Just saying hello!!

Hi Everyone!

I just signed up on this site and I love it! I am hoping that this it will help me keep better track of my calories. I am doing well with my exercise, but my calorie intake can be horrendous! I do really well and then go overboard later on down the line. So far MFP has helped me see what it is I have been eating. I didn't know I was eating so many calories at one sitting.

Any suggestions on meals is welcomed! Just trying to stay motivated and on track. I'm in it to win it this time. I want to get healthy, get in shape and maintain it.

Thanks for your support!!!


  • mags3333
    mags3333 Posts: 10

    I'm new too! I've done online food tracking sites before, but this one is the most user-friendly. My problem is that I quit adding the food if I tank towards the end of the day (always start off well!!!) LOL.

    Add me as a friend, if you would like. We must both like roses, as we both have one as a profile pic!!!! :)

    Take care and welcome!

    mary ann