according to myfitnesspal I am OBESE !! DAMN

Fatphuck Posts: 18 Member
This is a sad day for me. Just did the BMI calculation and got a 31.5 I am gonna get off my lazy *kitten* and become healthy again. I am so sick of being FAT. Nothing Fits I am always uncomfortable and to top it off IT JUST ISNT HEALTHY !!!!!

I hope ther are a few people out there like me. Maybe we can chat or try and help each other with motivation, I start off on the right foot but I often lose steam and end up eating badly. ANyways I am not gonna stay depressed I am gonna beat this thing !!


  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    you've made the 1st and most important step posting it on MFP... You find lots of great friends here that will motivate you and support you along the way. Good luck to you and don't be sad be happy that your making a change in your life. :smile:
  • perlah
    perlah Posts: 21
    that's right! you're here...good luck!
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    My BMI (according to this site) is /cringe/ over 40... Though, it has gone down 2.5 from where it was at 16lbs ago! I'm excited about that!

    I am here for the same reasons. I am so sick of being obese. I hate that I can't keep up with the kids. I hate that none of my clothes fit like they used to. I hate the way I look. I hate the way I feel. I want to be healthy!

    Don't get me wrong, I feel good about myself as a person, but I am just no longer willing to accept being 'super sized'. Good luck with your progress! I hope it goes great for you!
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    You should be so proud of yourself already!!! You have taken the first step in admitting that you need to have nowhere to go but up! (Or down....watching those pounds melt away!)

    I know how you feel though...when I first began my BMI was 36.9!!!!! It's really hard to hear/see the word obese. Since joining MFP I have lost 35 lbs and my BMI is now at 31.7 (I am still considered obese!)

    You can do this!!! I have faith in you and the great news is that everyone is here to support you! Best of luck on your journey :)

  • TwinMamma09
    TwinMamma09 Posts: 140
    I just joined and I am looking forward to the journey and the support here in MFP. Good luck to you and healthy is always the goal!!!!
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Sorry... had technical difficulties and it double posted.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So glad you are here...this is a wonderful and encouraging community. I have totally given up FB because I don't have time for both and there is NO WAY I can give up my MFP! Feel free to add me. We can do this together!!!:smile:
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    I know how you feel. When I started in Jan I too was obese. In April I went from obese to overweight and I was so excited. You will find you get excited over some silly things, but they are important to you.

    Good luck on your journey!:flowerforyou:
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Yeah, it was not pleasant when the Wii shouted "THAT'S OBESE!!!" GRRR... but it will come down. I'm just "overweight" now and probably will be even at my goal weight. Not that I follow BMI much, because on the whole the scale kinda sucks, but I totally understand where you're coming from.

    We're here to help!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Hey there! welcome to MFP.. I totally understand. I was also in the obese area and it sucked and was depressing.. as a matter of fact I think I still am there :ohwell: but after losing 46 lbs so far I feel and look waaay better then when I started regardless of what the scale or bmi calculator says. There are days where you'll prob fall off but just pick yourself back up and keep on moving. Just dont give up!!! If I can do it.. anyone can!! Feel free to add me if you'd like.. we all need some support at some point. :smile:
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    Congrats on finding MFP. It can change your life. It has completely changed mine.
    Just wait, sooner than you know it it will say HEALTHY!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Good luck with your journey. You will make some awesome friends on here. I do think you are being alittle hard on yourself with your username though. :smile:
  • MsRobin_TheSequel
    MsRobin_TheSequel Posts: 127 Member
    Omg! Love your user name! Clever and hilarious!!!

    You've come to the right place. This site is awesome. It was the missing piece of the puzzle for me and hopefully will work wonders for you too :)

    Best of luck to you!
  • xelapw
    xelapw Posts: 12
    When you are muscular your BMI is out of sync. I too am clinically obese but can't lose weight despite the exercise and calorie regime. i have even taken to weighing absolutely everything I eat and still no weight loss. have toned up and gone down a size though.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I'm obese too. That hurt when I first saw it. I love MFP. Everyone here is so nice. You'll love it!
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    One step at a time...

    One decision at a time....

    You've made a great decision just to join and get involved!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    BMI is a horrible system to measure your health. According to it I am overweight and almost obese.
  • FJones43
    FJones43 Posts: 11
    Don't be so down on yourself, we ARE our worst critic. However, be happy that you've identified that you're tired and want to make a change just like the rest of us. Today is my first day here and I am so excited! From what I understand there are a ton of motivators on here so you should be in good company. If you continue on here and stick with your plan no matter the challenge you will start to see results. My doctor told me "slow and stead wins the race" meaning losing the weight slowly and consistently will keep it off long term. You didn't gain it over night so don't give up if you don't see results right away. Hang in there we all are in this together! Good luck!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    You should join the August challenge! A lot of us are in a challenge that starts June 13 and ends August 13th! We have teams and everything, we weigh in weekly and we motivate one another. This would be a great way to get some healthy competition and rev up your life quickly! Find it on the message boards and go for it! We'd love to see you on the challenge and watch how you change over the next couple months
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    I felt the same way twenty something pounds ago but I changed my eating habits and started doing cardio. It's a process that takes determination and dedication but when you start to see the results you'll become even more motivated. It also helps being here on MFP because you get good advice and have people cheering you on. Stick with it and you'll see a difference!

    Best of luck!