused again will help with my low mood.
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Listen you can do this!!!!!!!! Stop thinking you can't! Find your rhythm and pace. We are behind you.

    This may or May not help but at thanksgiving I decided to up my goals after doing 2 5ks, to do a 10k in the spring. I laughed at the thought. But I've actually been able to run 5-6 miles now!!!! Crazy!

    The first miles is brutal. After that it's easier.

    Maybe get use to walking 3.5 miles at a time and then work on speed, that's what I did. It works... Don't give up!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I can't say I love running, but the feeling of achievement I get after makes it worth while. I run 5k about four times a week. Music helps....or audio books. Even counting....anything that zones me out from the noticing I'm struggling to breathe! :)
    Unless you hate it, don't give might be surprised how well you can do.