Winter blues meh

Daylight savings time change has me slackin in the gym this week. Cold and rainy days are not helping. I need some winter tips to keep me frosty. Suggestions?


  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I think it is the transition that's the hardest. When it is dark out, I do better in a group to motivate me, like my beginner's crossfit or bootcamp. Loud music helps too. No more lovely bike rides outside.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Winter workouts make Summer bodies! Not that I am a big summer person but I do think of this time to time because I know at a minimum in the spring and summer I am going to want to wear shorts sleeves and a tank top or two!

    The time change does take so adjustments but when you miss too many workouts and indulge it too much comfort food it doesn't pay off.
  • Sashysash2806
    Sashysash2806 Posts: 18 Member
    Agree with the above comments. Gotta rise and grind. Just gotta want it bad enough
  • Mussronkey
    Mussronkey Posts: 28 Member
    A co-worker wrote a note on my desk that read, "when you want to quit remember why you started". Just have to keep that in mind!
  • smackie82
    smackie82 Posts: 5 Member
    Love the quote. Thanks