Is Anyone Using Juicing In Their Weightloss Efforts?

Curious if anyone is juicing through this process? I'm a lover of green juice and have been juicing for years. I was just doing some research and saw that 16 ounces of juice can run you as high as 200 calories. I had always thought of it as a 'no calorie issue'! I realize that on some days, in addition to eating, I've been drinking up to 600 extra calories.


Juicing isn't going to go away for me - I believe in it, and it helps me quite a bit. But I am curious if people are juicing once a day, if they found it impacting losses, how they manage it, etc~


  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    What do you get from juicing that you can't get from eating?
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I don't juice but I do make smoothies sometimes and love. However, they can quickly make your calories and carbs sky high. Log what you put into the juicer just like you would anything else but definitely don't think of them as freebies.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Juices CAN be really high in calories, so good for you for noticing that. Juicing itself won't help you lose weight, but if you like it just make sure you can track the calories.

    The only juicing "method" I use is at the end of the week I juice any leftover produce that may be going bad. Then I add that juice to soups or whatever. For me it's a last-chance way to save food before throwing it out. Juicing every day for meals is way too labor intensive for me. Maybe it's just me, but my juicer sounds like an airplane in taking off and it is a PITA to clean. Once a week is plenty for me.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't juice because I really like whole vegetables and fruits and find them a lot more filling than just juice. (I hate drinking calories.) However, if you find it a convenient way to get more micronutrients, just count the calories and be aware you are losing a lot of the fiber.
  • Losing120Pounds
    Losing120Pounds Posts: 8 Member
    Ha BZAH10, I hear you on the airplane. Ours is pretty easy to clean (thankfully). I make it every other day - and store it.

    EarlandAbby - It helps with a skin condition I have. I've been doing it for years and when I don't do it, I can tell :)

    It's not about eliminating food. I get lots of fibre as well :)

  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Curious if anyone is juicing through this process? I'm a lover of green juice and have been juicing for years. I was just doing some research and saw that 16 ounces of juice can run you as high as 200 calories. I had always thought of it as a 'no calorie issue'! I realize that on some days, in addition to eating, I've been drinking up to 600 extra calories.


    Juicing isn't going to go away for me - I believe in it, and it helps me quite a bit. But I am curious if people are juicing once a day, if they found it impacting losses, how they manage it, etc~

    Why would you think that it would have no calories?
  • princsoreo
    princsoreo Posts: 9 Member
    I know there are mixed opinions on juicing, but I have found the occasional day of juices and veggies only helps me to feel reset and "cleansed" ;) It's not something I do all the time, but I mix it in once a month or every other month or after a particularly bad eating period. It helps me reset and get back on track.
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    If weight loss is the goal, eating one's calories is the best way to go. I actually juice when I bulk. The extra carbs are great right after a weightlifting workout--as part of a post-workout regimen. In general, to lose weight you need a caloric deficit. What is bad about juicing is you can easily down 100+ calories and literally feel like you had no calories. Therefore I think it hurts weight loss because if lower calories are your goal, and you eat or drink something that does not satisfy you, you either end up eating more, or you are miserable with cravings keeping your calories down. That said I will go out on a limb and assert bacon is better for weight loss. Why? Because for me, I can eat 300 calories of bacon, and the fat and salt are so high, I'm full for hours and chugging water to process the salt which fills me up even more. I drink 200 calories in carrot juice, it whets my appetite and now I want a huge steak with a side of rice.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    I want to juice but haven't yet, I drink V8 as an easy alternative. I think its a healthy way to get nutrients. I bought some protein powder to use in shakes but haven't used it yet as a meal replacement, possibly for breakfast.
  • nomadic_frau
    nomadic_frau Posts: 25 Member
    Someone above me posted about using up leftovers and I do that. If I crave juice I rather make juice than buy it, because when I make it, it's only good for one/two glasses whereas buying juice, I'm stuck with a container. I rather do smoothies though personally.
  • OmiLana2014
    OmiLana2014 Posts: 5 Member
    No. I would rather eat my calories than drink them.
  • Losing120Pounds
    Losing120Pounds Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2015
    @ValerieMartini2Olives - I recognized that there are calories but hadn't realized there would be so many.

    @Blankly4200 - I actually enjoy drinking a green juice. I also enjoy Sunwarrior Protein on occasion when I have a smoothie.

    @rontafoya - Interesting. I really enjoy the juice and it helps me tremendously. I have a skin condition that benefits from juicing and cutting out wheat.

    @princsoreo - I noticed that there are mixed opinions! Yikes. :/

    @nomadic_frau Agreed. I don't buy them, and its a great way to use up old stuff. I love smoothies so that I can sneak in some of my flax seeds!

    @OmiLana2014 Eat on! :)

  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    I juice! Usually m-f once a month.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    If you can work it into your calories and still be able to eat enough solid food and stay in your calorie limit, go for it. But do it because you enjoy it, not to help lose weight. And use a food scale ;)
  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    edited November 2015
    earlnabby wrote: »
    What do you get from juicing that you can't get from eating?


    If you are going to ingest the calories/nutrients what difference does it make if it's juice rather than food (except the lack of fibers)?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Juices CAN be really high in calories, so good for you for noticing that. Juicing itself won't help you lose weight, but if you like it just make sure you can track the calories.

    The only juicing "method" I use is at the end of the week I juice any leftover produce that may be going bad. Then I add that juice to soups or whatever. For me it's a last-chance way to save food before throwing it out. Juicing every day for meals is way too labor intensive for me. Maybe it's just me, but my juicer sounds like an airplane in taking off and it is a PITA to clean. Once a week is plenty for me.

    Sorry to go off topic but what a great idea. I'll be doing that from now on! Thanks :)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Curious if anyone is juicing through this process? I'm a lover of green juice and have been juicing for years. I was just doing some research and saw that 16 ounces of juice can run you as high as 200 calories. I had always thought of it as a 'no calorie issue'! I realize that on some days, in addition to eating, I've been drinking up to 600 extra calories.


    Juicing isn't going to go away for me - I believe in it, and it helps me quite a bit. But I am curious if people are juicing once a day, if they found it impacting losses, how they manage it, etc~

    When you post about juicing on here, most people assume juicing instead of eating, which is not what you mean I think.
    Yes, juice has calories, no difference between drinking your vegetables and fruit and eating them. Just track them and you will be fine.
  • Losing120Pounds
    Losing120Pounds Posts: 8 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Curious if anyone is juicing through this process? I'm a lover of green juice and have been juicing for years. I was just doing some research and saw that 16 ounces of juice can run you as high as 200 calories. I had always thought of it as a 'no calorie issue'! I realize that on some days, in addition to eating, I've been drinking up to 600 extra calories.


    Juicing isn't going to go away for me - I believe in it, and it helps me quite a bit. But I am curious if people are juicing once a day, if they found it impacting losses, how they manage it, etc~

    When you post about juicing on here, most people assume juicing instead of eating, which is not what you mean I think.
    Yes, juice has calories, no difference between drinking your vegetables and fruit and eating them. Just track them and you will be fine.

  • Losing120Pounds
    Losing120Pounds Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thanks. Ya, at no point was I referring to a juice fast. I have used juicing for years, far before it was a 'thing'.

    It helps my digestion and my skin. It's been positive for me, but recognizing the calories and my need to lose weight, I was simply looking to speak to people who may have similar experience. I juice in addition to eating and have clued in to how many additional calories I've been consuming.

    With respect to juicing- I don't feel the need to justify it or defend it. We all are our own person with our own path. I have had people criticize my love of green juice while they've drank a Coke. ;). To each their own.

    Thanks for the response!