I've started a low carb diet

I have started a low carb diet, which seems to be working! I have lost 14lbs in 24 days. I am interested to know if anyone here is using myfitnesspal to track their carb totals? The program seems to be more keyed with calories than carbs. I have tried calorie diets on and off my whole life, and nothing worked! But so far without wheats and grains, and eating more veggies/meats I feel like I am accomplishing more!


  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    You've started it, and it's time to end it, imo. Eat balanced. There's no reason for low-carb, low-fat, high-fat, no-fat, high-carb, or whatever else. You'll just end up hurting your body in the long run.
  • emmacomeau
    emmacomeau Posts: 11
    You can set how many carbs you want to have a day under Goals > Change Goals > Custom. I used the guided settings first, then went back to custom to lower my carbs and up my protein. Hope that helps!
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I am doing a high protein, low carb diet as well. It is working out very well for me. I am down a total of 59 lbs since January 1st of this year. I do have some high carb days to keep things varied (one day a week, maybe) and keep me out of ketosis, but I try to eat 60 carbs or less per day, 100 grams of protein and less than 25 grams of fat and sugar.

    My fitness pal honestly seems to do a better job of tracking it than any other site I have tried. I use the bodybugg when I am working out and trying to journal food on their site is a joke.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't really understand the set macros here on MFP but I customized mine, first I was trying for 30/30/40 carbs/protein/fat but then I switched it to 40/40/20 and I haven't been very successful, but probably you can see results quickly with low-carb, there's good reasons for this, something with science and water, but the real thing is not a low carb "diet" if you can't eat this way long term, you will just gain back all the weight when you eat normally again.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Low carb works for me... I just started doing "carb cycling" you may want to google it to see what your macro nutrients can be... Someone gave me a site and it helped immensely. Not sure how your energy level is, but I really look forward to higher carb day when cycling... Here is the website :) Cheers!

  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Yes you can set your carbs here to whatever you want. And don't listen to the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (be nice) people,, that espouse everything in moderation, let them continue eating their twinkies in moderation and when they are old and senile and you are old and vibrant, you will know you made the right choice.
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    The reason I'm on MFP now is to track carbs, fat, protein, and sugar; not calories. I just check in to track every once in awhile to make sure I'm not eating too little carbs. I like to maintain 100 - 150.

    Good luck with your plan.

    You've started it, and it's time to end it, imo. Eat balanced. There's no reason for low-carb, low-fat, high-fat, no-fat, high-carb, or whatever else. You'll just end up hurting your body in the long run.

    Be kind, and don't bash people's life choices. It is like you are saying 'don't be gay because being strait is better'. There is not one diet plan out there that is bigger or better than any others. The point is to find what works for you and to eat better/live healthier, and trying out a low carb diet isn't an end-all. I've personally got rid of my GERD, Join Inflammation, and Migraines by going non-dairy, low-carb/high fat, natural primal lifestyle and it works for me. Doesn't mean it may not work for anyone else and what they deem ‘proper or right’, but I'm not going to start telling those who want to try a high carb/low fat diet to stop either.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Yes you can set your carbs here to whatever you want. And don't listen to the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (be nice) people,, that espouse everything in moderation, let them continue eating their twinkies in moderation and when they are old and senile and you are old and vibrant, you will know you made the right choice.

    It's funny how moderate carb people are strawmen'd as people who eat twinkies by SOME dogmatic low carbers. Fortunately, most low carb advocates are alot more sensible.

    To the OP. Congratulations on your incredible start! I think i've found my carb level sweet spot, which is a pretty low for my activity level, but I'm a bit carb sensitive. Keep up the good work!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Deleted because giving your opinion on MFP is no longer allowed.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Not going to debate the low carb/nocarb/carbs/low fat/no fat/high fat choices other people make here. Everyone gets to the destination a different way. Healthier is better. What healthy is depends on you, your knowledge, limitations and current willingness. Every person is different.

    At the same time...I'm willing to concede that someone who's actually lost 132 pounds might just have something to say worth listening to...

    I've low-carbed before and enjoyed the health benefits very much. My cholesterol was normal, I didn't crave sugar and I had energy to spare. I think it even added a few years to my life. If I'm going through a stubborn stage where I just don't feel like counting calories, I try my best to keep it low carb, as I can at least maintain my weight a lot easier, without gaining. I had trouble keeping the calories down though and stopped losing weight after 40 pounds. It wasn't something I could sustain over the long haul, because my expectation was to lose more weight than I did and I gave up in frustration [my choice, not low carbing's fault], but it is something I still strive toward. When you are sensitive to grains then a diet of Meat, dairy, eggs, veggies, fruit and nuts is not a bad plan. Some people do better with grains and actually need them to function. I'm not one of them. IBS. Unfortunately, whether low carb or not, calories still tend to count. If I had it to do over again, I might want to consider counting carbs and calories. My favourite low carb recipe site is Linda's Low Carb - http://genaw.com/lowcarb/index.html

  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Yes you can set your carbs here to whatever you want. And don't listen to the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (be nice) people,, that espouse everything in moderation, let them continue eating their twinkies in moderation and when they are old and senile and you are old and vibrant, you will know you made the right choice.

    It's funny how moderate carb people are strawmen'd as people who eat twinkies by SOME dogmatic low carbers. Fortunately, most low carb advocates are alot more sensible.

    To the OP. Congratulations on your incredible start! I think i've found my carb level sweet spot, which is a pretty low for my activity level, but I'm a bit carb sensitive. Keep up the good work!

