Looking for advocare users

Hi my name is Megan. I've used mfp before but never been great and always logging.
I'm looking for fellow advocare users. I did the challenge and I'm now looking for ways to continue weight loss and also looking for people who struggle to keep on track cuz....well......I do


  • danilynn16
    danilynn16 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Megan my name is Danielle and I am currently on day 10 of the 24 day challenge. So far it is going good! The shakes actually taste great! I was surprised
  • yvettezijlema
    yvettezijlema Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Megan,
    I have used advocare, and I really love spark. It's a great pick me up. Helps me focus, keep alert, and gives me energy.
  • monneubauer2006
    monneubauer2006 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am on day 16 of my challenge. Not sure how much I have lost since I had my husband hide the scale. Curious how much you lost though? Everyone says they see a difference in me but I feel so bloated and miserable because of all the water.
  • noyoyo122
    noyoyo122 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all! I've just finished the 24 day challenge! It really gave me the "kickstart" I needed to get back on track. I lost 7 lbs and 6". I too am hooked on the spark. Love it! Gives me the boost I need in the afternoons. Feel free to friend me for support. :smiley:
    @monneubauer2006 I was also VERY bloated and a bit cranky. My suggestion is take 1 magnesium supplement before you go to bed (I know, like you need to take any more pills!), but it makes a difference. Good luck!
  • meganstorm13
    meganstorm13 Posts: 3 Member
    I did the 10 cleanse a couple months ago and lost 12 lbs.
    Couple weeks ago I did the whole 24 day challenge but I was not diligent at all. Lost 5lbs after the cleanse but then gained a pound during the 14 days but like I said I cheated.
    I'm currently using spark, catalyst and thermoplus. We'll see what happens. I plan to do the 24 day challenge starting Jan 2nd. Get rid of holiday weight. Just plan to really follow it this time.
  • swall0810
    swall0810 Posts: 148 Member
    I am on AdvoCare products and about to finish up a 24 day challenge
  • emilycwhite0712
    emilycwhite0712 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of the 24 Day Challenge and I'm looking for friends who can support and guide me on this journey. I'm doing it alongside my boyfriend and he's done the challenge before, but I haven't. I don't have a coach who can give me the answers I'm looking for.
    Please feel free to add me!
    Thank you and I look forward to chatting with you!
  • lexiJ95
    lexiJ95 Posts: 22 Member
    I absolutely LOVE Advocare! I started with a 24 day challenge, lost 5 pounds and 22 inches! I continued with product and now, three months with Advocare I'm down 28 pounds and 26 inches.
    For me, staying "on track" involves meal prepping the day or two before. If I don't plan something out, I eat whatever is around me.
    I use Leptilean, Catalyst and Thermoplus everyday as well as a shake, a V16, and a fiber packet.
    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hiyah Megan it is difficult to stay in track but it is not impossible. Just make small changes and you will be able to stick with it. Advocare is not the answer. It's not necessary and is just a waste of money.

    Advocare is not a lifestyle change its a product used to scam people's money. The only thing that is needed to kick start weightloss is to start monitoring your current intake and see where you can make changes. Also add in exercise to make yourself feel good,

    Good luck.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Hi my name is Megan. I've used mfp before but never been great and always logging.
    I'm looking for fellow advocare users. I did the challenge and I'm now looking for ways to continue weight loss and also looking for people who struggle to keep on track cuz....well......I do
    Hi and welcome to MFP

    MFP is free, you don't need the overpriced MLM scam.

    read this


    best wishes :)
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
  • swimbikerun2006
    swimbikerun2006 Posts: 29 Member
    Have been using advocare for 75 days and have lost 28 lbs. After the first 24 day challenge I have just been doing the MNS3 vitamin packs & Catalyst and thermo. I started using O2Gold before my runs and the progress has been incredible! I am not selling nor did I get scammed into this. I signed up in my own...yes, it's pricey. But for the results it's worth it. That being saud, I am t-totaler on food and have taken my own everywhere practically. I find the supplwments really help curb cravings& my body feels fueled properly. I feel great!

  • WassupWitAli
    WassupWitAli Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm new to using Advocare looking for others that use it as well friend request me so we can encourage each other! I just started the 10 day herbal cleanse.
  • starr151
    starr151 Posts: 3 Member
    have used Advocare products for almost a year and a half. I started with the 24 day challenge. I have lost over 55+ lbs and have continued the products. I have maintained and not gained any of it back. :)
  • danilynn16
    danilynn16 Posts: 13 Member
    I am using some of Advocare's products as well and really like them
  • KRiesterer
    KRiesterer Posts: 4 Member
    Due to the expense of Advocare, after the 24 day challenge what Advocare products do you feel are a MUST for weight loss?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited November 2015
    None of them. MFP is free and is easy to use!
  • LCraneRN
    LCraneRN Posts: 1 Member
    I have been using Advocare since last January. I have lost 33 pounds so far and feel amazing. I am getting ready to run my first half marathon in two weeks. I couldn't get off the couch a year ago. MFP has been a great tool to help me log my food. I also use Jeff Galloways couch to 5K, 10K, and now half marathon apps. It's been a great year and am looking forward to meeting new goals in 2016!!
  • foreverfitforeverstrong60
    foreverfitforeverstrong60 Posts: 17 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hey there! Just joined my fitness pal today! I love the journey it's brought me on. How's the couch to 5k? I don't run because it's hard to breath for me...I have the toughest time catching my breath. I walk everyday and hike the mountains when I can as well. Is the couch to 5k helpful? I have always wanted to run at least one 5k in my life!
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    If you think you need to spend a lot of money on supplements to lose weight I'm sorry you feel that way. But at the end of the day it's your money. Just a word of caution to those who are seeking the "business opportunity." Run as fast as you can.......

    The products are no different that generic branded supplements, but at an extremely hefty price tag for under dosed ingredients and no clinical studies what so ever......

    It just doesn't make sense.....but the AdvoCulters will tell you I'm the enemy.... LOLZ