200+ females!



  • luvleephilly
    luvleephilly Posts: 41 Member
    Hi please feel free to add me. I just started to log yesterday. I am 31 at 5'6" and my last weigh in was 230.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm just starting here. I am at 224 lbs today and hoping to lose 50+. Feel free to add me. It's great having support!
    XGLADIATOR Posts: 7 Member
    I'm starting at 219 hoping to lose 15lbs by February.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    Hi I am 51 years old I started on myfittnesspal on the 8th of January this year
    I am 5ft 3
    I started at 302 lbs
    I have lost 101 lbs so far
    I weigh 201 lbs at the moment
    The main things that work are log log and log all food and drink
    Exercise I have only just started at a gym I have only done walking up to now
    Find food you enjoy which are low in calories
    I love sugar free jelly/jello


    I am on my 29th day here at MFP. First time here. Lost 45 pounds 10 years ago on WW, and gained back twice as much since then.

    SW: 241
    CW: 232.5
    GW: 165
    Height: 5"10"
    Age: 55
  • evalest
    evalest Posts: 1 Member
    Today is day one of my third week. Long road ahead. I'm 5'3. SW 227, CW 222. I've started and stopped more times than I can count, but really need to get the weight off and keep it off this time. However, I'm cursing myself for starting during Halloween month! Ha!
  • MadDynasty119
    MadDynasty119 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm 27, 5'7" and currently hovering around 240lbs.

    I've been on and off MFP for over 3 years, inspired by acquaintances and the idea of tracking but not dedicated enough to stay on it. My goal weight would be somewhere around the 160 mark, to start.
    I have always been heavy as a kid and into adulthood. I have never let my weight hold me back and have led a pretty active lifestyle all throughout my twenties. I eat healthy, and have small indulgences once in awhile. This is how I would describe my diet to a doctor, but in reality my eating habits lately has been poor. Small indulgences have triggered full on binges, and my once active lifestyle has become increasingly more sedentary. I have recently made active changes to this pattern, enrolling in fitness classes I enjoy and tracking my meals on MyFitnessPal. Up until this post and recent posts made on other threads, I have been in the closet on my weight loss journey alone.
    I know that when losing weight community makes a difference. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm one of these people who know all of the right things to do to lose weight but I self sabotage. Can anyone relate?
    I hope that the steps I'm taking to diligently track and reach out to others with my same weight to lose will help me in keeping myself honest and focused on my goals.
    Thank you for reading, I hope to hear your stories and show support as well as receive it on this thread.
    - Maddy
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    Hey! Im 27 and 223 lbs.

    My highest was 300 lbs! Lowest was 199 lb after losing 100 lbs in a year back in 2009. Im currently working on getting back to my lowest and having people in a similar weight range as friends would be helpful!
  • ericainidaho
    ericainidaho Posts: 2 Member
    Me! I'm at 230#. I'm 5'9 and just started induction. :)
  • kendanault
    kendanault Posts: 20 Member
    Hello! I am 23 and 230lbs at 5'7"

    Add me!!

    I am trying to get back down to my athletic weight of 150. I was super active until 2 years ago when i suffered a sports injury that sent me spiralling. Gained nearly 100 lbs in 2 years!! The past two years I've been yo-yo dieting without lasting success. During the past month I've decided to go back to basics of watching my diet and lots of sweaty exercise - and it's been working!! 10 lbs down in 3 weeks. My goal is to be down to 175 by summer. Then work it off slow and steady from there!!
    XGLADIATOR Posts: 7 Member
    Add me if you like
  • creamcake2
    creamcake2 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi All ! I am 5'4" tall, 63 years young, started at 232 just 25 days ago ! I have lost 18 pounds so far so CW is 214. I am doing LOW CARB (atkins)...and I am really enjoying the group called Low Carber Daily Form LCD. If any of you are also doing low carb please feel free to add me ! I am loving this low carb/high fat way of eating!
  • amynb524
    amynb524 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a bit taller than you at 5'8, but I started in January at 253 and I'm down to 172! I'd love to provide motivation and tips if you'd like :)
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I started at 234.6 and my goal is 140. I'm 5' 8" tall. Add me if you like. I've lost 17.8# so far.
  • emilyr30
    emilyr30 Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone please fee free to add me. Looking for major motivation. 5'7" here and am currently at 247 down 16 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life and need all the gal pals I can get!!
  • suzanneshepherd
    suzanneshepherd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 61 and 5'8. Been on about eight days this time and have lost about six pounds. CW is 238; starting weight was about 258 after several stops and starts. I have terrible arthritis and avoid exercise because of it, even though I know I must do it to facilitate weight loss. Trying to cut gluten foods as much as possible. At this point I would be thrilled to hit 200! But I know a more suitable weight would be around 170.
  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    SW: 220
    CW: 211
    GW: 140
    5' 4", age 24
  • kathycushing31
    kathycushing31 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join your group.
  • SheriffMichelle
    SheriffMichelle Posts: 26 Member
    I am 5'10" and weigh about 215 pounds. I need to lose 50 pounds to be at my goal weight of 165. I am eating a mostly vegan diet right now (planning on going full vegan soon, but I am transitioning slowly). This diet change is causing me to be way more creative with food. I am eating so many fruits and vegetables and honestly it is giving me so much energy. I am going to the gym every day for a month doing 30-45 minutes of cardio and also following Cassey Ho's Beginner 2.0 fitness program. That is the Blogilates YouTube videos work out. I am weighing myself every Thursday as well as taking progress pictures. You can totally add me as a friend on here and hopefully we can motivate each other!

    My goal is to lose 20 pounds by my birthday in January, where I will also be attending a gaming convention, PAX South. Then I want to lose the rest of the weight hopefully by July! :)
  • NicoleFray
    NicoleFray Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks everyone! I added you all. Hope we can help push each other!
  • angie53403
    angie53403 Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me if you like and anyone else who wants can too. I'm just starting back working out. Gained weight after a injury at work. I'm 210 and 5'4. I can use all the support and accountability I can get.