MFP subtracting exercise calories

Hi. I have a question about the tracker. It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories. For example, I have 1430 for a total allotment, its subtracted 543 for what I've eaten so far and then subtracted another 100 exercise calories for a remainder of 787. Shouldn't this be a remainder of 887?? Those 100 exercise calories should be addes, right? I don't understand what's going on.


  • joepratt503
    joepratt503 Posts: 191 Member
    That is should add exercise, not subtract.
  • kristenbgould
    kristenbgould Posts: 2 Member
    OK. Thanks for validating my confusion. I'm not crazy! This is really weird.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Do you have something like a fitbit connected?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Do you have something like a fitbit connected?

    this would be my question...I have a jawbone and have disabled negative adjustments so it wouldn't do that.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    I have a FitBit connected, and it subtracts the calories. Not sure what this is? I can't see your diary to attempt a guess; see if it happens again tomorrow? Might just be a random glitch.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    You must have negative adjustments enabled, this is actually your tracker adjusting the amount of calories your allowed to have in a day based on your activity level, because it estimates it is lower than the MFP estimate. Its added to your account in a weird way, yes, but its not incorrect, its just saying youre not being as active as MFP expects you to be for the activity level you selected.
  • It normally adds exercise calories to daily total not subtracts it. You are right lol
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have a FitBit connected, and it subtracts the calories. Not sure what this is? I can't see your diary to attempt a guess; see if it happens again tomorrow? Might just be a random glitch.

    There is a setting for FitBit syncing that allows negative adjustments. That way if you are really inactive on some will deduct calories.

    Here's a link to the FitBit users group:

    Some people like the negative adjustments, other people hate them.
  • mwebster01
    mwebster01 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi. I have a question about the tracker. It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories. For example, I have 1430 for a total allotment, its subtracted 543 for what I've eaten so far and then subtracted another 100 exercise calories for a remainder of 787. Shouldn't this be a remainder of 887?? Those 100 exercise calories should be addes, right? I don't understand what's going on.'s tracks your calories that includes your exercise(and your exercise gives some calories back).if you hadn't exercised for 100 calories then your net calorie total would have been 887(1430-543=887)
    you said... "It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories" does indeed do are supposed to eat the calories back in order to keep up with your calorie goal for that day. I don't eat my calories back sometimes bc I'm not calorie goal is 1200 calories a day.I mostly stick to this goal, but again sometimes I'm not hungry.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I have a FitBit connected, and it subtracts the calories. Not sure what this is? I can't see your diary to attempt a guess; see if it happens again tomorrow? Might just be a random glitch.

    There is a setting for FitBit syncing that allows negative adjustments. That way if you are really inactive on some will deduct calories.

    Here's a link to the FitBit users group:

    Some people like the negative adjustments, other people hate them.

    I honestly did not know that. . . I've never seen a negative adjustment. Good to know, thanks!
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    You must have negative adjustments enabled, this is actually your tracker adjusting the amount of calories your allowed to have in a day based on your activity level, because it estimates it is lower than the MFP estimate. Its added to your account in a weird way, yes, but its not incorrect, its just saying youre not being as active as MFP expects you to be for the activity level you selected.

    ^^This^^ Check to see if you have negative calorie adjustments enabled... personally, I prefer it as a means to get me off my lazy butt...
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member

    go to my home, settings, diary setting, and uncheck "enable negative calorie adjustments
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I have a Fitbit Connected and if I don't exercise mine does that too. But it does even out and give them back throughout the day. Just get moving and your tracker will give them back.
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    Hi. I have a question about the tracker. It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories. For example, I have 1430 for a total allotment, its subtracted 543 for what I've eaten so far and then subtracted another 100 exercise calories for a remainder of 787. Shouldn't this be a remainder of 887?? Those 100 exercise calories should be addes, right? I don't understand what's going on.'s tracks your calories that includes your exercise(and your exercise gives some calories back).if you hadn't exercised for 100 calories then your net calorie total would have been 887(1430-543=887)
    you said... "It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories" does indeed do are supposed to eat the calories back in order to keep up with your calorie goal for that day. I don't eat my calories back sometimes bc I'm not calorie goal is 1200 calories a day.I mostly stick to this goal, but again sometimes I'm not hungry.

    You don't understand the original post.
  • mwebster01
    mwebster01 Posts: 111 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    Hi. I have a question about the tracker. It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories. For example, I have 1430 for a total allotment, its subtracted 543 for what I've eaten so far and then subtracted another 100 exercise calories for a remainder of 787. Shouldn't this be a remainder of 887?? Those 100 exercise calories should be addes, right? I don't understand what's going on.'s tracks your calories that includes your exercise(and your exercise gives some calories back).if you hadn't exercised for 100 calories then your net calorie total would have been 887(1430-543=887)
    you said... "It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories" does indeed do are supposed to eat the calories back in order to keep up with your calorie goal for that day. I don't eat my calories back sometimes bc I'm not calorie goal is 1200 calories a day.I mostly stick to this goal, but again sometimes I'm not hungry.

    You don't understand the original post.
    I am talking about the MyFitnessPal calorie counter. she didn't say she is using something else.
  • mwebster01
    mwebster01 Posts: 111 Member
    calories eaten +calories burned =net calories. if your calorie goal is 1200, then eat 1200 calories by the end of the day.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    Hi. I have a question about the tracker. It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories. For example, I have 1430 for a total allotment, its subtracted 543 for what I've eaten so far and then subtracted another 100 exercise calories for a remainder of 787. Shouldn't this be a remainder of 887?? Those 100 exercise calories should be addes, right? I don't understand what's going on.'s tracks your calories that includes your exercise(and your exercise gives some calories back).if you hadn't exercised for 100 calories then your net calorie total would have been 887(1430-543=887)
    you said... "It seems to be subtracting exercise calories from my total just like food calories" does indeed do are supposed to eat the calories back in order to keep up with your calorie goal for that day. I don't eat my calories back sometimes bc I'm not calorie goal is 1200 calories a day.I mostly stick to this goal, but again sometimes I'm not hungry.

    Sorry but this post is a bit incorrect. As OP rightly pointed out, exercise calories should increase your daily calorie goal and food should decrease it. So with no adjustments for exercise it should be 887. After exercise adjustment it should be 987.

    I guess it must be the negative adjustments thing but I don't have experience of fitbits
  • Darbster69
    Darbster69 Posts: 1 Member
    I am using a Vivofit with the Garmin Connect app. I have it linked to MyFitnessPal and it communicates calorie info back and fourth between them. However Garmin Connect adds my active calories to my daily goal but MyFitnessPal subtracts a different amount. Example from yesterday's data...
    Garmin Connect- (goal) 2,240+ (active cal.) 387 = (adjusted goal) 2,627- (cal. consumed) 1,940= 687 remaining
    MyFitnessPal- (goal) 2,240- (food) 1,940- (exercise) 67= 233 remaining

    If MyFitnessPal penalizes you for inactivity where is it getting or how does it calculate the baseline?
  • Kelli_Fain
    Kelli_Fain Posts: 1 Member
    If I do a workout and I know how many calories I've burned, how do I add it? It doesn't have a spot to record the calories I've burned.
  • beckygammon
    beckygammon Posts: 73 Member
    Got to exercise if on the computer and add it as a cardio activity even if it was strength still enter as cardio so you can add the calories. If on the app, you got to your diary and click on the + button and add exercise. However, when you add exercise calories it will increase your amount of calories you can eat and macros, so I always add mine at the end of the night when I have finished my eating for the day so that it doesn't confuse me because I don't have premium. :smile: