Looking for new friends that have 50 plus pounds to lose

Hi I'm looking for some new friends that need or have to lose between 50-70 pounds to lose. About my Journey I started one year ago not tracking food but I started exercising and when I stepped on the scale I was shocked at the number that came back and that was 230 pounds I told myself after that I needed to do something before my health gets out of control and so I decided I would start walking and I just started around the block and started with just 15 minutes than I pushed it up to 30 minutes a day and added another block and than I added another 30 minutes and another block and than I told myself lets go further so I did a year later I'm now walking between 5-8 miles and for almost 2 hours a day plus I also go to the Gym, and go Swimming at our local recreation center they have an indoor pool and my husband goes with me as he's joining me on my weight loss journey. Believe in yourself that you can lose weight on your own and just remember to set goals and you will be fine that is what I have done and I'm seeing huge changes and so is my work. I also do Portion Control at home and work that seems to be helping me not wanting to eat a lot at home. Anyway please feel free to add me as a friend and I will be kindly to accept your request as I start and finish my weight loss journey that I have been on for awhile now.


  • jesskahh87
    jesskahh87 Posts: 40 Member
    I started at 238lbs. I slowly added exercise and began seeing a nutritionist. I'm now at 195lbs with more to lose! Let's do this!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    If you want a new buddy Please add me :)
  • hylianqueen
    hylianqueen Posts: 5 Member
    you can add me :)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I started at 300 pounds 2 years ago. I lost 30 just by cutting back on carbs. In January of this year I started walking on the treadmill about 15 minutes a day. I worked up to 30 minutes, then an hour.

    I started here on MFP in February have lost another 75. I did C25K and I am now able to jog the whole 5k. I made a commitment to myself to do one 5k race every month til next May.

    I was at 195 two weeks ago, but I went completely off my blood pressure medicine and now I am having trouble with water retension.

    I am sorting that out with my doctor, but in the mean time, I am committed to keep moving forward.

    I would love some support through the holidays and will be happy to support others.

    I'm 52 years old. 5'8" tall and today I weighed 202. My goal weight is 150.

    Please add me, if you like.

