Why I won't give up with over 100 to lose (pics)

kaysday Posts: 256 Member
edited October 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi all!!! I have over 100 pounds to lose. I will not give up because of the progress I see so far. I have lost 40 pounds and still going strong. I started the end of July 2015 and continued faithfully on my journey taking pictures every month to stay on track. Honestly speaking, I could not see the results from just looking in the mirror. The pictures made me see the work I was putting in. I just want to let everyone know, that it can be done. If you are just starting your journey and are doubtful of change and progress, I hope that this post will help that doubt. You can do it. MFP has plenty of motivational people and groups that you can join. Good luck on your journey everyone and please wish me luck on mine.
