Are there certin foods you just had to give up?



  • Stelynru
    Stelynru Posts: 25 Member
    Soda and coffee. I know I could have them in moderation and be fine, but now that I'm serious about losing weight, I can't justify drinking my calories. Not to mention all the sugar and I always feel so yucky and bloated after having soda. No thanks, lol

    I loveeeee chips too, but now if I REALLY want some on the side of a sandwich or something, I eat JUST the serving size. Torturous, but possible lol :)
  • My weakness tends to be a lot of stuff!! I am terrible for not being able to even have a taste of something, because then I start thinking, well, you've done it now, so you might as well pig out and start again tomorrow!! But there have been sooooo many tomorrows!! But I do find if I am really craving something, I will only buy or make a single serving portion. Easier for me I guess, cause our kids our grown and gone, and my hubby is very supporting of me and my "diet"!! Harder I know, when there are kids around who are always hungry , but can wear it off in a moment!!! I have my current weight as my wallpaper on my cell phone, so when I turn it on, that's what I see, and it does help somewhat. And I am constantly putting my walking distances on facebook, so now my friends ask me how far I walked, if I forget to post it!!! I feel like I'm being watched!! a good way tho!!! Tonight my hubby and I are being taken out for steak supper by our friends, so I have been very careful with food today, and will walk and extra couple of miles. I also checked ahead to see my best food options at the restaurant too. Hopefully I will succeed at this!!! Good like everyone!! :smile:
  • RobinMSills
    RobinMSills Posts: 27 Member
    For all you soda drinkers out there, try seltzer! I really like a beer or two after dinner on a summer day, but that's so many empty carbs! Now I drink a seltzer instead and it totally fulfills the same craving :) Just make sure it doesn't have any sodium in it!
  • Stelynru
    Stelynru Posts: 25 Member
    Oh, and I have not had take out pizza since I started counting calories, because I just might not be strong enough to only have a slice or two.
  • RobinMSills
    RobinMSills Posts: 27 Member
    Oh right... for me it's cheesy crackers. Cheese-its, nips, goldfish....holy cow I luuurve them
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I tried adding raw almonds as a snack...measured and counted. The first time I ate them I really wanted more and I thought I had done myself in because I LOVE nuts. But I managed to stick with my original serving. And I've had them several more days, counted out, and have yet to over do it. So I find that I can trust myself with this. That's a victory!
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    Ice cream.... Yum. I've moved on to frozen yogurt, but I still only have it on my really high cardio days because I know that I'll want more than just one serving. How can anyone eat just 1/2 cup of ice cream in one sitting? Impossible I tell you! :happy:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    while I was going through my weight loss period, I had to eliminate certain things - especially sweets (cookies, cake, pies, you name it!). I did really well, lost the weight I needed to lose, but now I'm experiencing binges that are out of control! looking back, I think I would have been better off to allow myself those restricted foods in moderation. these days, I don't know what moderation looks like!
  • xelapw
    xelapw Posts: 12
    It could be worse. You could have to give up your favourite foods because they make you ill and then despite giving them up, cutting calories, working out, you just do not lose weight!
  • artist444
    artist444 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been doing this since the beginning of Jan. & I used to be the "French Fry Queen"! For the first 3 months or so I swore to myself I wouldn't even touch a single fry b/c I knew it would ruin my entire diet! Much like how you feel w/ the peanut butter & mac&cheese.I had to prove to myself that I could actually live w/o those foods! At first it drove me crazy and then eventually I didn't really crave them as much or if at all. I remember the first day I had french fries, they were McD's my fav.! I remember eating the first one and thinking...eww these aren't even that good!!! They were bland and greasy! Not the hot yummy, delicious saltiness, sticks of heaven I had recalled from months before. I remember thinking I should've gotten the apple slices they taste so much better!!! I thought wth is it possible that I "The French Fry Queen" doesn't not like french fries anymore?? I've just learned now I want something w/ more flavor like sweet potato fries! lol
    Now don't get me wrong I have worked french fries and other foods I had to swear off for a while back into my diet. I've just learned that sometimes its all in my head, those french fries, cookie, cake, chocolate, etc. really doesn't taste that amazing as it does in my mind!! My advice is if you want it go for it! Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy thinking about it. If you do eat it just measure it out or get a smaller portion. Plus, peanut butter is a great source of protein! I too love it so I try to get the tablespoon out, scoop it out, put the lid back on the peanut butter and put the jar away. Then, I lick it right off the tbsp. ! It usually satifies my craving & sweet tooth.
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I said goodbye to fried food, mayonnaise (and mayo type products like tarter sauce and ranch dressing), soda, sweetened tea, and Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream. I miss my Ben and Jerry's every so often... mostly like once a month for 4 or 5 days. lol But everything else I can happily live without. :-)
  • missmcgirt
    missmcgirt Posts: 20
    Chips!!! I just sit and eat them like a zombie and before I know it I've plowed through an entire bag and a thousand calories!!

