
I have been eating pretty light, so I'm totally hungry at the end of the day. Any tips for getting rid of hunger after I've used all of my calories for the day? I've been drinking lots of water, but it doesn't help for very long.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Send me a message and I'll open my diary for you to check out.
  • mapexdrummer69
    The biggest thing that helped me with hunger is skipping breakfast, eating a light lunch, and then eating the remaining calories for the day ~2 hours before I go to bed. Night time hunger is the worst for me, so I like to go to bed feeling full.
  • simplysarahd
    The biggest thing that helped me with hunger is skipping breakfast, eating a light lunch, and then eating the remaining calories for the day ~2 hours before I go to bed. Night time hunger is the worst for me, so I like to go to bed feeling full.

    I will give that a try and see if it works for me. Thanks!
  • mapexdrummer69
    The biggest thing that helped me with hunger is skipping breakfast, eating a light lunch, and then eating the remaining calories for the day ~2 hours before I go to bed. Night time hunger is the worst for me, so I like to go to bed feeling full.

    I will give that a try and see if it works for me. Thanks!

    No problem!

    The first couple of days are a little hard in the mornings if you're used to breakfast. Hunger and satiety hormones like ghrelin and GLP-1 will actually start to regulate to adjust to your lowered meal frequency. Try it for at least a week and see if it doesn't help a bit. Eating small frequent meals IMO keeps you thinking about your next tiny meal. Good luck!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Honestly? I just had to get used to feeling hungry most of the time except first thing in the morning. In a way I am lucky in that I simply cannot eat after a certain time or I have real problems trying to sleep. If I can get through the evening, the hunger doesn't carry over and I don't get up starving, thank goodness. But I do develop that nasty old hunger during the day again.

    Too many decades of convincing myself that I wasn't eating too much as long as I was really hungry. Takes more than a few months to over come that.
  • simplysarahd
    Honestly? I just had to get used to feeling hungry most of the time except first thing in the morning. In a way I am lucky in that I simply cannot eat after a certain time or I have real problems trying to sleep. If I can get through the evening, the hunger doesn't carry over and I don't get up starving, thank goodness. But I do develop that nasty old hunger during the day again.

    Too many decades of convincing myself that I wasn't eating too much as long as I was really hungry. Takes more than a few months to over come that.

    Great advice!! Thank you. :smile:
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    I either have some tea or low cal hot chocolate if Im really hungry at night. However I try to save 140 calories for the end of the day so that I can have my ice cream sandwich before bed!
  • MalyMal
    MalyMal Posts: 102 Member
    I usually have a snack at around 8 or 9 then after that its nothing else. But I do get hungry sometimes so I usally much on some ice chips and that seems to help. But if my sugar drops I always have a little snack just so it doesn't really bottom out.
  • lggk01
    lggk01 Posts: 16 Member
    Eating more fiber and protein helps me, along with the water. Good luck!
  • moPOETRYtion
    I've been doing MFP for a little over a week now, and honestly the hunger was awful at first. I even made a post about it! But I've added high protien, low calorie snacks to my day and it has worked amazingly well in keeping me feeling full all day. I eat things like fat free greek yogurt, dry roasted almonds, hummus with celery and carrot sticks for dipping, and apples with a bit of peanut butter. I think it helped giving my body a chance to get used to less calories a day and the added protien snacks. Godd luck!