SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • KristinAshli
    Week 9 Chart is in:

    Week Mini Challenge: What is your motivation? And how do you stay self-driven?


  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks Kristin! I'll take the loss, but I'm sure bummed that I keep bouncing between a tease of 147 and 150. Then again, it was that TOM for me... so maybe that was the reason for the 2lb gain from 147 to 149.

    I started a fat burner today too to help me out and give me a little boost. I decided I'll use it for a month and see if it works, if not I'll stop using it.

    Keep on working hard ladies!!!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats, Kay!!!

    My motivation is simple: Seeing that magic number on the scale and seeing my body toned. I can't wait for those things - I push myself like mad simply for the outcome. Also - I love being healthy and happy...but sometimes that is not motivation enough.

    Additions motivations: I am standing up in my ex-boyfriend's sister's wedding so I wanna look va-va-voom! :-P
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It cracks me up to see myself in the breakthroughs section, it feels like I'm there every other week! LOL!!! But maybe I'll be able to keep myself in th 140s for a change. Bringing my lunch almost daily is for sure helping, WAY less sodium. I've also swapped out dinners for protein shakes for the most part.

    Anyways... motivations! There are so many! Buying/fitting in smaller clothes, getting people to turn their heads when I walk by, free drinks, feeling sexy in front of my boyfriend, not being exhausted all the time, being one the smaller people in a room, confidence, happiness... oh the list goes on.

    Staying motivated can be tricky if you're had a long streak of plateau/maintenance like I have. I feel like most people would throw in the towel if they try to lose weight for 6 months and can't. But, I'm at the end of my journey, I've already met my goals for the most part, and now I just want to keep improving my fitness and health and perhaps get a bit smaller. I think of how I used to feel, overweight, unhappy, awkward, and I don't ever want to go back there. It's like on the Biggest Loser when they tape a video of their overweight selves giving their future, skinny selves a pep talk :)
  • Kraziekay89
    Thanks Taco!

    I keep myself motivated by thinking about myself in a bikini now (YUCK!) and what it could be (oo lala)! I also attend weekly Weight Watchers meetings that hold me accountable for my weight loss, as well as the challenges on MFP, but it being in person, for me, makes it more serious.

    I stay self driven by having my goal to run a 5k by September, and knowing that I want to go on vacation next year looking fabulous. i get comments about my weight loss which helps too. Now that I've seen I can do it, its motivated me all over again.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks Kristin! I'll take the loss, but I'm sure bummed that I keep bouncing between a tease of 147 and 150. Then again, it was that TOM for me... so maybe that was the reason for the 2lb gain from 147 to 149.

    I started a fat burner today too to help me out and give me a little boost. I decided I'll use it for a month and see if it works, if not I'll stop using it.

    Keep on working hard ladies!!!

    .... and my motivation and drive comes from wanting to be able to walk around in nothing but a skimpy bikini and look like a girl who has been fit (and active) her entire life- I feel like healthwise (aside from my high BMI) I'm already healthy- I've always maintained a very healthy diet and pregnancy was the reason for my gains of late.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I think my motivation came to me because I am just tired of being fat. Enough is enough!! I have been heavy for 14 years and tried unsuccessfully to lose weight lots of time. When I found MFP it just started clicking. I always knew it was calories in vs. calories out, I just never was able to put both eating better and exercising together, If I did one I didnt do the other. I stay driven by all the compliments I am getting from everyone about how much weight I have lost, how I am looking younger ( I will take that any day!!). I have never had this much determination. I have decided that I am going to lose this weight once, and if that means I have to count calories and workout every day forever to keep it off, then that is what I will do!!:smile:
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Week Mini Challenge: What is your motivation? And how do you stay self-driven?

    Hmm...well, I think my motivation comes from a couple of things. MFP is probably my #1 motivator. Looking at how hard those around me are working makes me want to accomplish the same. Sometimes when I'm down or not seeing the results as quickly as I'd hope, I'll sit down and look through pictures of myself. The recent ones I hate and some of the older ones when I'm smaller. I usually get motivated again after that. Seeing the clothes I used to wear or things that I wear now that I feel would look better on me if I were fit. If none of those things work, I'm lucky enough to have a bf who supports me to the fullest, from helping me prepare meals to being my coach and pushing me to workout when I'm being lazy. :flowerforyou:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    For once I'm excited for weigh in tomorrow! I can log at least a pound and a half lost as long as the scale doesn't change dramatically, and I've been in the 140s for an entire week! Whoot whoot!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Good morning! My official weigh in today...

    147.9 lbs!!!!! WHOOT!!!!

    That's the first actual loss I've had in a while, and I've been below 148 for a few days now, I think it's sticking :) My boyfriend is out of town this weekend, so I have time to workout, hit the pool, and hopefully not get too out of my eating habits. I want another loss next week!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I weigh in this morning at 155.6. Its a small loss,but its a loss and I will take it. Everyone have a great Thursday!!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Hello I must say that it is true when they say weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. I have not exercised this week but I have been staying within my calories and watching what I eat and guess what I dropped 1lb so today's weigh was 146.5
  • KristinAshli
    I will have to agree with weightloss! I too...did not exercise this week, and just tried to watch what I ate and lost 1.2 pounds for this week! I was having a hard time this past week and really stressing over my weight and body, so I took a week off from MFP. Glad to be back! I have a new's not a race. Just eat right at least 6 out of 7 days of the week and exercise when I can. I think I was overstressing my body with all of this exercising I was doing. I will get back into exercising soon, though. I'm still doing Zumba two days a week, so thats good. Hope everyone had a good week! I will be posting chart tomorrow morning, so everyone who hasn't given me their weigh-in...have it for me by tomorrow morning! THanks ladies! I mean...Shorty's!! :)
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Sigh. I weighed in at 134.4 this week.. gain of 3 pounds.