  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    I started out at 237 lbs about a month and a half ago. That is the highest it has ever been, and I'm the most uncomfortable I have ever been. I am on a mission right now to lose the weight and become healthier before I turn 40. I am 37 now-so I have time and I am trying to do this right. I am down about 12 lbs so far and still working. One day at a time! Support is always helpful!
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I'm 5'4 and weigh 184. I weighed 135 in 2012 but health issues and sheer laziness brought me here. I had gotten to 177 over the summer but was hospitalized for 2 weeks and fell off the wagon. I'm now back to eating right and exercising - cardio kickboxing videos at least 4 times a week. I'm hoping the scale starts moving soon. Could definitely use support.
  • If you need another buddy, please add me. I am just starting back up.
  • erindellamore
    erindellamore Posts: 46 Member
    I started out wanting to lose 120 lbs, and I have 53 left to go :smile:
    I follow a LCHF diet but love to be supportive of everyone's journey! I'm actively on MFP and log daily. Feel free to add me and anyone on here!
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    Add me :) I could use tons of friends. I'm 5'3" and 222 pounds looking to go down to 150 eventually. Immediate goal is fitting into the wedding dress I ordered which is 2 sizes smaller than the one I fit into.
  • angie53403
    angie53403 Posts: 10 Member
    My ultimate goal 65-70 pounds but that number is a little overwhelming so I'm going with 20 pound increments till final goal is achieved. All are welcomed to add me :)
  • marineav
    marineav Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new. Need to lose at least 80 lbs. have been on medical leave for back problems. Have just started walking and going to the gym, but worried about how I will make this work when I go back to work. Would love the support.
  • speckles99
    speckles99 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on and off here before...this time I plan to be on and to stay on track. I've started at around 212, and I'm just under 5'3. I have a two month old, and have managed to lose about 20lbs of the baby weight. I am getting married in December of 2016, and don't want to feel unattractive or uncomfortable in my wedding dress...nor do I want to feel uncomfortable in my own skin anymore. Goal is to lose another 40-50lbs or so...or whatever it takes so that I feel healthy and fit again. Feel free to add me
  • MilllieMoo
    MilllieMoo Posts: 88 Member
    I have just started LCHF (day 5or 6 so really new!) Have been on and off diets forever. Have been off for a couple of years, getting bigger and bigger and just being in denial basically. Bread (and all carbs really) have been my major fall down. Although I also love to cook and can be a glutton, so that doesn't help.
  • lyshanna224
    lyshanna224 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I have been on and off of MFP for a while. When I first began after the birth of my son I was hovering around 245-250. However things have ballooned out of control even more. I met someone and being happy and in love I guess more weight came along as well. I am a big/tall gal 5’8’ 278 lbs. My goal weight is 185 so I need to lose around 93 lbs. That’s nothing right?!....I need all of the motivation I can get to stay in this. I’m 30 and the mother of one and would live to have another child but need to come off this weight before trying for another. I have recently (as of Sunday 11/1/15) begun this 28 day “LBD” program with my best friend. With the program we weigh in every Thursday so today will be my first weigh in since Sunday when I saw that horrific number (278). Wish me luck as I approach the scale today. I’m feeling inspired and determined. Sorry for all of the rambling guess is my nerves and anxiety today! Good luck to you all and add me as a support partner!
  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    I came back to MFP on 10/25/2015 after being off for a while. I am currently at 212.5 lbs and I really want to lose around 75 lbs. I turn 50 in June and want to be healthier. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 6 years ago, but I am trying not to let it kick my butt. I try to stay active but I know I would feel better and want to do more if I lose the weight. Unfortunately, I have learned with fibro that aggressive workouts can make symptoms worse. So, low impact exercises and stretching seem to be the way I need to go. I really can use the motivation to stay on track so please add me.
  • skyhobbs91
    skyhobbs91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm 24 yrs old and weight about 250. My ultimate goal is 150, but I have made a short term goal of at least 35 pounds before my birthday (March 1st). Next week I will be starting a beach body fitness program but have been doing some trail running and walking. Around about 3.3 miles. I have one friend but she is in crazy good shape and it doesn't motivate me but at the same time I would like to have someone to struggle with. Lol. So anyone add me!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have just started LCHF (day 5or 6 so really new!) Have been on and off diets forever. Have been off for a couple of years, getting bigger and bigger and just being in denial basically. Bread (and all carbs really) have been my major fall down. Although I also love to cook and can be a glutton, so that doesn't help.

    Hi, I started 2 years ago by just by limiting my carbs and getting a grip on my apparent sugar addiction. I lost 30 pounds just by making that change. Then I started counting calories and gradually increasing my exercise.

    I have lost 108 pounds so far and have 42 to go!

    I still really have to stay away from bread, pasta and desserts. I have found that when I eat these things I am really hungry for the next day or so. Being aware of this has really helped me because when I do have a treat, I can recognising the hunger later and stay in control of myself.

    I eat more protein and fats than carbs, so I feel fuller longer.

    I just thought my experience might be helpful to you as you start your journey. Do it for YOU because you are worth the effort it will take to start to feel awesome and in control of your eating.

    The biggest benefit I have is that I no longer feel guilty about every bite I eat. If I mess up, I just learn from the experience and move on.

  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I was doing really good before I got pregnant with my little one, which eventually led to gaining 75 lbs. After having him, I kept a lot of weight on even through breastfeeding on demand, and now at 18 months he is very active. I have maintained my weight, even through my second pregnancy (miscarried at 11 weeks in July) but have suffered from depression because of it and it can sometimes kill motivation. I am now hoping to lose some weight before trying for baby #3, so that I can have a healthy pregnancy. I have about 50 lbs to reach my pre-pregnancy weight (but want to lose more than that).
  • Lindsey1619
    Lindsey1619 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love to join your gourd for support. My goal is 70 lbs at this time and I struggle with motivation.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I have about 70 lbs to lose.