Getting started....again!

Hi all,
I'm a 39 mother of two - I use to be very active, running lots, teaching aerobics but after the loss of my mother a year ago I've put on 20 pounds, become very sedentary and depressed. The fact I have the extra weight on does not help me feel good to get started. I really need some support.
I have seen my Dr. and suggestions are to just start! Any help or advice is welcome!


  • deesterdeehcg
    deesterdeehcg Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I've got 20lbs to lose too (age 44). The main thing is to set short term goals vs looking at the entire goal at once. Set goal #1 as starting day 1 and have a plan to stick to. Make goal by the hour if needed, this way you can celebrate your accomplishments of achieving little goals and then you will feel the momentum of moving forward.

    Also, consider putting a picture of yourself when you were thinner on the refrigerator or in your purse to pull out when you get tempted. Or go try on pants or something you are trying to fit into. This reminds you of your goal and purpose. Sometimes I just tell myself, you can't have that junk food or whatever now but in a few weeks you will be able to have it again so just hang in there, this diet isn't forever and you will be so happy with the results and that you made this one good choice to stick to your plan. Each little choice to stick to the plan will add up to wonderful rewards!

    I found after my 30's some diets weren't as effective and that is when I tried hcg drops by 'Easy HCG' . It takes discipline but it works quickly which is extra motivation. Just a suggestion if you find you can't get results you need with other diets.

    I hope you have good success and would love to keep checking in with you to keep accountable in our goals! o:)

    Dee :)

  • jentheriault
    jentheriault Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Dee,
    Thanks for that info! Great tips. I'll do just that. I think also a check in buddy will help as well. Today was really my first day keeping track again... Always hard at first. I use food to relax..or treat myself so will have to find other way. Take care and we'll chat again! :) .