


  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    Sam101my wrote: »
    Add me as a friend. I think we can help each other. Anyone else in the same boat..feel free to add me as well.

    I'm in the same boat... Sending a "Friend Requests" to you @awildmiri and @Sam101my
  • asternpirlot
    asternpirlot Posts: 10 Member
    I have found that the 'traffic light' system works well for me, and I even have an amber range for too low. So in my green range (5lbs range), I stick to maintenance calories, and if I go into the low amber range, I eat a lot until I'm back in the green range. So far I haven't been in the upper amber range yet so this method is working to keep me from gaining or losing too much (again, so far--it's only been a couple months). I've been in the lower amber range a few times, and find it's pretty easy with just a few big days of eating to get back into the green. This has helped me see that a few big meals or high calorie snacks isn't going to do me in. I do weigh daily and very much like having the data, so I also recommend getting a scale so you can see what's going on. Good luck with your maintenance and great job getting to this point!

    I really like that. Once I get to my goal weight, I think I'll employ a similar method.


    Thanks BernieMBurke. The key thing here that I thought might help the original poster is to have a visual for everything outside the goal range, above or below, as 'warning' rather than optimal. So looking at my spreadsheet/chart, I want all points to be in the green, and not in the yellow (or red!), which helps me not constantly shift my target lower just because my weight has been lower. I don't know if that makes sense, but for me it works because the A-OK green range doesn't extend down to zero!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I really think what you are experiencing is more common than you think.

    I'm 8lbs until maintenance and I am already wondering to myself "How am I going to justify eating all those calories". What we need to do is - trust in the process.

    I bought a fitbit at the weekend and I've been wearing it solely so I can see what my maintenance calories are. Seeing that actual figure on the screen at the end of the day really helps me understand just how much I can eat without gaining weight. If you haven't got one already, I'd definitely suggest wearing one for a while so you have that proof there. This'll likely help the 'guilt' feelings. You've worked so hard to get here - you don't need to lose anymore weight so enjoy being in maintenance and again, trust the process! You've got this.
  • JustaJoe00
    JustaJoe00 Posts: 777 Member
    you look great...hope all is going well with the maintenance?
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 232 Member
    awildmiri wrote: »
    I've been 'maintaining' for a month or so now - that is, I've hit goal weight, but I keep losing because I get anxious about eating 'too much' now. Even though logically I know it's fine, I've lost another four or so pounds since hitting goal weight and I still get antsy about eating more than 1,000-1,200 a day (what I was eating when I was losing). I'm actually finding I'm more paranoid about what I'm eating than I was when I was losing, I guess because I was sure of having that 'safety net' of knowing I was eating at a deficit before?

    Whenever I go out for a big meal with friends or something I end up trying to compensate throughout the rest of the week and end up eating barely the minimum calories for days, over-compensating I guess especially because there's no way to log a meal out accurately...

    I don't need to lose any more - I'm still within the green BMI, but on the lower end now, and I don't fit into even the new clothes I bought recently - but the thought of not logging or of putting any weight back on (even if I could stand to put a couple of pounds back on) makes me really anxious. Basically I'm really worried that I've worked myself into, if not an eating disorder, then at least an unhealthy relationship with food, and I don't know what to do. Is this something anyone else has dealt with, and what do you recommend?

    I could have wrote this! This is me exactly! I have reached my goal weight that I set for myself but I have lowered it 10 pounds because I am so afraid of gaining. I only know how to do 2 things at this point, lose weight or gain weight and maintenance terrifies me! I am no were near "to skinny" still considered overweight on BMI so I have some wiggle room for losing more but I often wonder what will happen when I do get to my new goal weight because from there I wont be able to afford to go down much more.
  • ckfox95
    ckfox95 Posts: 73 Member
    Oh, so happy to have found this thread. I don't feel so alone now! I am 3 lbs away from my goal and am really anxious about maintenance. I have lost 61 lbs. thus far and with 3 to go it seems both so close and so far away. I am already reading all the maintaining threads that I can. I have friends already telling me that I "should prepare myself to gain a few pounds back" (some friends, hu??) and that's not helping me feel any better. In fact, it's making me wonder if I should loose more! I have been very motivated since I began this journey last December and am just as motivated to keep it off! Anyone in the same boat feel free to friend me also, I would love to hear what others are doing.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    sijomial wrote: »

    A simple mental trick is to regard your maintenance calories as your diet goal - try to hit it not undercut it though.
    So you keep your "control" until over time you feel you can relax and enjoy your success.

    Remember health is paramount, that's mental and emotional health as well as physical health. If you were my daughter I would be very concerned.

  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    If you take all your data out of MFP ( reports) and take the daily average you know exactly what you daily can eat. It can be a little up or down but not far off.

    Maybe that would help you ease your mind?
