
Working on coping skills and just want to throw it out there. How do you deal with stress??? I was a stress eater. I also used to go for very long runs. Now I am not able to do either. But looking for a new way to relieve the constant pressure. I have tried meditation I just can't turn it off. Yoga. I just suck. Is there anything I'm missing.


  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Baths, good books, the company of close friends, stretching, focusing on slow deep breathing... I also give myself ten minutes to focus on my stresses and examine what I'm worried about, then if I can't fix it now I 'put it away' and divert my attention somewhere else. That does take practice though.

    Exercise is a big stress reliever for me, especially running, but you've said that's out. Swimming? I find the coolness and quietness of my local pool quite calming sometimes.
  • rtoode2
    rtoode2 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow there are some bitter Bettys here huh?

    For me, whenever I'm stressed I take a walk, now if you can't walk around (you said you can't run, but I wasn't sure why), you can always take your mind off of the stress with crossword puzzles, or some sort of brain activity. Hell even just coloring is enough to temporarily take the stress off.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    Maybe it's people like you. Oh no that's not nice. Actually it's a work thing. Sorry not really that much fun for you I'm sure you would rather it be all of the above.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    Baths, good books, the company of close friends, stretching, focusing on slow deep breathing... I also give myself ten minutes to focus on my stresses and examine what I'm worried about, then if I can't fix it now I 'put it away' and divert my attention somewhere else. That does take practice though.

    Exercise is a big stress reliever for me, especially running, but you've said that's out. Swimming? I find the coolness and quietness of my local pool quite calming sometimes.

    I both ran and swam in college unfortunately bad shoulder bad knee it's hit or miss. Started running again and it's ok it does work as far as the stress issue but I not sure how long it will last.
    I will keep running just looking I guess for new ideas.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    Forget it. Not worth it.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    If you have a bad knee and can't run anymore, check out the elliptical. It's no-impact and still gives you the option of cardio to burn off some stress. Make sure that you are eating back your exercise calories, though.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm in a very stressful situation right now and I'm going to talk to my doctor about anxiety medication. It's just too much for me right now. Running helps but I can't always go for a run. Have you tried journaling? Today I bought an adult coloring book (complicated designs not nekkid people) at Barnes and nobles that has positive quotes on each page and I'm going that might help refocus my mind when my thoughts start looping. I used to do yoga and mindfulness based meditation but it's hard for me to be consistent when I'm already in a funk and haven't been doing it so I hear you on that. Have you tried cycling? It is easier on the knees than running but still might be hit or miss I guess. What about a Zumba or my gym has a hip hop class that can be fun too and just take your mind off things because it's a little silly. Do you have any animals? My friend let my borrow her dog while she was at work and I wasn't so I didn't have to be alone? Animals can be very therapeutic maybe walk dogs or be a kitten petter for the local shelter? Pottery class and use your hands to create something? (Just throwing out ideas for you and also admittedly for myself at this point).
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Have you tried a guided meditation?
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...

    Did u really just throw out the sex tandem or single. That's stress relief I can't stop laughing.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...

    Did u really just throw out the sex tandem or single. That's stress relief I can't stop laughing.

    Haha yes, I missed humour, that one should have been an obvious one :D And yes, I did suggest that. Sometimes single is easier, no pay back lmao...
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...

    Did u really just throw out the sex tandem or single. That's stress relief I can't stop laughing.

    Haha yes, I missed humour, that one should have been an obvious one :D And yes, I did suggest that. Sometimes single is easier, no pay back lmao...

    Love it.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    I'm in a very stressful situation right now and I'm going to talk to my doctor about anxiety medication. It's just too much for me right now. Running helps but I can't always go for a run. Have you tried journaling? Today I bought an adult coloring book (complicated designs not nekkid people) at Barnes and nobles that has positive quotes on each page and I'm going that might help refocus my mind when my thoughts start looping. I used to do yoga and mindfulness based meditation but it's hard for me to be consistent when I'm already in a funk and haven't been doing it so I hear you on that. Have you tried cycling? It is easier on the knees than running but still might be hit or miss I guess. What about a Zumba or my gym has a hip hop class that can be fun too and just take your mind off things because it's a little silly. Do you have any animals? My friend let my borrow her dog while she was at work and I wasn't so I didn't have to be alone? Animals can be very therapeutic maybe walk dogs or be a kitten petter for the local shelter? Pottery class and use your hands to create something? (Just throwing out ideas for you and also admittedly for myself at this point).

    I keep seeing those coloring books, they're so pretty! Saw one the other day for Game of Thrones, haha!

    As others have mentioned, I like walking, reading, dancing, bubble bath. Self mani/pedi and/or facial. Even cooking something that will take a really long time has helped me to de-stress. Knitting—even though I'm terrible at it, it's so relaxing. Oh! And scrap-booking, which is really pretty fun. If I'm super stressed out for some reason, I might do a late-night Netflix binge, but I have to be careful with that, or else my sleep schedule will be all messed up, which isn't helpful for stress at all.
  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    When I'm super stressed or worried about something I cannot do anything about, I will bury myself in a book. At least then my mind is occupied and I get to live in someone else's world for awhile.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...

    Did u really just throw out the sex tandem or single. That's stress relief I can't stop laughing.

    Haha yes, I missed humour, that one should have been an obvious one :D And yes, I did suggest that. Sometimes single is easier, no pay back lmao...

    Love it.

    Sex is a great stress reliever, yes, single or in tandem. Although in tandem is a better stress reliever as intimacy is also a stress reliever.

    so are hugs longer than 3 seconds, you know....
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I'd recommend a kind of lifestyle change where you put your needs higher on your priority list. Yoga for 10 minutes isn't going to help as much as cultivating a lifestyle where you have people supporting you in the ways you've told them to help you. Having the kids help around the house. The husband helping with shuttling the kids. ... All of those little things will add up. If you add on top of that, the hot baths and laying off the booze, and you could see your life change.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...
    Sorry couldn't see anything else. Now THIS is what I'm talking about!
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Stress relievers: A good workout, is there something you can do besides running, like exercise bike, swim, etc? Sex (tandem or single lol)... Volunteering... Bake goodies for local seniors...

    Did u really just throw out the sex tandem or single. That's stress relief I can't stop laughing.

    Haha yes, I missed humour, that one should have been an obvious one :D And yes, I did suggest that. Sometimes single is easier, no pay back lmao...

    Love it.

    Sex is a great stress reliever, yes, single or in tandem. Although in tandem is a better stress reliever as intimacy is also a stress reliever.

    so are hugs longer than 3 seconds, you know....

    I'm all for sex. Think that is the best idea yet.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Working on coping skills and just want to throw it out there. How do you deal with stress??? I was a stress eater. I also used to go for very long runs. Now I am not able to do either. But looking for a new way to relieve the constant pressure. I have tried meditation I just can't turn it off. Yoga. I just suck. Is there anything I'm missing.

    Was the food an oral fixation kind of thing? If so, you could just put other things in your mouth for the sensation.

    Like gum.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    I'd recommend a kind of lifestyle change where you put your needs higher on your priority list. Yoga for 10 minutes isn't going to help as much as cultivating a lifestyle where you have people supporting you in the ways you've told them to help you. Having the kids help around the house. The husband helping with shuttling the kids. ... All of those little things will add up. If you add on top of that, the hot baths and laying off the booze, and you could see your life change.

    But it's getting those people to do anything that causes the added stress.

    I still vote for sex.