according to myfitnesspal I am OBESE !! DAMN



  • njhill7
    njhill7 Posts: 8
    Yep!!! Me too!!! SUCKS!!! My BMI is 42....I have to do something to change. Today is the first day of the rest of my life...LOL
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I was around 28%. I started mfp in Jan and by April I saw major differences.

    In 90 days you can make an amazing transfomration. Get your cals, stick to it and lose


    See you in 90 days, a changed and different man
  • Iamgiam
    Iamgiam Posts: 38
    Hi and Welcome.

    I was/am in the same boat as you. Was 32.6 and now down to Overweight 29.1

    This Site has made me focus on how I can lose weight responsibly and how much or how little to exercise to help shred those Kg or Pounds.

    Good Luck on your Journey. If you need more friends please feel free to invite me.

  • Steph_Marie29
    I've lost a 135 pounds so far and my BMI is still scary. Good luck! Feel free to add me.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey! You've taken the 1st, 2nd & 3d step towards success. You found us, you've admitted to yourself you're obese and you have decided to make a change. Good!

    Now you have to come up with a plan of attack. You know your track record so this time you have to cut it off at the pass. This time develop a healthy and tasty menu for yourself. Make sure you include a healthy dessert to curve the cravings. There are plenty of receipes on this site and you can google healthy receipes as well.

    I wish you much success on your journey.
  • 503roses
    503roses Posts: 8 Member
    Ha! me too. I track calories on here and weight on my wii fit. When i first started on my wii my little character was fat and the bar went all the way to the tip top of the chart until it couldnt go any higher and it said "thats obese" haha. It was hard to take at first seeing that but its kind of what i needed for a wake up call.
    I started out 228. And just the other day i finally reached 200. Im still in that Obese category but i cant explain the differnce that 28 lbs has done. :) you can do it. it just takes time. But just being labeled overweight will one day feel great compared to obese. then after that you can keep moving down the BMI chart. :) i love MFP and my Wii. ahaha.
  • schittlmeister
    I was in your shoes before. I have tried so many different diets. I would lose weight, then gain it back. My body would return to it's jolly state of 230lbs. I wasn't fat, but I could tell I was overweight. I worked out a lot in college so most of the weight was muscle mass. But 12 years after college and 10 yrs after marriage turned a lot of that muscle into jelly =) So, finally in February 2011, I just got tired of always running out of steam. I have two kids and I just couldn't play with them long enough. I would tire quickly. I would feel my belly jiggle when I ran. I had to buy bigger clothes so that I would feel more comfortable.
    I decided to join myfitnesspal after one of my friend's wife told me about it. The thought of counting calories enticed me. To me, the secret is to not deprive yourself of what you like to eat. All of the other diets I had done were really strict and I deprived myself of all of the good junk I liked to eat. No more soda, sweets, certain restaurants. I decided to take a different approach. Now I would just lower the quantity, not necessarily the quality. I know that's not the healthiest way to do it, but I don't feel deprived. Now, I don't go on a binge with sweets because I missed them so much. When you deprive yourself of something that you are used to eating (especially cold turkey), your ruin yourself. Then, after awhile you think, "I miss that. I'm going to have just one." Then one turns into two, two turns into four, etc. Then you're back to where you started. Ween yourself slowly. When I eat fast food, I eat the small meal instead of the large (but I do still get a large diet soda). I eat two scoops of ice cream instead of four. I have the 100calorie bag of popcorn instead of the full bags. I eat a bigger salad now before dinner to lower my dinner intake. It takes some discipline and time, sure. But you get used to it and you start seeing results. And when you see results you get motivated. And it feels really good when people start noticing and telling you how good you look. And surprisingly, counting calories opens up a whole new world. I used to never even know what a calorie was. I would regularly order the 1800 calorie meal and not know what I was doing. Now, I look at food with the thought in my head of, "do I have enough calories left to enjoy this?". I can now order a 900 calorie meal and be satisfied.

    Stay strong. Don't give up. In four months I have lost over 25 lbs, two pant sizes. I feel great. I don't tire quickly anymore.

    ps - another key to success is to find an exercise you enjoy. For me it's mountain biking. It's outdoors, it's a challenge, and I have buddies to ride with. Since losing weight I can tell my skills and endurance have greatly improved. Find something physical that you really enjoy and that you can do for at least 20-30 minutes a day. Since losing weight and discovering outdoor activities, I have picked up running and road biking as well.

    If you would like I can help keep you accountable. Just friend me up dude.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I so love your login name. It totally made me laugh. You'll lose the weight before you know it.
  • teresamellor
    hi my name is terry just wanted to say hello and to wish you well on your weight lose journey /if i can help in your weight lose journey let me know and il be glad to help :bigsmile: always remember your not alone x
  • chris6515
    chris6515 Posts: 131 Member
    This is a sad day for me. Just did the BMI calculation and got a 31.5 I am gonna get off my lazy *kitten* and become healthy again. I am so sick of being FAT. Nothing Fits I am always uncomfortable and to top it off IT JUST ISNT HEALTHY !!!!!

    I hope ther are a few people out there like me. Maybe we can chat or try and help each other with motivation, I start off on the right foot but I often lose steam and end up eating badly. ANyways I am not gonna stay depressed I am gonna beat this thing !!

    Obese is just a word. You are you and you are not defined by your weight. You are now trying to get healthy just like we all are here and we are all here to support you and cheer you on. Good luck!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I start off on the right foot but I often lose steam and end up eating badly. ANyways I am not gonna stay depressed I am gonna beat this thing !!

    This is the right place to be, and stay, motivated. I've been here a week and Im addicted to this place. Good luck!!