Any tall ladies out there 5'10 and up?!?!

Hello! I'm looking for inspiration and new friends that are tall like me and are either just starting their journey or have made progress. I love sharing progress photos and recipes and snacks. I'm 5'11.5 sometimes measured at 6ft depends on the Doctor lol. I am currently 196lb. I have a 4 month old daughter and even though my baby weight is gone I'm looking to get in a healthier weight range for my height. My goal is 170lb.


  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    My starting photos mqu08lm4vz78.jpeg
  • denelifet
    denelifet Posts: 27 Member
    G'morning! I'm 5'10 and SW was is 187....I've no actual number on the scale I'm looking to get to but would love to be back into a size 8 with a flat tummy....I'm in a size 12 now and can hold my breath and squeeze into a size 10 but fear I may pop a button and take out someone's eye if I breathe....LOL!!!

    I'm going to guess and say somewhere in the 170's would prob get me where I need to be for a size 8.
  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    It's been so long since I've been 170 I can't remember what size I was lol. I'm currently in a size 12/14 and I agree a size 8 would be wonderful. I have had success with MFP in the passed so I'm happy to be using it again. I'm not big On diets but I do like to have healthy habits and this app helps me keep my eating in check. I need to walk more than once a week lol the weather has been yucky. My plan is to find an indoor work out I like at home. And maybe do Zumba at the local dance studio once a week.
  • mammer83
    mammer83 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm the same height as you. I'm 235 ugh. I was 200 prior to baby (who is 10 weeks). My goal is to get back to 200 but ultimately 185 I feel great at. Good luck!
  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    I was 200 when I got pregnant with my daughter and got up to 235! I feel ya!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm 5'11 and as of this morning I'm 331. Looking for new friends!
  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    I literally went into labor hours after taking these pics! Crazy to look back on them lol
  • ghostbuster242
    ghostbuster242 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm also tall :) 5ft 10/11 and currently weigh 233lb :( I have an awful lot to lose and am just starting out. I have some health problems in 2013 and put on about 50lb over the year :o then when I was at my heaviest I got pregnant! My little girl is now 5 weeks so I'm trying to get healthy but seeing it as a long term project! Feel free to add me :)
    Ps I did not look that good the day I gave birth!!!!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 5'11. Started off around 250 lbs. (which took me about 15 months to lose.) Now I'm happily maintaining at 170 - 175 lbs.

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5'11" and currently 176 but trying to lose around 20 more pounds (or wear a size 8 comfortably.) Also trying to focus on lifting, so hopefully will see results! Go tall gals!
  • toolgirlkatie
    toolgirlkatie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 5"10 and currently at my highest weight of all time...205lbs. I've been on and off of hormone drugs to regulate my periods and it caused major weight gain. I just started this app three days ago and I'm looking to lose 40lbs. Tall girls are the best!!!!!!
  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    Tall girls are the best! Welcome ladies!
  • Sashysash2806
    Sashysash2806 Posts: 18 Member
    I think I may be a short for this forum. I am 5'9.5" was 200lbs now down to 143lbs. Looking to get down to 135lbs
  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    Not to short perfect! And way to go on ur hard work!
  • cooperinmarin
    cooperinmarin Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5' 10.5" and my kids are both older than 9 years old so I can't really call my current extras "baby weight". My weight is 185-189 and my goal is to get to 150. I am dedicated to taking better care of myself (my weight reflects a gradual "giving up on myself" and putting everyone and everything before my own self care over the last many years). This is about so much more than shedding pounds for me. Day 2...
  • ashleynye8914
    ashleynye8914 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5' 10.5" and my kids are both older than 9 years old so I can't really call my current extras "baby weight". My weight is 185-189 and my goal is to get to 150. I am dedicated to taking better care of myself (my weight reflects a gradual "giving up on myself" and putting everyone and everything before my own self care over the last many years). This is about so much more than shedding pounds for me. Day 2...

    Moms need to take care of themselves! It's so hard to do and easy to let go. I hope with ur dedication u reach ur goal!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'11 and around 200lbs right now. My highest weight ever was 269 (or more, I stopped weighing myself after that). I joined MFP a few years ago to get the rest of the way and never made it, so I'm back! I could really use some new friends for motivation. I don't have kids yet, but I'm engaged and we are talking about starting a family after our wedding next year. I really want to be as healthy as I can to prepare for pregnancy, not to mention look amazing in a wedding dress!
  • yolohunter
    yolohunter Posts: 79 Member
    Hola! I'm 5'10/11 and started out around 238 about 6 weeks ago after yo-yoing around 215-238 for the past year :/ My current weight is 222. My first goal is to get under 210 because then I will no longer be in the obese BMI category, and then get back under 200 and ultimately to my goal weight of 160. Unfortunately, I lost this same weight about 8 years ago and kept it off for about 6 years until gaining it all to be going through this again, but this time my goal is sustainability!!! I've done it before and I know I can do it again! Please add me- yay tall girls!
  • syntheticstar
    syntheticstar Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'11.75 and I started at 320. I've lost 63lbs in the past five months and am down to 257.

    Only 82 to go!
  • elizadoodle88
    elizadoodle88 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm 6'3" hoping to get down to 180lbs. Now that my youngest is 3, its past time to lose the baby weight!