Am I on the right track, is this normal?

I am 40 years old, have been using MFP on and off for the last three years to keep track of my calories mainly and become more informed about fitness and nutrition. During this time I have exercised for a few weeks then get busy and stop altogether. Since early July this year however when I was about to turn 40 I decided to take things more seriously and have been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week, eating more healthy and tracking calories. I do not weigh my food but I assume my guesses are correct due to using MFP for so long and reading labels. I eat around 1500-1550 daily. In terms of sport I do general strength exercises and recently starting adding 30 mins of cardio. When I started 3.5 months ago I was 61.5 kilos. I am now 61kilos so not much progress :)
But I have noticed my tummy is visibly flatter and I have lost 1.5 inches from my hips. I feel 'thinner' but my weight has not changed much despite the consistency in eating better and going to the gym regularly. I am well informed through this community about weight versus inches loss....BUT the question is I am on the right track? Should I have seen more improvement in this time or does it take longer to see more visible changes? I am not particularly bothered about the weight as such but I want to have a stronger / leaner / toned 40 :)
(After not taking fitness seriously ever!!)

Any feedback, suggestions, tips most appreciated!


  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    It sounds like you're already onto a winner, don't worry about your weight. Have you tried monitoring body fat % instead?
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Taking tape measurements will be more effective means of seeing results at this stage than weight. I am currently smaller than I've ever been and I weigh 215. At this time two years ago, I weighed 185 and was much larger physically than I am now. My shoulders may be a little broader and my arms a little thicker, but my gut was large and is no longer. So I now am smaller, wear smaller pants (not shirts) and weigh more than I did when I was fatter.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    You are finding out that the scale is not the only way to measure progress. If you feel like you are making sound physical and dietary choices, let's say 80-90% of the time, and you're feeling stronger, healthier, more flexible, or closer to whatever goals you have, then you're on the right track. When you get to the point where you're asking "is there more than this?" then it's time to re-evaluate and go from there (move to a different strength program or different cardio to shake things up). Sounds kinda like you're there now, so maybe talk to a gym trainer or look into different strength or fitness programs that might challenge you yet again. If you have questions specific to strength training, check out the Eat, Train, Progress and Stronglifts 5x5 for Women groups here. Lots of good info and can help you figure things out. Good luck!
  • Saliang
    Saliang Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all for the replies! I will keep focused on what I am doing and will also look into the Stronglifts 5X5. Measured myself this morning and my hips were 1.5 inches less than some months ago so this means some progress! Must also check my body fat %.