Turbo Jammers 1/5-1/11



  • greeneyes490
    greeneyes490 Posts: 77 Member
    greeneyes-I've been doing Cardio Party 1 and 2 and just rotating them. I get in Ab Jam, Lower body, and Turbo sculpt when I can (which isn't very often). I workout 5-6 times a week. I think my eating habits have a lot to do with the weight as well. I'm drinking water (a year ago I didn't know what water was hehehe). I try to get in 100 oz a day and I drink 16 oz of green tea every morning. I stay in my calories everyday...yes this includes eating my exercise calories...that's why I exercise so I can eat :happy: I did have a month break where I was going thru some emotional things and just couldn't bring myself to exercise or plan meals. When I finally pulled out of my funk I jumped back in full strength and haven't given up. My mini goal is to be down to 182 by the end of the month. So I have 6 lbs to lose this month....not unrealistic. I think that has been a big part of my motivation too...being realistic in my goals. I don't expect more than 2 lbs a week...sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't.

    We can all have the results we want we just have to put in the time and effort.

    Your so right.....it is a matter of time and effort.......I have just such a hard time to keep the momentum going and then after one slip I revert back to my old ways......I am an all or nothing kind of person :).....I am either completely perfect or so bad......my added motivation this time is I am turning 40 in May and really want to start out my 40's with some excitement and not having to focus so much on my weight.....that would be such a great accomplishment......I know I won't lose it all by then but I would like to be under the 200 lbs mark....just to see a one again would be great :) lol....thanks for your info and i can't wait to try cardio party 1 (don't have cardio party 2) is there such a difference between the two??? or is one a beginners and the other intermediate???


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  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    greeneyes-they are just different workouts. The intensity is about the same. At first I thought Cardio Party 2 was harder but as I got used to it I realized its just another workout. I don't think I burn any more calories on one over the other.
    My over all goal is to be 165 before I turn 31 in April. I haven't been that little since I was a junior in high school.
    As for slipping...don't worry about one little slip. Just start fresh the next day or the next meal. One slip is not going to put those 10 lbs back on. I "slipped" for about a month and thankfully I was able to maintain my weight. Making healthy choices will get easier and then it will become second nature. Your body wont crave the yuckie stuff and will actually WANT the healthy stuff. And if you do slip....believe me it wont taste the way you think it should.
    Keep posting :smile:
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Hi everyone - hope everyone's day went well! I just finished TJ cardio party #2. I really like TJ, she makes it soo much fun. :smile: How's everyone else doing?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    The past few days have been hard for me to squeeze in everything. Baby has an ear infection & is teething so she's clinging to me like crazy. I just got in 20 min. with hubby. I think I'm going to try to do something else before I fall on my face from exhaustion.

    Jenn - love the doggie pic! :love:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara sorry to hear that your baby is having a rough day. I think we are finally at the end of Adi's head cold and teething...well at least for this tooth.

    Welcome Newbies

    I did the 20 minute and the Shred today. I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow and see what my new workout has done for me!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Oh drevens_mom keep us updated!!

    How long are the TJ dvd's and do you all mix and match the dvd's?

    Mine should hopefully arrive today. I have everthing crossed!! I really hope they do so I can get started over the weekend before I go back to college on tues :grumble:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    The length of the workout depends on the dvd.

    20 min. = 20 min. (obviously LOL)
    Cardio Party = 40 min.
    Punch Kick & Jam = 50 min.
    Ab Jam = 20 min.
    Turbo Sculpt = 40 min.
    Fat Blaster = 30 min.

    Those are the ones that I have. I do what I want to depending on the day. It came with a recommended chart for what to do on what day, but I don't follow it.

    Z was up about 5 times last night & up for good at 4:30 so I'm drop dead tired right now. I'm hoping that my workout can be squeezed in & then I'll feel better. *sigh* It's been a rough week!
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    The past few days have been hard for me to squeeze in everything. Baby has an ear infection & is teething so she's clinging to me like crazy. I just got in 20 min. with hubby. I think I'm going to try to do something else before I fall on my face from exhaustion.

    Jenn - love the doggie pic! :love:

    Thanks 3babybeans! She's my "Big Girl" - nothing but a big teddy bear. I't makes me feel good to know my dog weighs more than me! :laugh: Is that a new pic for you? You're looking good!!
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    The past few days have been hard for me to squeeze in everything. Baby has an ear infection & is teething so she's clinging to me like crazy. I just got in 20 min. with hubby. I think I'm going to try to do something else before I fall on my face from exhaustion.

    Jenn - love the doggie pic! :love:

    Thanks 3babybeans! She's my "Big Girl" - nothing but a big teddy bear. I't makes me feel good to know my dog weighs more than me! :laugh: Is that a new pic for you? You're looking good!!

