Need breakfast ideas

madnlilmom Posts: 3 Member
Hello! My struggle right now is with breakfast. Anyone have breakfast recipes, especially quick ones?


  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Instead of looking to others for foods ideas, I find doing a quick search on the Internet very educating. If there is a particular food you like. you can find many ways how to jazz it up. Right now I am in love with chick peas and have found numerous ways to eat it - scrambled, smoothie, curry to name a few.
  • A_New_Creation
    A_New_Creation Posts: 180 Member
    How about an omelette? You can throw together a pretty nutritious meal that way.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    A bowl of muesli or granola with rice coconut milk is fast and tasty. Peanut butter , jam and toast. Boiled eggs.
  • katie1318
    katie1318 Posts: 59 Member
    1/2 cup oats
    1 cup water
    1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    Strevia sweetener (to taste)
    Microwave in 1 minute increments until all water has been absorbed 6yoetpgchdox.jpeg
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I really like eating savoury breakfasts if I can. One of my favourites is steelcut oatmeal (I do it overnight in the slowcooker and then I have enough for a week of breakfasts) + a steamed egg and some chopped veggies (I try to save some from the previous night's dinner) and chili sauce (sambal oelek).

    I love saving some dinner and having the leftovers for breakfast. I'll make up a little "breakfast bowl" of leftovers and leave it in the fridge so I can quickly microwave it in the morning.
    I find my couple bites of steak + veggies and potato so much more satisfying than cereal or toast or other typical breakfast foods that are usually very sweet. I also find it kind of weird that for the most part, traditional breakfast foods completely leave out vegetables. That makes it easy to eat too calorically dense of foods in the morning to be really satisfied if you still keep it under say 400 calories.
  • Freezzie
    Freezzie Posts: 1 Member
    I usually have a backup tub of yoghurt in case I have to leave in a rush, Its good to have a 2-go-to back up like that, add the fruits you want if you have 5 minutes to spare, or take an easy to carry fruit with you when you are in a rush

    If you have time though I would recommend making either Quesadillas, or Tortilla egg wraps
    Easiest to cook is scrambled eggs,
    - I would add some chopped ham and a vegetable of your liking,
    - ideally for me spinach is an addition, but I think something like diced onion would be much quicker.
    - if you are able to acquire corn tortillas, you would just warm them up and stuff the scrambled eggsw/the ingredients of your choice inside the tortilla, it's basically a breakfast wrap :)

    For corn tortilla quesadillas its also quite quick
    -Key ingridients are corn tortillas filled with your preference of cheese, I usually make mine with ghouda cheese
    -If you have more time, you can add certain ingredients you prefer, I.E Leftovers (Such as meats) Ham, veggies, I tend to top them with cilantro as well.
    -It's very diverse and very simple because you can make them however you like :)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    2 links turkey sausage (Shady Brook) on a toasted multi grain English Muffin. Cupcake omelets-make ahead and freeze. Cheerios with skim milk. Yogurt with sliced almonds and fresh fruit. Scrambled eggs with WW toast. One of my favs toasted Multigrain Eng muffin with PB and 1/2 banana.
  • TrickyDisco
    TrickyDisco Posts: 2,869 Member
    Overnight oats with a topping of your choice - one serving of oatmeal 40g in a breakfast bowl, add 100ml of milk or non-dairy substitute, stir and cover with cling-film. Leave in the fridge overnight, give it a stir in the morning and add whatever you like - nuts, seeds, fruit etc - or eat it plain.
  • Funnylittlenut
    Funnylittlenut Posts: 72 Member
    Cottage cheese and berries (warmed from frozen) on toast.
    Same as above, except instead of toast top with granola or nuts.

    Cottage cheese topped with sauted vegetables of choice and chopped nuts, or on toast.

