I guess now is the time.....

Hey all! I am a 42 year old man that just realized that he isn't 23 anymore. After nearly a decade in the US Army, and then the same working in the woods, I was pretty in shape, and happy. Now that I am married, and happy, I have to look in the mirror and be real about where I am. My Triglycerides are 2400 (....yeah....that's right, 2400!) and I am now considered a morbidly obese Type II Diabetic! What happened!?!?!? Ten years of stress, I don't know. all I know is I need to shed about 100 lbs., and really tone things up to save myself from a heart attack in the near future! So there it is.... I think the hard part is putting it out there into the sphere, and then realizing that I HAVE to commit not only for health reasons, but I have just pointed out a flaw that I can totally fix! I just need to focus.... I think. Before and after pics? Are those helpful? I would LOVE to look like JJ Watt but I have to work on realistic goals. :smile: Let's do this.


  • lustforlife2016
    lustforlife2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello there, my name is Sonya. First let me say, Thank you for your service & hard work. :) My husband and I are in the same boat. Today I have decided to commit to a healthier lifestyle and well being. I'm now 31, and realize I can no longer eat half a pizza and it not effect my weight & energy. I'm looking for friends to help me keep accountable. I'm totally in! B)
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome! :)
    I'll echo the above poster first of all - thank you for your service.

    I hope you find MFP useful. I'd definitely recommend taking before and after pictures and don't forget monthly measurements too! You can do this!
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    Yes yes yes take before pics. I didn't and that's the biggest thing I regret :(