    Meant to say sorry about the babies - I remember those days. Hope they get better soon! :smile:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Well my ticker only moved one spot but I really lost 3 lbs this week. I weighed in at 190 last friday and today I'm 187. Last time I changed ticker I was 188. I know a lot of that was just due to holiday snacking and not getting enough water but hey it's a loss.

    deedun hope your stuff shows up today. I'm ordering my new dvds today. I'm definately going to get 3T, PKJ and Fat blaster. Sara any other suggestions?? I don't have room for the ball routines so I'm not gonna go there, and I've thought about getting one of the live workouts...maybe the booty one, cuz I have no booty. I thought about ordering the gloves but my heart rate already maxes out so I don't think I need to add anything at this time.

    I will check back in after my workout. Tootles :smile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good job, Lyn! 3# is awesome!!! Back in the right direction!

    Just got done PK&J...off to do my AbJam for the black team challenge this week. Pray for me? LOL
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    The past few days have been hard for me to squeeze in everything. Baby has an ear infection & is teething so she's clinging to me like crazy. I just got in 20 min. with hubby. I think I'm going to try to do something else before I fall on my face from exhaustion.

    Jenn - love the doggie pic! :love:

    Thanks 3babybeans! She's my "Big Girl" - nothing but a big teddy bear. I't makes me feel good to know my dog weighs more than me! :laugh: Is that a new pic for you? You're looking good!!

    Meant to say sorry about the babies - I remember those days. Hope they get better soon! :smile:

    Oh, this is old hat to us. My 3yo is nicknamed King Ear b/c of all the things he's had wrong in his short little life with those things. It is just difficult to go about daily acitivities (especially exercise) when a 17# sack of screaming flour is attached to your hip. :happy: Yes! that is my new pic. I took down my old pics b/c they were depressing me. LOL Thankyou! :smooched:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    "I hope you enjoyed AbJam!" :happy: BAAAAHHHHH!!! The ONLY TJ workout that I dread. BUT, I nearly made it. Only had to skip a couple sets on the floor. Maybe next time I'll see the whole thing! LOL
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I'm right there with ya Sara I hate the floor part of the workout. I don't do the sculpting workouts as often as I should. Ugh!
    Today I did Cardio Party and the Shred. Burned almost 700 calories :noway:
    I exercise to eat!!! hahaha

    Oh yea I'm ordering my new workouts today :drinker:
  • Roxie65
    Roxie65 Posts: 155 Member
    Just finished Fat Blaster and burned 229 calories. I don't burn alot with these workouts. Last nite I did 30 day shred.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Did CP2 today. I ummm....indulged last night so I really need my workout this morning. Apparently drinking gives you the munchies :drinker: :laugh: I tried to calculate all my calories and I think I only went over a little bit which is okay cuz I was WAY under the day before. I also needed to workout cuz I'm pretty sure hubby wants pizza for dinner tonight and this will allow me to eat some :love: I think I burned about 450 calories that's like 3 slices of papa murphys delite pizza!!

    We are going bowling this afternoon, not gonna add it to my exercise but I will know in the back of my mind that I have some leverage should I go astray today :happy:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    That's a good way to think about it, Lyn! Good job!

    I just got done with the 20 min. workout with hubby & Turbo Sculpt with the boys running around me like morons. Ugh I'm going to try to sneek in at least FB or Cardio Party at some point today yet. I think I broke my plateau & I don't want to see it come back!!!!

    How do you guys log Turbo Sculpt? I need a dang HRM.... There is "strength training/weight training" under cardio but I'm pretty dang sweaty after I get done with it & am thinking that the calories might be off. Eh. I don't really care for exact calorie count, but I was just wondering what you all did. LOL
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    I decided to join you guys and I'm pretty excited!! I've been reading your posts about TJ and I am a DVD person (work schedule does not permit gym time) I've been doing The Firm for the last 6 months,before that I was doing taebo boot camp. I just started 10 minute trainer about a week ago to have some more options when I don't have a whole lot of time (i do love the stacking and the resistance bands!) I was looking for a fun and challenging cardio workout that really works, has good music, and offers various options on length and focus. I mistakenly bought "flirty girl" cause I thought it was "sassy and cute" but the instructor was off the beat of the music!!!! It is a different kind of work out and I'll use it but the It was a little anoying being off beat, lol!!.
    I like the idea of having some folks that I can encourage me and who will encourage me as we make the trek together. I would appreciate some feedback/results you all have gotten w/ TJ so I can stay pumped up until it gets here - hopefully before end of week w/ the "free" express shipping !! Looking forward to the results.

    DH just laughed at me and shook his head when he saw me ordering ("what are you getting now"!)- glad he is understands I need variety to keep this thing going.
    Look forward to chatting and keep it up!