    Combination of holidays in wine country, crazy work hours and being on the road for work.

    On the plus side, I'm back on track and work won't be so crazy anymore! And, i'll just have to make sure that I bring my gym stuff when I'm on the road!

    Congrats to everyone who had weight loss this week!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    I will have to agree with weightloss! I too...did not exercise this week, and just tried to watch what I ate and lost 1.2 pounds for this week! I was having a hard time this past week and really stressing over my weight and body, so I took a week off from MFP. Glad to be back! I have a new's not a race. Just eat right at least 6 out of 7 days of the week and exercise when I can. I think I was overstressing my body with all of this exercising I was doing. I will get back into exercising soon, though. I'm still doing Zumba two days a week, so thats good. Hope everyone had a good week! I will be posting chart tomorrow morning, so everyone who hasn't given me their weigh-in...have it for me by tomorrow morning! THanks ladies! I mean...Shorty's!! :)

    Welcome back and congrats on the loss! Your body welcomed the break :). Put me down for 154.2 lbs this week. I'm glad to get back on track, too!
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Last week I started to get a little bummed, memorial day weekend I had gained and then last week I stayed the same....but this week I weighed in at 150.2 which gives me a 1.4 lb loss :)

    This week i didnt get much exercise in, but I made sure I counted my calories all 7 days even if I knew I did bad and went over I still made it a point to calculate on weekends. I think that is where I began going wrong I stopped calculating them when Id do bad and thats when I started to see a gain.

    There are many things that motivate me in losing this weight. I someday wanna have a family and having ovarian cysts one of the factors is weight. I told myself I need to battle this weight gain while I am young because the older I get the more weight Im gonna have to lose and the harder it will be.

    Goodluck shortys!!!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone, it sounds like most have done really well this week - great job!!

    Well I was expecting bad things and well yep a gain for me this week, +1.8. We went away for a long weekend and had a suprise 60th Birthday party for my Mum. It was a fantastic weekend and we all really enjoyed it but with no exercise and lots of bad food and drinks (I think mostly the drinks!!) I had gained like 6 pounds or so after the 3 days :noway: Anyway I have been good since coming back and have managed to get it down since then. Oh well hopefully by next weigh in I will be back where I was last week. I think this is the first time I have had a gain for this challenge so pretty happy with that :smile:

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 152.6
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: Gain 1.8 :cry:
    Total Pounds Lost: 16.4

    As for my motivation, I think that for me too this site has been really motivating. Seeing how well others do makes me know that if they can do it then so can I. Since starting on here I have completed the 30 Day Shred and just today I ran 5km on the treadmill for the first time ever with the C25K, these are things I had never heard of before coming on this site and for me now it is starting to be more about being fit and healthy than the numbers on the scale. I still like to have a goal to work towards and still have a way to go but I'm trying not to stress about it - I have come to terms with the fact that after 5 kids (including twins) my body is just never going to be where it once was :laugh: . My next goal is to run a 5km race, and start to get a little bit faster, I kind of jog/shuffle at the moment, would'nt really call it running :happy: but I'm getting there!

    Hope you all have a great week ahead, keep up the great work everyone :smile:
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Morning Shortys! I came in at 171.2 this week which is pretty good considering its TOM. Ick. Im hoping that means that next week I will FINALLY hit the next set of ten's! Haha. Hope everyone's week is going great.
  • KristinAshli
    Well hello Shorty's! I'm feeling much better after having a week break from strict MFP! I think I was overly stressed with trying to work out and eat right and just AHHH!! So, this week...I gladly take a 1.2 pounds loss for not exercising!

    WE ARE GETTING CLOSE TO BEING DONE WITH SHORTY'S CHALLENGE! I can't believe we have survived this long, and I applaud all of you who began this journey with me and stuck with it. AWESOME JOB. What a roller coaster! But I think we can all relate and agree that weight loss is not something that's going to happen over night, or even over 12 weeks. This challenge has been great because it has showed me that you aren't going to lose weight EVERY week guaranteed. All of us had our ups and downs...we gained one week, we lossed the next. And especially to have all of us within the same height and weight's been comforting to know that I'm not the only one, and I'm not alone in this physical and emotional draining weight loss journey. Thank you girls for being there for me and every one of Shorty's to lift us up when we needed and pat us on the back when we had a good week! It's been awesome!

    Week 11 Mini Challenge: I challenge everyone to try to do EXTRA good this week! Eat as healthy and often as you can, when you exercise...give yourself that extra push! We are on our last two weeks of our Shorty's challenge and I challenge all of you to really get down and put your mind to having a loss this week. YOU...CAN...DO...IT! We are all here for the same reason, and can give the motivational support that we need! I challenge a group loss by ALL OF US this next week! Just's also before July 4th weekend, so we need to challenge ourselves before our July 4th binge! lol What do yall say?? I'm down. :) GOOD LUCK!!!!! :tongue:

    Here is Week 10 Chart & Results:


  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Chart looks awesome as always!! Great mini challenge pushing ourselves this last few weeks. I am really sad that this challenge is ending, it really kept me in check!:sad: Everyone have a great weekend!