High Ankle Sprain

drywall_painter Posts: 321 Member
edited October 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I tore a ligament in my ankle(high ankle sprain) back in May, still on the mend. Has anyone else been through this and did you have pain other than your ankle such as hip or back pain(same side as ankle injury)pd3l5shjpm7b.jpg


  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I know that a high ankle sprain takes a long time to heal, and that one was part of the explanation of the demise of Marcus Allen with the LA Raiders. Raiders owner Al Davis kept pushing him to get back on the field and back to his old self, and he couldn't because a high ankle sprain can take months -- many months sometimes -- to heal completely.
    Also, I don't know what your case is, but it is not uncommon that someone gets an injury and that leads to stress, and injury, in other parts. Maybe you limp, and that puts stress on your hip and/or back? Maybe because of the ankle, you didn't stretch or warm up enough, and that led to a injury?
  • drywall_painter
    drywall_painter Posts: 321 Member
    I tripped and fell down half a flight of stairs, landed on my left side. PT hasn't help much but I'm still doing exercises. I just started going to a chiropractor, first time ever. Not sure if it is something I'll stay with. He said my hip is out of alignment causing stress on my back. I do feel better after going but it doesn't last, going to give it 4 weeks then back to the doctor.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Is that a photo from May, or a current one?
  • drywall_painter
    drywall_painter Posts: 321 Member
    Thats 1 hour after I fell
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Ow! I hope you feel better soon :) Your hip may well be because of having to work around the ankle. I get compensation pains easily in other parts with any injuries and the back condition I have. Yours would have to be re-checked once you can walk totally normally, but I wouldn't worry.

    Yoga stretches that you do on the floor might help your back and hip a lot for now. Don't do the strength moves, but some gentle stretching could work out the kinks and help re-align each day. Your PT could help you there, too, if you don't need a new order for new body parts.

  • VelvetMeow
    VelvetMeow Posts: 3 Member
    I had a high ankle sprain back in early August playing softball and it still gives me trouble even now 3 months later. Every morning it's stiff and hurts if I move it too quickly, some light stretching helps with that though. My range of motion is still limited and it hurts to stand on my tiptoes. Aside from that and the occasional pains my foot is mostly healed, there's definitely still some instability but I can get around fine and can even run up and down the stairs if I want to.

    To answer your question I haven't experienced any hip pains or back pains. I've heard of sprains taking many months to heal, but out of curiousity when was the last time you talked to your doctor about this? Do you have any more current photos of the injured ankle? Is there still swelling around your ankle?
  • drywall_painter
    drywall_painter Posts: 321 Member
    My ankle feels pretty good, Its a little achy . I'm a maintenance man for an apartment complex, I walk 3-5 miles a day, climb ladders, stairs etc. with little discomfort.my back hurts mainly while sitting for awhile. I went back to PT again for 3 weeks, had x-rays on hip and back. Doing exercises still and chiropractor. I'm going back to the doctor if there is no improvement in a month. My ankle is back to looking normal now, I was told it would be a year b4 it would be completely healed.