    Blend up 3/4 - 1 cup grapes or berries with one egg. Pour into a bowl and top with about 2tbsp chopped nuts or granola.
  • chocochip13
    chocochip13 Posts: 15 Member
    Lately my 2 breakfast I alternate...

    Pomegranate arils, plain Greek yogurt, some chopped almonds... Mix...delicious and very filling

    Toast with avocado, and egg white veggie omelet with some onion salt..
  • Overnight rolled oats with milk and seed (chia or flax). Simple yet elegant o:)
    You may go with fruits!
  • theknoxie
    theknoxie Posts: 19 Member
    A piece of wheat toast, sunny side up egg, turkey bacon and avocado and saracha . I live for savory breakfasts ;)
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I make crustless quiche and eat it all week. I don't usually have much time to make my own while getting the family out the door, so I just warm up a slice.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    I make a large batch of quinoa with just water. In the mornings, I use 1/2 cup of the cooked quinoa, a scoop of vegan vanilla protein powder, and 1/2 cup of berries (blueberries, raspberries, etc.) with 1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk. Stir it together and pop it in the microwave until it's heated through. It works out to a huge bowl of food, which really fills me up and keeps me full all morning. It's less than 250 calories, and has 15 g of protein. The batch of quinoa can then be jazzed up or used in other recipes for lunches and dinner, as well.
  • nikhilgohil1988
    nikhilgohil1988 Posts: 9 Member
    Protein pancakes are my favourite atm. It's quick and easy with a blender.
    Oats, protein powder of choice blended together, add a whole egg or two (or two cups of egg whites depending of goals)
    A full banana. Blended up till thick consistency.
    I usually get about 6 pancakes. Whxj I split during day and have with low fat Greek yogurt and steawberrys.
    Or if I am on a heavy day on the side I have some scrambled egg and 2 turkey bacon rashers.
    Try it guys!
  • Cynthiamr2015
    Cynthiamr2015 Posts: 161 Member
    Old-fashioned oat, Omelet (you can put anything in them), Ensure (only 1 a day) when I do not have time to fix something on a very busy day. Gluten free pancakes, French toast, Eggs-boiled, Peanut butter on toast. :)
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    I'm lazy and realize I need to make breakfast when the 2 minute mark is hit between walking out the door and where I am right then.

    I love sugar free carnation instant breakfast. I put it in a plastic cup, nonfat milk, and a few squirts of liquid coffee. Sounds weird and isn't what most people would consider a good breakfast but it has a good amount of protein, caffeine, and life. It's my favorite go-to when I'm late.

    I sometimes buy English muffins. Spray a coffee cup with pam, crack an egg and mix it, microwave. Toast the muffin, put a piece of turkey on it, blue cheese, mustard, flop the egg onto it and viola, 2 minute egg muffin.

    If I have no muffins I will do the same as above only put the egg in a breakfast bowl so it comes out bigger and put it on two pieces of toast.

    I like to have oatmeal when it's around. Add protein for double the power!

  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    edited November 2015
    Steak with eggs was today's breakfast. Pulled an eye of round cut and put it in the fridge to defrost yesterday morning.

    This morning threw a skillet on the burner with a skim of butter and cranked on the heat. Grabbed the meat and eggs out of the fridge. Weighed the steak and cooked it with the eggs. 10 minutes.

    Would have been quicker, but the electric stovetop is a finicky P.o.S. Tomorrow I'm going for maximum burn on the darned, f'ing hunk of junk.

    Did make a fruit and protein smoothie in the blender between flipping my food. Breakfast and mid-morning snack/smoothie prepped at the same time.
  • dianaiku
    dianaiku Posts: 96 Member
    I eat a smoothie with frozen berries, brown rice protein powder, chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, and some lettuce. Pour it all into a bowl and add 1/2 c. quaker oats. It's tasty and so different from having plain oats with water every morning.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    edited November 2015
    Cottage cheese and berries (warmed from frozen) on toast.

    I am very open minded about food but that sounds disgusting.