Nutrient overage

alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
edited October 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Had a stressful day and went to Perkins and also got ice cream with friends and ate about 2300 calories compared to my daily 1000 to 1200. Thing is, I know that's not terrible since I am low to begin with, but I am very over on fats compared to the recommended amount. Is this a huge deal?


  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    No. One day (or even a week) of something isn't a big deal at all. Over a long period of time -- yes, it can become much more of an issue. But one day is nothing. Your body needs balance over time, not every single day.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Fats is a minimum

    Please stop under eating'll wreck your skin, nails, hair and health in the long term
  • livelovebbg
    livelovebbg Posts: 45 Member
    One day won't have an impact, but you should be eating more than 1000-1200 calories per day.
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    edited October 2015
    Instead of worrying about getting too much fat, you should probably be concerned about a lack of micro-nutrients (minerals/vitamins) if you are averaging under 1200 calories. How does your log say you are doing on iron, calcium, etc...?

    This might not be obvious to some folks, but whether a person eats 1000 or 2000 calories, their body has the same vitamin and mineral requirements. A 2000 calorie person has twice as much opportunity to fit in those vitamin/mineral goals. Averaging under 1200, there's little room for empty calorie "junk" foods that aren't contributing to those micro-nutrient goals. A multivitamin can help, but there's a lingering question over supplement quality and the body's ability to absorb and utilize the nutrients in that form. Hopefully you enjoyed the ice cream, because it probably did you some good.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    Oh when I was young I loved eating $23 worth of Taco bell at 2am:):):).. You will be fine enjoy your life doll..
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    Oh when I was young I loved eating $23 worth of Taco bell at 2am:):):).. You will be fine enjoy your life doll..

    Lol YAAAAAS there is always room for the occasional splurge!
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    I had a boss that would tell us, "Have a bad day, but don't have a bad week. Have a bad week, but don't have a bad month." I use that in every facet of my life. Log it, get back on track tomorrow :)
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    Oh when I was young I loved eating $23 worth of Taco bell at 2am:):):).. You will be fine enjoy your life doll..
    Damm dude ... The *kitten* must be real at 3:am lol
  • biodigit
    biodigit Posts: 145 Member
    go shopping in the mall for 5 hours today to work it off.

    I would advise against that considering how less she's eating to begin with. Her body is probably thanking her for nourishing it with those 2300 calories intake!