21 Day Fix



  • Kymber2015
    Kymber2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Is anyone, belong to any "Groups" for the 21 Day Fix? I am so torn between buying it and just doing what has worked good in the past.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Kymber2015 wrote: »
    Is anyone, belong to any "Groups" for the 21 Day Fix? I am so torn between buying it and just doing what has worked good in the past.

    Why would you spend money on something when you have a free, proven option?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Kymber2015 wrote: »
    Is anyone, belong to any "Groups" for the 21 Day Fix? I am so torn between buying it and just doing what has worked good in the past.

    There is a very active group of users here on MFP who use the program in various ways (some with containers, some without, some just doing workouts, etc): https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/103806-21-day-fixers
  • tristen_leigh
    tristen_leigh Posts: 214 Member
    Anything "works" if you actually commit to it. And since you said you already have the containers, why not! Do what works for you. Much better than buying some "magic" diet pills or supplements. It should help you understand portion sizes but I would still track everything here and watch your macros. Good luck!
  • alyssarenea1996
    alyssarenea1996 Posts: 90 Member
    Anything "works" if you actually commit to it. And since you said you already have the containers, why not! Do what works for you. Much better than buying some "magic" diet pills or supplements. It should help you understand portion sizes but I would still track everything here and watch your macros. Good luck!

    Thank you!
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    extacymoon wrote: »
    I have it and used the containers at first just to get portion sizing down. I log my calories and will use the workouts. It has good variety and with 30 minutes it is doable. I hope you enjoy it.

    this. for those like me that are just TOO lazy to use a food scale or any other measuring items and don't want to count calories. it's a good system for that reason.
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I did it for 3 weeks and lose 3 lbs. I didn't buy the program though. I just bought my own containers and went on Pinterest and got all the information for it from there.
  • tikaaniblizz
    tikaaniblizz Posts: 1 Member
    What are y'all's opinions on the 21 day fix? I'm going to start it tomorrow. I've seen good and bad about it, so I thought I would give it a try.

    My mom has lost 50 lbs from it. The structure has really helped her
  • ladixson1
    ladixson1 Posts: 7 Member
    I bought the 21 Day Fix along with the Shakes. I did the program last week, then fell off the wagon this week :( Here's my experience, a highlight of my research and my opinion.

    Meal Plan (Containers) - My calorie intake was about the same as when I log my food and am watch my calories. I adjusted my macros on MFP to 40,30,30 and it basically fits right in those macros. That being said, I did a better job meal planning using the color system and it helped increase my fruit/veggie intake as well as lower my starchy carb intake. Also, I think the approved foods help with overall health and weight loss.

    Shakes - This one is a little trickier... I doubt I'll buy the shakes again because they are so expensive, but I drink one for a snack everyday and I'll say that I have more energy and have better bowel movements than I've had in a long time. Also, I quit smoking and pretty much cut out sweets and felt no withdrawals. I honestly believe this is from the shakes because I've quit these things before (both while eating healthy and working out and times when that wasn't the case) and always had withdrawals.

    Workout Videos - I really like them. I mean, I really like them. Admittedly, I don't have a lot of experience with a lot of videos, but I love the workout/rest routine and I find Autumn motivating and not overbearing. I like that it is only 30ish minutes, that it can be built upon and used for several cycles before not feeling challenged, and that it varies everyday.

    Research - Most of my research was about the Shakes and all of it was online... I found good, bad and ugly but I think that is to be expected if you research anything long enough. My overall impression was that there are some potentially great benefits to the shakes, but there are less expensive alternatives out there.

    All that being said, I really like the program and am getting back on the wagon on Monday! I could use a really good 21 Day Fix buddy if anyone wants to pair up. And really, I mean seriously working together towards a common goal and not just finding support thru a chat forum (not that there is anything wrong with it... I just need someone to text me and say "Hey is your *kitten* out of bed to workout?) and be accountable to.

    Oh yeah, in that one week, I lost 3.4 pounds and an inch off of my waist (it was the only measurement I took post week 1). So, I think it's working, I just need to stay more motivated!
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    My husband and I did 21 day fix. I stopped doing it and started logging calories but still use the DVD workouts which are great. My husband is still using the containers because he finds it more manageable than logging calories and he's had great success. He's lost about 20 pounds in under 2 months.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    I should add that we never did shakeology. I mean really, $130 or more for protein shakes? Geez.
  • stircrzy
    stircrzy Posts: 47 Member
    I am doing the 21 day fix right now. It has really helped me blast through a plateau that I've had for 2 years. Every diet has a way to cheat. But if you're following the directions as stated and you're honest with yourself it will work really well. I had a friend started a couple of days ago and she was used to running up to 5 miles a day. She said she was dripping with sweat her first work out and she was sore for three days. So even for people who are in great shape they are very effective workouts.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am waiting for someone to do one of those videos who actually knows how to use measuring spoons and cups. Hint: there should never be anything over the rim.
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    SolotoCEO wrote: »
    Biggest danger - you just wasted money. If you follow proper portion sizes - you don't need to use their containers to measure. Measuring cups and a food scale is much cheaper - and much more accurate.

    I'm horrible with portion sizes - that's one of my main problems

    Have you seen this video?


    queenliz99 wrote: »
    SolotoCEO wrote: »
    Biggest danger - you just wasted money. If you follow proper portion sizes - you don't need to use their containers to measure. Measuring cups and a food scale is much cheaper - and much more accurate.

    I'm horrible with portion sizes - that's one of my main problems

    Have you seen this video?


  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    stircrzy wrote: »
    I am doing the 21 day fix right now. It has really helped me blast through a plateau that I've had for 2 years. Every diet has a way to cheat. But if you're following the directions as stated and you're honest with yourself it will work really well. I had a friend started a couple of days ago and she was used to running up to 5 miles a day. She said she was dripping with sweat her first work out and she was sore for three days. So even for people who are in great shape they are very effective workouts.

    The workouts really are great. I'm always covered in sweat half way through the dvd. Even reviews I've seen that were negative about 21 day fix mentioned that the workouts were well done.
  • Maricela526
    Maricela526 Posts: 13 Member
    I am on my 3rd round and I love the program. Its so easy to follow and as long as you are organized and prep your food for the week and workout you are going to see results. i have trouble with portion control so the containers work well for me! I also do shakeology and i love it
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    What happens after 21 days?
  • Dariasen
    Dariasen Posts: 145 Member
    My thoughts? I can stuff a whole lot of calories into overpriced tupperware if I want to.

    I am so glad I learned to weigh my food. It is amazing how much food you can cram into a 1cup container if you look at it like an engineer and fill up every conceivable space.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    What happens after 21 days?

    The idea of the 21 day part is that research says it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. Once the 21 days are over, if you don't need to lose more weight, you move to maintenance which is explained in the book. If you need to lose more, you do another round. You can do as many rounds as you need.