Wanting that breakthrough moment

TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I wish it really was as simple as flicking a switch in my mind to have that breakthrough moment with whatever mental shift needs to happen.

Understanding how to get healthier is a different thing than doing it.

Action sometimes feels impossible.

I'd like my mind to be my greatest friend & support, not my enemy.


  • mamanda12
    mamanda12 Posts: 6 Member
    I totally agree with you!! I know what I need to do; it is the doing it that I struggle with. I am hoping this site will help me> :-)
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Personally, I think it's all about making yourself see every change as a victory in order to keep the momentum going and not let yourself slide backwards. AND making sure you're open to support when you're struggling.

    Looks like you're doing great so far! :)
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    But I don't agree - its not a breakthrough moment! Sorry - but I think its a series of baby steps and learnings - then you look back and say "OMG I've done something quite amazing!"

    I started by trying to get two days right out of 7! Then 3 days right out of 7 - you see where I'm going - before long I've got to 7 days right out of 7!

    Don't get me wrong I am no expert and I'm only 1/6 through my journey! But I don't believe there is a defining moment - its just a series of days that go well.

    Good luck :-)
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I don't really feel I am doing that great. Although I'm glad to be this much less than my worst, I've been yo-yoing the same 10 pounds for 6 months. Up and down, up and down, up and down. All those hours of working out, all the good choices, and the poor choices quite easily wipe out the good ones.

    I know it's a mental thing. I haven't managed to overcome it yet.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    "Ah-ha" moments will happen, but only when "duh" and "yay" and "son of a..." and "go me" mini moments happen!

    You've come a long way already. Look how many years it took you to get to where you were before you decided to make the change. That took years of chips and cupcakes and pizza and sitting on the couch with a beer instead of exercising. Just don't let the crushing moments bring you down (I'm talking no movement or an increase in the scale). It's a downer, but it's likely going to happen. Just keep up with good work and get some motivation and encouragement from MFP buddies!
  • dreamer4
    dreamer4 Posts: 27
    Not that I have much room to talk as I have just started trying to loose weight, but I am an RN and from what I know if you are yo-yoing you might benefit from changing your exercise routine. Your body gets a tolerance and than it just doesn't work as well. I know they teach us to tell patients to rotate activities every 6-8 weeks to keep your workout effective. Are you lifting weights? Muscle burns more calories and often if you add some light weights and more reps. it will help you loose inches and pounds cause now you can burn more calories. :-) I agree though. I know what to do but it is baby steps. Sometimes I wish I could cast my arms so I couldn't get them to my mouth! ;-) I know extreme, but the bottom line is that to loose weight we need less in and more out. I tend to snack when the kids snack, eat when the hubby eats and blow my WHOLE day.
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Not that I have much room to talk as I have just started trying to loose weight, but I am an RN and from what I know if you are yo-yoing you might benefit from changing your exercise routine. Your body gets a tolerance and than it just doesn't work as well. I know they teach us to tell patients to rotate activities every 6-8 weeks to keep your workout effective. Are you lifting weights? Muscle burns more calories and often if you add some light weights and more reps. it will help you loose inches and pounds cause now you can burn more calories. :-) I agree though. I know what to do but it is baby steps. Sometimes I wish I could cast my arms so I couldn't get them to my mouth! ;-) I know extreme, but the bottom line is that to loose weight we need less in and more out. I tend to snack when the kids snack, eat when the hubby eats and blow my WHOLE day.

    I started doing 30-day shred recently. Finished day 7, but the last 2 I've been sick. I will definitely get back to it when I'm able.
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    "Ah-ha" moments will happen, but only when "duh" and "yay" and "son of a..." and "go me" mini moments happen!

    You've come a long way already. Look how many years it took you to get to where you were before you decided to make the change. That took years of chips and cupcakes and pizza and sitting on the couch with a beer instead of exercising. Just don't let the crushing moments bring you down (I'm talking no movement or an increase in the scale). It's a downer, but it's likely going to happen. Just keep up with good work and get some motivation and encouragement from MFP buddies!

    Took 20 years! Let's hope it doesn't take 20 to lose it. :)
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