Ideas to raise money for my future skin removal surgery

I'm a young woman who has lost a little over 200 pounds. I'm happy to say I've kept it off for over a year.

The frustrating and sad part is that I don't have the financial means to cover the cost of skin removal surgery. I have a significant amount of loose skin on my stomach that extends to my back, and my thighs. I was even more discouraged when I found out my insurance will not help at all with anything, despite rashes and discomfort.

I'm not one to ask for help, especially help with money, but I feel as if I have no other choice if I want to get this done. I'm not sure where to start or how to go about doing this.

Any ideas are appreciated.


  • Bronty3
    Bronty3 Posts: 104 Member
    You can always start a GoFundMe Campaign or another campaign on a different website that does it. Random people can see your story and your progress and donate money. Then spread the word about it. It can't hurt to start one because you won't lose any money doing it. Every little bit can help. Include pictures because it helps people actually see the progress you've made and what an issue excess skin can be, besides not being aesthetically pleasing, it can be very uncomfortable.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited November 2015
    Is there any opportunity to make an appeal? Did your doctor certify ongoing medical issues arising from the significant excess skin for the insurance? Perhaps if you were to keep diary (and have it verified) for rashes, infections, other difficulties experiences...take photos when rashes and infections are at their worse.

    ps congratulations on your weight loss by the way
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I ended up prioritizing what needed done--I just couldn't afford everything. My arms are still floppy. My girls are large & I have this fold of tissue from the side of my breasts to my back--like my boobs are swallowing my upper body. My neck is looser than I would like---just thousands more that I could spend if I had it. In the end, I decided that my tummy was the worst & I was able to get enough credit to cover it. I will spend years paying it back & I know that I will end up paying a ton in interest. I just don't care. My tummy tuck was the best thing ever. It has improved my self confidence a thousand times over. Look into Care Credit. Their terms are horrible, but they seem to be pretty flexible on income & credit rating.

    That being said, don't look for the cheapest surgeon. Look for one who will do the best job at what you need.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited November 2015
    Second job, start a savings account specifically to fund this? Take on a roommate, etc any other options to cut your expenses drastically, especially if you do not have responsibility for children. Could even (temporarily?) move to a location with lower cost of living, if you can find employment
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Start a savings account and put money away for it.
  • Jul_334
    Jul_334 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much for your help. This is quite frustrating to go through.

    I currently have a separate savings account for this.

    I will definitely look into financing down the road.

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I agree with the above. If you are not completely indigent I find all the 'middle class' self fundraising sort of self indulgent. I regularly get links to fund family & friends that way and it starts to get murky.
    Better to get an extra side job or rent a room, etc & dedicate that small income stream to your procedure. And it's certainly okay to tell parents, grandparents, etc that in lieu of a gift you would love to receive a contribution to that account.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I don't know where you could possibly go with this, but maybe someone else does. What about some weight or health related sponsorship? Surely there must be some companies that would be impressed with someone who lost so much weight. Could be a factor as well if you were to get a second job.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    I agree with the above. If you are not completely indigent I find all the 'middle class' self fundraising sort of self indulgent. I regularly get links to fund family & friends that way and it starts to get murky.
    Better to get an extra side job or rent a room, etc & dedicate that small income stream to your procedure. And it's certainly okay to tell parents, grandparents, etc that in lieu of a gift you would love to receive a contribution to that account.

    I'm feeling this more and more. So many of the "gofundmes" have better means than I do. A friend recently had a devastating medical situation and someone ELSE started a drive to raise funds. Without asking the family if they even needed it. My friend, when she got better, was mortified that people might think she was involved.

    And yes, asking family to donate instead of gifts is a great idea.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    If you have a savings account started already, as you accumulate money in it, check with your bank regarding investment accounts. Often there are 6-month accounts or other short term accounts that give you quite good returns on your money, rather than just sitting in a savings account. You'll have to be patient and wait until you can afford the surgery.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    Is it possible to change insurance companies?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    There are board certified surgeons in Mexico who do excellent work at a lower price. Many of my Canadian group have used them.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    There are board certified surgeons in Mexico who do excellent work at a lower price. Many of my Canadian group have used them.

    Please, please be careful when thinking about this route. Do a lot of research and verify that you are seeing a board certified surgeon who is trained and works in a facility which is recommended by an organization within the US.
    I helped treat a woman who wanted bariatric surgery, and when she was told she didn't qualify for it, she went to Mexico to have it done. The day she was discharged from the Mexican hospital, she had a temperature of 104. She was told that was 'part of the natural healing process'. By the time she was brought to our hospital, she was septic (a system-wide blood infection). She had a large abscess in her abdomen that required additional surgery. Because of the sepsis, her body started to shut down and her lungs went into ARDS (a condition where the lungs get so stiff it's very difficult to ventilate the patient-she couldn't breathe on her own at all). She was on the ventilator for three weeks and came very close to death.

    Please be careful when considering surgery outside of the country.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Try getting a second job.
  • Remilia_Scarlet
    Remilia_Scarlet Posts: 55 Member
    I've heard of people who receive discounts on the surgery if they arrange it through a burn treatment center with the intent to donate. Maybe look into that?
  • Jul_334
    Jul_334 Posts: 7 Member
    I just wanted to update and say that I'm sorry if it came out the wrong way in regards to raising money and asking for donations. It's something I'm not 100% comfortable with, but thought it was a good starting point.

    I was thinking of it as just a close family and friends type of deal. I wasn't going to announce it on FaceBook or anything like that. I was just going to ask close family members and friends, and maybe even bring up the idea to the church my family and I attend.

    I am open to all kinds of ideas. The only reason I'm not working a second job at this particular time is because my current work schedule is random and hectic, and will be that way until Feb 2016. After this I'm planning to look into getting a second job on the weekends :)

    I have done some research on other insurance companies, and honestly most of them are alike in regards to plastic surgery.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'd be wildly uncomfortable asking people to fund me, and would be wildly uncomfortable being asked to fund someone else.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Jul_334 wrote: »
    I just wanted to update and say that I'm sorry if it came out the wrong way in regards to raising money and asking for donations. It's something I'm not 100% comfortable with, but thought it was a good starting point.

    I was thinking of it as just a close family and friends type of deal. I wasn't going to announce it on FaceBook or anything like that. I was just going to ask close family members and friends, and maybe even bring up the idea to the church my family and I attend.

    I am open to all kinds of ideas. The only reason I'm not working a second job at this particular time is because my current work schedule is random and hectic, and will be that way until Feb 2016. After this I'm planning to look into getting a second job on the weekends :)

    I have done some research on other insurance companies, and honestly most of them are alike in regards to plastic surgery.

    Honestly, I certainly don't think the church is the right way to go. Church donations are supposed to go for things like feeding the poor and sheltering the homeless, according to the tenets of most religions. I don't know how such a request would be received.