How are you losing weight? I would love some tips and buddies! :)



  • Kait_Dee
    Kait_Dee Posts: 176 Member
    My advice & it's working for me so far: Eating less & moving more. The "moving more" is mainly just resulting in feeling better, the weight loss is from "Eating less." The "light bulb" moment for me was getting a digital food scale and using it - I had been WAY underestimating how much I was really eating.

    The final part is setting realistic goals. I started out with a very aggressive goal loss rate/pace. I was actually beating the goal, but was grumpy and miserable, and then started "binging" & then beating myself up for failing at an unsustainable & unrealistic goal. I upped by daily calorie goal (but still at a deficit), started succeeding more than failing, felt better (& felt better about myself), and continued to lose weight. Have to keep reminding myself that it's a marathon & not a sprint.

    Welcome to MFP! This process really works (if you do :) )

    Way to go Matt!!
  • SumoToWarrior
    SumoToWarrior Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! Welcome :) I too am counting calories with a meal plan I made for myself. It's all about flexible dieting and whether it fits my macros. I'm more then happy to provide more insight into this and general support! This goes for everyone, feel free to add me.
  • angelautomatic
    angelautomatic Posts: 31 Member
    I'm just getting started back up again, but I think that keeping track of what you're putting in your body has really helped me a lot in the past. I love getting out into nature for my runs/walks, and the girls at post great workout schedules each week that help keep you on track. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Get a food scale, eat at a deficit and you'll lose. It's that simple :smiley:
  • wessels9
    wessels9 Posts: 1 Member
    hey. Biggest differnce for me has been cutting out sugar as much as possible
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Logging and prelogging works for me. I did not realise how much I ate until I started logging on MFP. I haven't cut anything like carbs from my calorie intake just mindful of how much I'm eating.