    Try this powdered peanut butter, it is about 80% less fat than regular peanut butter and DELICIOUS!!!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I live in Canada and we don't have PB2 :-(
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    dark soda (I will kill for a DR.PEPPER)
    Denny's Nachos
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I eat everything in moderation and haven't cut anything out of my diet, however I have to be super careful with pasta. I avoided it for the first month or two of starting MFP because I struggle with portion size. So minuscule! When I have pasta I need to make sure I measure my portion and then I am done. No extra bites allowed. It is way too easy for me to blow through 2+ portions of pasta.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I really don't believe you have to give Up on any foods you love..just be careful and don't go crazy!!!

    This is a lifestyle and sensible eating dosn't mean you have to deny yourself food that gives you pleasure :-)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I really don't believe you have to give Up on any foods you love..just be careful and don't go crazy!!!

    This is a lifestyle and sensible eating dosn't mean you have to deny yourself food that gives you pleasure :-)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I said goodbye to fried food, mayonnaise (and mayo type products like tarter sauce and ranch dressing), soda, sweetened tea, and Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream. I miss my Ben and Jerry's every so often... mostly like once a month for 4 or 5 days. lol But everything else I can happily live without. :-)

    in england you can get 'phish food' as a frozen yoghurt..not my fave flavour, but i tried the frozen yoghurt flavour and it was really nice!! and almost half the calories of regular 'phish food' :-) try the frozen yoghurt ' cherry garcia', it is amazing!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I've been doing this since the beginning of Jan. & I used to be the "French Fry Queen"! For the first 3 months or so I swore to myself I wouldn't even touch a single fry b/c I knew it would ruin my entire diet! Much like how you feel w/ the peanut butter & mac&cheese.I had to prove to myself that I could actually live w/o those foods! At first it drove me crazy and then eventually I didn't really crave them as much or if at all. I remember the first day I had french fries, they were McD's my fav.! I remember eating the first one and thinking...eww these aren't even that good!!! They were bland and greasy! Not the hot yummy, delicious saltiness, sticks of heaven I had recalled from months before. I remember thinking I should've gotten the apple slices they taste so much better!!! I thought wth is it possible that I "The French Fry Queen" doesn't not like french fries anymore?? I've just learned now I want something w/ more flavor like sweet potato fries! lol
    Now don't get me wrong I have worked french fries and other foods I had to swear off for a while back into my diet. I've just learned that sometimes its all in my head, those french fries, cookie, cake, chocolate, etc. really doesn't taste that amazing as it does in my mind!! My advice is if you want it go for it! Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy thinking about it. If you do eat it just measure it out or get a smaller portion. Plus, peanut butter is a great source of protein! I too love it so I try to get the tablespoon out, scoop it out, put the lid back on the peanut butter and put the jar away. Then, I lick it right off the tbsp. ! It usually satifies my craving & sweet tooth.

    smiles..try REAL friench fries or even 'chunky' home made french fries instead of McBull****, and you will soon regain your crown as "French fry Queen"...but in moderation, of course :-)
  • CWalt2990
    CWalt2990 Posts: 3
    I had to give up ice cream. I can't stick to a serving size that isn't the entire half gallon...sigh. One thing that I have found is a cook book by Marlene Koch called "Eat What You Love". Marlene takes the things we all love and turns them in to manageable meals that aren't going to kill your week or your day. Not advertising, I just love some of the items.
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