    Well "friend" twinkies or ww bread, pasta, pancakes, pizza, name your poison it's all the same, junk.
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    Let's not "bash" other people's opinions too though. You're being a bit of a hypocrite, you know?

    I personally prefer constructive criticism over non-constructive/semi destructive opinions. :)
    We don't have to 'bash', or if you prefer a more professional terminology, give 'destructive criticism' to someone who wants to try something new. Just saying...

    Have a great day everyone! :) I'm going out to enjoy the sun! whoohoo!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Unfortunately, whether low carb or not, calories still tend to count. If I had it to do over again, I might want to consider counting carbs and calories.

    I've had the best results counting carbs and calories. Keeping to under 1500 calories a day and carbs around 30-50 grams I can drop a pound or two per week, easily. Since I've had my gallbladder out I have to stick to low-fat otherwise life is unpleasant for me. I still lose weight keeping my fat to around 30 grams per day, but I can only net around 1200 calories to do so.

    Calories are calories, in whatever percentage you choose to consume them, but some things work better for certain people than others. Just because a person doesn't like something doesn't mean they have the right to pronounce that thing is wrong for someone else. We're finding new information all the time (think new sodium recommendations and the cholesterol in eggs) that contradict what was formerly believed to be "true".
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    BUMP...I wanna read after work :wink:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Whoops. Opinions on opinions definitely aren't acceptable.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    When you are sensitive to grains then a diet of Meat, dairy, eggs, veggies, fruit and nuts is not a bad plan. Some people do better with grains and actually need them to function. I'm not one of them. IBS. Unfortunately, whether low carb or not, calories still tend to count.

    Best post in this thread. Thanks for the breath of fresh air!
  • heatherfrancis
    I choose to have lower carbs most days of the week and have has many as I want about 2x a week. I find my cravings are much more under control, my belly looks less bloated. I always start my day off with carbs (oatmeal) everyday after my workout to refuel and then I keep it low carb for the rest of the day.

    I eat a lot of nuts/almonds
    sugar free pudding cups and sugar free Jello cups
    free whipped topping or light can whipped topping
    chicken breasts, Tuna, canned chicken breast(for conveinance)
    protein powder
    string cheese
    turkey pepporoni sticks
    93/7 ground beef
    jennio turkey burgers
    green beans
    lettuce spinach salads
    oil/vinegar dressings
    low carb wraps
    lunch meat
    sliced low sodium cheese
    cottage cheese
  • krizstyling
    krizstyling Posts: 40 Member
    Let's not "bash" other people's opinions too though. You're being a bit of a hypocrite, you know?

    I personally prefer constructive criticism over non-constructive/semi destructive opinions. :)
    We don't have to 'bash', or if you prefer a more professional terminology, give 'destructive criticism' to someone who wants to try something new. Just saying...

    Have a great day everyone! :) I'm going out to enjoy the sun! whoohoo!

    Not trying to bash anyone or criticize. Just give my opinion....

    and it's this. I dont' think she was trying to bash or give non-constructive opinion. Her intent was well placed.

    Low carb diets have been PROVEN to not be sustainable. I've seen many friends go on, and lose it only to gain it back in the upcoming weeks/months etc. If it's not sustainable, why do it?

    To the person above who said that no diet is better than the next....not true also.

    A diet is just what you are eating daily. Some have been proven to work better than others for LONG term. Anybody can try the latest fad and it not work or it work EXTREMELY well, drop their 10-100 pounds or more and in the end, find out it's not something they can do for the rest of their life (not sustainable) and therefore they find themselves giving up and gaining it all back...only to feel like CRAP after they worked so hard.

    At the end of the day, a person has to figure out what is sustainable FOR THEM. I wish everyone luck on doing just that!
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Let's not "bash" other people's opinions too though. You're being a bit of a hypocrite, you know?

    I personally prefer constructive criticism over non-constructive/semi destructive opinions. :)
    We don't have to 'bash', or if you prefer a more professional terminology, give 'destructive criticism' to someone who wants to try something new. Just saying...

    Have a great day everyone! :) I'm going out to enjoy the sun! whoohoo!

    I understand what you're saying, but don't you understand that you're giving my opinion some "destructive criticism" too? Let me see if I have this straight: I'm not supposed to give my negative opinion on a subject, yet somehow you're free to give your own negative opinion on my opinion. Yeah. Sounds fair to me. :glasses:

    Do you really understand what she is saying? This original poster has only 1 post - came here looking for support - and the very first reply says "You've started it, now it's time to end it, imo." No congrats on your losses so far, no welcome, no "hi there!.) Just harsh words......... harsh enough that the OP may never come back here. This is supposed to be a helpful, supportive website - how was anything in your post helpful or responsive to the OP's request or question?

    Why does every single thread about a non-mainstream WOE have to turn into a "food fight?" Jeez, people, lighten up and live and let live, fer gossakes.

    TO THE ORIGINAL POSTER: There are quite a few people on here doing low carb. Feel free to add me as a friend - I'll be happy to support you.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I eat a lot of nuts/almonds
    sugar free pudding cups and sugar free Jello cups
    free whipped topping or light can whipped topping
    chicken breasts, Tuna, canned chicken breast(for conveinance)
    protein powder
    string cheese
    turkey pepporoni sticks
    93/7 ground beef
    jennio turkey burgers
    green beans
    lettuce spinach salads
    oil/vinegar dressings
    low carb wraps
    lunch meat
    sliced low sodium cheese
    cottage cheese
    The Atkins website has the best list of low carb foods I've seen including a lot of vegetables. There are things on that list that I would have never thought of eating before.