Workout daily... yet no muscle definition... sensitive topic, past ED



  • lizhope1
    lizhope1 Posts: 20 Member
    I have no idea what my body fat is... i think out of curiosity i got it tested at gym and it was 23-24. when I was not deeply in my ED, but strict, but not menstruating i was more like 16-17% BF and it seemed my cycle came back when I was around 19-20% BF, so i don't want to dip much below that... not worth it... barely had a period for 8 years stupid me, which scares me to play around with being too fit and lean... oh and i have bone density issues from it...
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    Seconding these programs.
    Especially the books and Stronglifts 5x5. They really clearly explain why to train and how to train. (Just ignore the diet advice for weightloss).
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    lizhope1 wrote: »
    I have no idea what my body fat is... i think out of curiosity i got it tested at gym and it was 23-24. when I was not deeply in my ED, but strict, but not menstruating i was more like 16-17% BF and it seemed my cycle came back when I was around 19-20% BF, so i don't want to dip much below that... not worth it... barely had a period for 8 years stupid me, which scares me to play around with being too fit and lean... oh and i have bone density issues from it...

    It seems like you now have a very healthy relationship with food, and I'm glad that is the case after fighting with your ED.

    Beyond that, a couple comments. First, I think you look great, and a bit more defined than you probably think. Keep in mind many take photos when they are still "pumped", many tan, etc, and that helps them look defined. I know women who look like you or very similar day to day that look like ripped up work out monsters when they are pumped. Just food for thought there.

    I think it's very healthy that you aren't wanting to drop to low levels of body fat, but have to emphasize that with the right muscle base under the fat, it can totally change your shape still. There are plenty of ladies here who life yet don't drop to silly low BF numbers, and they can still define and shape themselves without doing any crazy fat loss routine.