Weigh day

I'm new to MFP and just wanted to ask when you are supposed to weigh yourself? I've got into the bad habit of weighing every morning and just wanted to know when people weigh themselves and log their weight?


  • nrp317
    nrp317 Posts: 5 Member
    do it once a week or so...then you can see much better results
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Weighing daily is fine as long as you're aware that you'll see more ups and downs. The only thing that matters is that you do it under the same conditions (first thing in the morning usually, after using the bathroom and before consuming anything, wearing the same amount of clothing).
  • Keighley1
    Keighley1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for the replies and advice
  • MarietjieHoward
    MarietjieHoward Posts: 214 Member
    It is all up to you hun, I weigh every morning, but be aware that you will see your weight go up and down, don't panic just keep going.

    You can do it after you have gone to the bathroom, and preferably with no clothes on to get an accurate measure, I would suggest take your measurements as well, sometimes you will loose cm and not pounds.
    Good luck and keep us posted with your progress.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I weigh daily and log weekly.
  • PrincessMegan13
    PrincessMegan13 Posts: 43 Member
    I log once a week first thing in the morning. I use the restroom first, and weigh with no clothes on...I even take my fitbit off! HAHA! Probably a little extreme, but I have a lot of weight to lose, so I want it as accurate as possible. I definitely agree--take measurements! There are weeks that the scale doesn't move a pound, but I know that I ate within my calorie limits and I got my workouts in. Lo and behold, clothes are looser even when the scale doesn't budge.

    Best of luck to you on your health and wellness journey! :)
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    mlboynton6 wrote: »
    I log once a week first thing in the morning. I use the restroom first, and weigh with no clothes on...I even take my fitbit off! HAHA!

    I do the same thing every Friday morning: get up, bathroom, walk dogs, weigh, shower. Scientifically-speaking, you want the only variable to be your weight, so keep everything the same: same morning routine, same time, with the same lack of clothing. Weekly works for me because if I weighed every day I'd likely get disappointed with the fluctuations.

  • NovaDuck
    NovaDuck Posts: 63 Member
    I weigh daily and plot it on a graph so I can see the trend. I use Friday mornings as my MFP check-in, though. If you don't think you'd be disappointed with daily fluctuations, then weigh daily if you want. It's quite personal to be honest. :smile: