Here we go again

Well hello, I've decided to get this weight off for good! I've yoyo ed between 10 and 13 stone pretty much my entire adult life. Got thin at university not eating, got fat drinking much booze, got thin when fell in love, got fat again being happy, got thin to get married, got fat having two glorious babies, lost it breastfeeding, got fat again coping with a 2 and 5 year old! Done weight watchers, slimming world, dukan, shakes, fasting, starving, etc. etc. So with turning 37 a few days ago I've decided I don't want to spend the next 20 years on the diet rollercoaster. So my goal is by next april I will have made enough changes to be fit, slim and happy for good! So I'm going to dust off my trainers, and get honest about what I'm stuffing my mouth. Wish me luck!


  • emiliobo
    emiliobo Posts: 32 Member
    well done for taking this step! I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 5 month old and have at least 30lb to lose. I'm still breastfeeding and have a 'spirited' toddler ;-) so tricky to take exercise at the mo! let me know if you have any tips on how to exercise with kids!
    good luck with it all feel free to add me xx
  • keitheron
    keitheron Posts: 5 Member
    My daughter has a 10 month old and a 3 year old who has just started nursery. While he is at nursery she has joined a buggy jogging group in her local park. The babies are in the buggies while the Mum's push them on the run and do various exercises. So hang in there and when your toddler starts nursery, exercise will be more possible.
  • whoopsadaisy
    whoopsadaisy Posts: 13 Member
    Best of luck to you! Sounds a lot like me, but I'm a lot older and my roller coaster has only been going up the past 5 years or so! But it's the same solution. We can do it!
  • sarahmcavoy25
    sarahmcavoy25 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys! I also work 3 days a week and my wee one goes into nursery then. so I'm either at work all day or on my days "off" looking after children. It's hard to fit exercise in as hubby works shifts so it's a juggling act at the best of times!
    I am going I make more of an effort to go out with buggy and when he has his afternoon nap, instead of flopping in front of tv for an hour with biscuits I'm going to stick on a exercise dvd. I also plan on actually taking a lunch break at work and going for a walk