My Journey!! On Contrave, anyone else?



  • crochetpaws
    crochetpaws Posts: 30 Member
    i just started taking contrave yesterday! i am hoping for great results. today i have noticed that i am not interested in snacking like i used to be. i really hope this will be what it takes for me to finally lose weight.
  • ssharp2005
    ssharp2005 Posts: 1 Member
    Just took my first pill today...
  • margybuono
    margybuono Posts: 4 Member
    I am and I don't feel bad about admitting it. I have dropped almost 16 pounds since mid-June. I have had no interest in sugar or carbs so I think that is Contrave hitting the pleasure center of brain where previously it might have been a bit of sugar here and there. I work out 5 days a week and have really changed how I eat. It's working for me and I've had no ill side effects. It's a lifestyle change and I think once I reach my ultimate goal weight I'll be able to maintain because I've worked on making those changes and not just speeding up my metabolism and not eating.
  • Alpha0201
    Alpha0201 Posts: 1 Member
    I had a total thyroidectomy last September and my body went haywire. In the process I gained weight because my body wasn't regulated. I was on a controlled diet of 1200 calories and still gained. It was crazy. Anyhoo... My Endo regulated me and put me on Contrave to give me a jump start. I have taken it since April and I have lost about 16 pounds. I don't like thinking about food. Sleep? I've never slept well. One side effect that I experienced in the beginning was terrible stomach aches. It went away but now I notice depending on what I eat....if I want to eat....I get sick or in other words horrible stomach pains. Anyone else experience anything like this?
  • KayLynn702
    KayLynn702 Posts: 11 Member
    I lost 40 pounds on my own without any pills, but then hit a huge plateau and my doctor suggested we try contrave for a couple months. I started with one pill in the AM and one in the PM and the side effects I experienced were dizziness and tunnel vision almost to the point where I was scared to drive, I was in a constant fog! I workout 5-6x a week (3 with a trainer) and not so worried about the calories I eat but my carb intake. I lost 5 pounds in the first week and then nothing...

    I stopped taking it and for the past week I've literally ate everything in sight! I'm terrified to get on the scale - trying to get back on track and I hope that contrave is out of my system.
  • gloriza
    gloriza Posts: 1 Member
    I started taking Contrave about 7 weeks ago. I started having side effects from day 1, but ignored the symptoms hoping they would go away. I increased the dose gradually and when i got to 4 pills a day the symptoms got extremely worst. Finally about 2 weeks into 4x a day I stopped taking them. I am now on day 2 of not taking them and i am feeling better. I was constantly in a fog, fatigued, dizzy, dry mouth, metallic taste in mouth, diarrhea, restlessness, tremors, nausea, headaches .. I was a mess. I lost 10 lbs on it and i was always hungry but did not want to eat. I craved fruits and vegetables and would get sick if i ate anything too sweet. I am 40 years old, work out 4x a week and walk about 3 miles a day. I am also vegan, but have an extreme hard time losing weight. I need to lose 20 lbs . Mind you i gained 20 lbs within a year. I am healthy and doctors can't figure out what is wrong. They say my thyroid is fine. I eat approximately 1300 calories a day... If i eat out i eat about 1800 calories. I really can't wait until Contrave is out of my system. I also participate on the scale down program.
  • paulabsc
    paulabsc Posts: 43 Member
    Just started Contrave on 11/2/2015. I am hoping it helps with my binge eating. Lets cross our fingers.
  • O2BNWA
    O2BNWA Posts: 18 Member
    I am taking both meds seperately that combined make contrave bc i do have Depression and compulsive overeating- the only down side is when my dose was high it completely took the joy out of food- i could eat 500 calories of Tofu or 500 calories of Nachos and feel the same about the experience. So for me I had to lower it, I like to cook and go to restaurants and for me that is a joy, i have 20 pounds left and this with diet and exercise 6x a week has helped greatly!
  • nicholelks1988
    nicholelks1988 Posts: 6 Member
    So glad to find this thread...going to the doctor November 19th and planned on asking about Contrave. Im on Wellbutrin right now but was wanting some weight loss assistance. I have been focusing on eating clean but I havent been exercising regularly. Normally I exercise and try to eat right but I end up spreading myself too thin, so I have decided to focus on correcting my eating habits and exercising mildly. I have lost four pounds the last couple of weeks just doing that, but I need to lose a lot of weight. I am 5'6 and weigh 212lbs now. My biggest point was 216 and that was just a few weeks ago. I know that I can keep the weight off once I start losing it, I just need the motivation and to get rid of my sugar addiction. If yall could keep updating your progress that would be wonderful!
  • LisaLittle05
    LisaLittle05 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey I'm kinda new here but I was wondering how Contrave worked for you. I am going to the dr tomorrow and requesting this med. I have pcos and it feels like I've been spinning my wheels for 2 years now and can't seem to get out of this depression and wanting to eat all the time. I have no energy whatsoever and just need some kind of a boost to help me out of this. I'm 5'9 195lbs.
  • mikey575
    mikey575 Posts: 2 Member
    mdarlingaz wrote: »
    Yup! I love it and have been on contrave since November. I lost 15% of my body weight using that + diet and exercise. Good luck!

  • mishi6111
    mishi6111 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Everyone. I just started Contrave on January 2nd. I have not really had much of an issue with side effects yet although I am only taking 1 pill in the am at this point. I will say that my mood has improved drastically with this medication and I am more motivated to get my workouts in. I also am not snacking like I used to and my portions have decreased. We will see how week 2 goes but I am committed to complete the full ramp up before I really make a decision on this med. However so far I am happy.