Tip to getting lots of calories!

A few weeks ago, I was struggling to manage 2,500 calories a day, let alone my 3,030 target. There was never enough time in the day.

If you're struggling, then I have 1 tip, that'll make it 500x easier for you, like it did for me.

Ready for this?

Drumroll, please!

Start early. If you can start slamming back a few hundred calories from a time like 8:00am and gradually eat from as early as you can to as late as you can, by the time you're thinking about going to bed, low and behold, you've managed to get all your calories without trying too hard!

So. Yup. Start early. Eat calorific foods as you normally would, but make sure you don't do what I did, which is only starting to worry about your calories around 2:00pm or something.

Hope this helps someone!


  • Kimramsay58
    Kimramsay58 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks, I will try and do that and see if it makes it easier towards my goal
  • emilydawkins2
    emilydawkins2 Posts: 18 Member
    Adding on topic of that you should be eating something every 2-3 hours, say you start at 10am
    10am breakfast: 500-600calories (if not more)
    12pm snack- 300-400cals
    2pm lunch- 500+ cals
    4:30pm snack- 400cals
    6:30-7pm dinner- 500+ cals
    9pm protein shake/ amino acids 120cals

    This is excluding any preworkout post workout, protein shakes etc etc
    I need 2300-2400 cals a day, since I've followed this routine I've found it easier to get my calories in whereas before I did this I found it hard to get to 2100 cals. Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited October 2015
    I have a 4 step progress that will help anyone get a ridiculous amount of calories in a short period of time without lots of volume.

    Step 1 - Grab spoon
    Step 2 - Grab peanut butter jar or ice cream cartoon
    Step 3 - Insert aforementioned spoon in aforementioned container
    Step 4 - Repeat as necessary

  • mariadalmadi
    mariadalmadi Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my goal is eat 2200 cal per day . I start around 9 o'clock, 11 ,half past 1 . I always work back shift , I have only one break around 6 , and when I arrived home around 11 this is the 5.meal .i have problem with the amount of food , because I can't eat too much for one meal. I try eat food with more calorie in it ,and after meal I always eat some sweets . My tips: homemade rice pudding, Birds Eye fish fingers: 3 finger 184 cal for veg dish ,French toast 1 slice 149 cal, every kind of eggs, meat , pasta with olive oil on it . Sweets: Pearl's chocolate flavoured flap jack 120g 577 cal, Cadbury hot chocolate instant 28g 120cal, jelly babies 5 pieces 100cal or Heartleys jelly 125g 100 cal, chocolate digestive bisquit 1 piece 83 cal, yogurts with grounded seeds ,strawberry with double cream . You always need take with you something ex when I went to hairdresser I took with me chocolate and 100% juice in a small bottle from our fridge( if you don't have time buy it) I mix these things all the time , because if I eat everyday same things I feed up really easy. Buy and cook what you like and it's easier. First was difficult eat so much cal but after 3 weeks I usually eat a bit more than 2200 and I put on 1.3 kg. I'll be happy if you share more tips!
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    There are some great tips here. I especially loved the peanut butter/spoon tip. :D I have not had this problem to date. I'm the one wanting more calories...1900 is just so low. I workout almost daily just for more calories. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
  • lee41major
    lee41major Posts: 18 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    I have a 4 step progress that will help anyone get a ridiculous amount of calories in a short period of time without lots of volume.

    Step 1 - Grab spoon
    Step 2 - Grab peanut butter jar or ice cream cartoon
    Step 3 - Insert aforementioned spoon in aforementioned container
    Step 4 - Repeat as necessary


    Haha Brilliant. Very good advice :D
    Although I've got to suggest a couple of slices of bread to go with the peanut butter, goes down a bit easier
  • mariadalmadi
    mariadalmadi Posts: 16 Member
    I just bought today : taste the difference : lemon curd yogurt 150g 262cal, black cherry 204 cal ;Jordan's nut cereal bar 249cal, eat natural fruit & nut bar 231cal
  • legs180
    legs180 Posts: 293 Member
    Yes! I never used to eat breakfast because it would make me feel sick, but once I started trying to consistently eat a little in the morning I've been waking up hungry ever since. I didn't realize how bad my habits were before this (I would often only start eating around 2pm!!!), but now that I've changed them I'm getting more calories in and slowly but surely seeing the number on the scale rise.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Personally when I was adding weight and muscle, I DIDN'T try to eat several meals a day. I just ate more calorie dense foods that got me up to 4,000 calories. Pizza and fries were go to's. I still also ate whole foods and vegetables too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I've found one thing that makes it easier, is using the TDEE method as opposed to the NEAT or eating the fitbit calories back, because then you can just plan ahead what to have for your whole day, exercise is already counted, and it won't be going up throughout your day with your exercise, which means normally that you're trying to get in a lot of food later in the day.

    Also, drinking calories is an easy way to get more for me. I can knock back a 400 calorie smoothie quickly and not feel full, so I can have that with a meal.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ice cream and oreos

    end thread
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ice cream and oreos

    end thread

    Add peanut butter, and you'd have a bowl full of awesome!
  • N200lz
    N200lz Posts: 134 Member
    Do you drink protein shakes?
    If so, add about 5 oz. (or more) of heavy cream when you make it.
    That's an easy 1000 extra calories and it really makes any shake taste better.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ice cream and oreos

    end thread

    Add peanut butter, and you'd have a bowl full of awesome!

    And chocolate chips, sauce, nuts, and whipped cream.